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Form up! Hold your ground!
Tactician is a pretty neat class, actually. It's one of my favorite, in fact - but presently, with the addition of the spells it was given, it seems to have picked up the role of 'steal my spells for your comboes' for spellthief. That's not to say it doesn't see use outside of Spellthief - in fact, it's probably the most dedicated support class that I've seen, having more than just healing.

That said, one of it's potential shining stars, the Formations, see very little use, for a number of reasons. The primary two are thus:

1. It lacks mobility, and constricts you to a location for benefits. Movement in this game is important; shutting that down isn't very tactical, regardless of the benefit.
2. The formations are generally weak. We can get into the numbers another time; but presently, Volley Formation is the only formation that sees any regular use since it makes up for the lack of mobility by giving range.

These considered, I'd like to suggest two passives that may help remedy this.

Form Up! [2 points]
'Formations are not very useful if you can't do anything with them. The Tactician may need to reposition, and it's not easy to hold formation under fire. So do it mobily. While this is toggled on, the Tactician's formations have an additional effect: Allies who are standing on a formation tile on it get a 'Form Up' skill that costs zero momentum, but locks them to the formation. If the Tactician is in the formation and locked in, every time the tactician moves, the formation and everyone in it follows relative to the tactician for no movement cost.'

In other words, if three people are locked in an Attack formation, and the tactician moves up three spaces, right two, and then up one, the formation would move the same, as well as the other two that are in it. Combined with On My Mark, this would be a force to be reckoned with, and pretty neat, to boot, giving Formation's some love and much needed mobility. With 'Form Up!' if you moved off the tiles, you would obviously unlock, and no longer be anchored with the formation - just as well, the Tactician would also unlock if they moved by any means other than movement. Form Up might also want to passively remove teleport effects while active. Knockback would also kill your lock - and it's something the second passive will address.

Stand your ground! [2 points]
'Formations aren't of much use if you can't actually stay in them. This skill passively causes allies standing on Formation tiles to be unaffected by knockback from hostile sources.'

This is a much simpler skill, and makes it so Formations are a good thing you have if you're up against, say, a cinder mage.
Both of these are two point passives; one to get it, one to free it up. Obviously, Dev can change this as fit.

Regardless, this is what I'd like to suggest to kick Tactician's Formation's into gear, and hopefully see them more use. The numbers of the Formations themselves is something for another threat; for now, these two passives I'm suggesting I''m hoping will be a good starting point to get some of the less mobile formations some use.

Unfortunately it has some logistics issues, namely that just because the Tactician can move, it doesn't mean the rest of the people in formations have a valid path to the next location they would be at. Not to say it's a bad idea, or anything.
oh gosh I just got here and Dev already noticed me what-

Uhm, that aside, would it be possible to invalidate the pathing were one of those in the formation to end up in such a location? Treating the area they tried to move to as solid or so, and forcing them to take a step away instead, to deal with that particular issue?
This is a beautiful idea. I wish you luck in it happening.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
"Neus" Wrote:Unfortunately it has some logistics issues, namely that just because the Tactician can move, it doesn't mean the rest of the people in formations have a valid path to the next location they would be at. Not to say it's a bad idea, or anything.

Seems like a good place to tie in to the tactical part, Tactician can choose movement as normal with allies matching his every step and if he moves poorly (over ice tiles, allies hitting obstacles) the formation gets broken as a result, and might even block his own movement.

Just have them match him step for step and ignore invalid movements? Granted, checking validity when allies are moving into the tiles eachother occupied a moment ago could be a little tricky, but it's a very neat idea.

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