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Melee weapons ending turn early
7M will probably become the default momentum for everyone in a few future updates. No need to prolong this discussion.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
That doesn't fix the bug until then.
I just encountered this, myself.

6M at turn start.

3M to move and 3M to attack, right?

Nope. 3M to move and auto-end turn - wait what!?

So I either walk into range to get hit before I can fight back... or I sit back and wait to get hit so I can fight back.

Good thing tactician fixes it.
*loud burp*
This is still an issue.

Despite tactician fixing this, it’s not ‘fixed’.

This is still a bug, newer players will not know about tactician - and the trait rework has not come around. Could this perhaps get some looking-in-to?

It also seems to happen with mercenaries on occasion, youkai included. I'm not entirely sure the cause - just that it happens - so is there anyone that might be able to fill in?

EDIT: Oh hi Ranylyn we posted at the same time.
I think it has something to do with the hotbar defaulting the basic attack key to special attack, if you do not have sub attack or your sub attack costs 4m instead of 3m, it will read it as if you dont have any more skills to use, auto ending your turn, a good way to correct it for now is equipping a 3m skill like repel or fir.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I can't actually reproduce this just making a fresh character and trying to fight.
"Neus"' Wrote:I can't actually reproduce this just making a fresh character and trying to fight.

Its another one of those problems that just happens randomly on the reboot, it happens less frequently lately, currently the only way to work around it is to always have a skill that costs at least 1-3m equipped.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
which is why since its such an easy thing to fix by just having a skill equipped I truly question the stubborness of a new player to refuse this advice.
I'd still like to fix it if possible but short of having a save file where it always occurs even through reboots or a little more information so I can reproduce it locally, it's hard to find the cause.
Races with skills will never suffer it,so to reproduce it you literally need to be a human (or similar no skill race) a single weapon in your main hand, no weapon skills, no skills, no spells, only passives.

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