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Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017
1. Although it is not represented mechanically, is it possible to utilize Grand Summoner's Soul Chain to a willing recipient, and provided willingness on behalf of the involved parties, would they be able to recieve benefits from that Youkai (evoke passive, evoke active, install ability)?
1b. If so, which of the parties (the summoner, youkai, and recipient) would need to be a willing member to have such an exchange occur? The Summoner and Youkai alone, or all three, or a particular combination thereof? If not, is there any such method to make a similar interaction possible?

2. What, exactly, are the foxfires surrounding a redtail, and how do they come about when their numbers switch?
2a. What makes these foxfires seemingly appear during combat, specifically? Or hostile situations? In other words, what is the criteria for them suddenly deciding to pop up at all?
2b. Are they tangible in any manner, or illusory?
2c. Is there any similarity between them and Seeker Flames that come from Firefoxes?

3. Youkai disappear to Summoner Doors when desummoned, yes? Is it possible for them to claim a specific spot in said summoner door, such as a little nest that they claim as their own, and return to specifically when desummoned?

4. Are Youkai capable of summoning themselves near their summoner, given sufficient reason to do so?
Dev PLS. October.

[Image: 96e961f4e2fe43bb8fe89a64a868a1a3.png]

8- Do Doriads have reproductive organs? I want to clarify this, the wiki is sort-of vague.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
When it comes down to the Majistran Mages teleporting people to their homes, is this something that can be justified in-character? If so, how does it work ICLY? Or is it simply a donation mechanic OOCly? Would be great if it was somehow in-character, though.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
"Fern" Wrote:[Image: f07d551491.png]

1. I don't know if this has been asked before, but is there any significant, public information/rumors about BLACK.BLOOD? Or is this the kind of thing absolutely no one would know about?

EDIT: 2. Also, are there any 'special' methods of summoning Youkai? I mean stuff like the card-crushing from Persona 4 and what not, since summoners seem to be based off Shin Megami Tensei.

1) Not much is known about them and the Asago Corporation seem to be aware of it, but unable to answer many questions. Some theorize it's someone with unauthorized access to laplacenet.
2) Summoning youkai require a contract and a medium, which is typically the body of the summoner. It's quite possible that there would be alternate summoning methods, although nothing like card crushing.

"Ardratz" Wrote:1Big Grinid any other races save for Humans, Elves and Vampires exist before the Enlightenment, like Wyvern-Touched or Reapers for example?

2: Did Sigrogana have any gods that were 'natural' to itself or did all Gods come from the Void?

3: If yes to 2 then what Gods were natural to the land itself?

1) Most likely, although history wasn't very well documented back then so it's unclear.
2/3) The elemental gods have been said to be natural to Sigrogana, along with a few others, but the majority came from the Void.

"Raigen.Convict" Wrote:To clarify my last question on spatials, is there a reason behind the name 'spatial'? For example calling them spatial because they're from space?

Does the name have a traceable origin?

When activating a spatial core where does the boss come from, the shadows?

1) They are called spatials because they were the first type of creature found in BDPs, which is a spatial environment.
2) The boss spawns as a way for the core to defend itself.

"Ryuzaki" Wrote:Are there any potions that could be classed as being addictive? Such as Crash or Muscle Enhancers and if so, what would their withdrawal symptoms be like?

I'm sure this question has been answered in an older topic, so try searching.

"Blissey" Wrote:More on the subject of Mercalan healing tenets!

Are Mercalan healers allowed to heal chronic injuries, such as broken legs, arms, etc. given enough reason? Examples could be: that person has to support their family, etc. etc. Would this be on the basis on how the injury was acquired? Would it be counted as an emergency if it was acquired on accident?

Edit: What about healing congenital birth defects (such as blindness. Like, regular blindness, not future vision oracle blindness)? Would it even be possible? If so, would it be frowned upon by the Church since it's a defect that perhaps was caused by """"the grand design"""""?

Edit 2: Can Mercana clear/heal/disappear scarring? If so, how much?

I don't think I'll ever stop asking about Mercalan lore. . . .

1) It probably depends on the nature of the injury. Keep in mind that the tenets are all about making people not be reckless or violent. An accident could be acceptable depending on the circumstances.
2) I don't think something like a birth defect would fall under the scope of things that could be healed, since healing is primarily making things the way they were, not what is 'normal'.
3) Yes, scarring would be healable depending on the severity and how long the scar has been acquired for.

"MakeshiftWalrus" Wrote:Zeran questions!

-Are there any bones from Zera's corpse unaccounted for?
-If yes to the above, how hard would it be for a player to obtain a piece?
-How does Alstalsia typically treat growing houses, striving to rise to relevance within the society?

-Does any religious institution exist for Zera, akin to the Mercalan church and if so, how is it structured?
-It's been mentioned before that Zera was capable of Void magic to an extent. Does this make the practice more or less accepted in the Zeran society?

1) Probably. Zera had a lot of bones.
2) They would be exceptionally rare so it likely depends on the size.
3) Depends on their affiliation. Allied smaller houses would probably be treated as underlings for their army/etc, with the smaller house trying to earn influence with the larger houses.
4) Zeran society is pretty much the result of a 'religious institution' for Zera so just take a look at that.
5) No, not really.

"Snake" Wrote:GDI Dev. Kono powah!

Question about smell:
1- Nightflower is a smell that leaves you speechless... So, is it a good smell that enchants people, or a terrible one enough to shush someone?

Wiki Questions about breeding:
2- Can a children of a Wyverntouched and another race, result in Wyverntouched? Or is the only way to concede a Wyverntouched is by getting laid with a disguised Wyvern?

3- Can Reapers reproduce with other races, or just within themselves to conserve their Reaper bloodline?

Zombie apocalypse question:
4- What happens when a wild beast consumes a Vampire's body part? In general, are torn limbs instantly misted, then?

La pergunta sobre idioma, señor Dev!
5- Would the real life Spanish/Portuguese be, in Sigrogana, the Dormehan or pretty much a sailor/pirate/tradeband language? If not, where would Spanish/Portuguese belong to, which country?

And they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming--
6- Is Vanity Mirror IC or OOC? You know, the one that allows a person to change their appearances. I like the idea of having 'a rare mirror that shows and pulls outwards the true form of one's soul', personally.

7- A Lich's known to have a vague contact with the Akashic Record, right? Would a very diligent Lich, who's only gone through the ritual for the sake of having more knowledge and unlimited time to devote in studies, know about arcane arts or hexes that mankind has yet to remember/discover, with the help of the Akashic Record?

1) However you find the smell, it'll probably make you choke.
2) No, a Wyverntouched is only created by a wyvern and a non-wyvern.
3) Yes.
4) Missing limbs don't mist instantly unless the vampire dies, but they will begin to mist slowly.
5) I don't have a direct Spainish equal in the world currently but Dormeho might fit.
6) Vanity Mirror is intended for OOC but as long as you don't get ridiculous it can be IC.
7) Possibly, though the Akashic Record isn't anything you can consciously tap into as a lich. You may get flashes of memories or inspiration, however.

"Sarinpa1" Wrote:Since I didn't locate the answer anywhere, here goes.

BDPs are a worldwide thing, or are some areas completely devoid of these? If so, why?

BDPs can occur almost anywhere, yes.

"Nunali" Wrote:
  1. I read in a previous Lore Question thread that one can become an Oracle later in life, does that mean that Oracles don't have the ability to see the future from birth?
  2. If Oracles 'unlock' their power, does the age vary amongst individuals?
  3. Does a human have to have Oracle heritage to become an Oracle later in life?

I hope that I worded this properly for you to answer, if I need to revise or reword anything please let me know!

1) Most do.
2) It wouldn't 'unlock', it would be something that occurs because of something related to Iahsus.
3) No. Corrupted races aren't really a 'heritage', they're more like an affliction.

"Raigen.Convict" Wrote:1 What is the life Expectancy of a mechanation who does not feel human?
2 what kind of signs are there of a scar decaying rapidly due to this?
3 What was the life expectancy of a Mechanation whom DOES feel truely human?
4 Is there a way to repair a decaying scar?

1) As long as they're maintained properly, probably a few dozen years.
2) Loss of memory and motor functions.
3) If properly maintained, potentially indefinitely.
4) Not that has been discovered.

"Sarah54321" Wrote:Do Papillions have five color cones instead of only three like humans?


"Lonestar" Wrote:1. Do technology tools such as Megaphones exist?
2. Do Nagas shed her skin like a real snake?

1) No.
2) Yes.

"Spoops" Wrote:Is there anything stopping someone from creating the environment to grow Redweed? The plant that is a focus supplement to vampires.

Provided they have the seeds, if there are any, would a doriad perhaps have more success with this sort of thing?

You most likely wouldn't be able to replicate the environment to grow Redweed outside of Egwyn.

"Chaos" Wrote:
"MakeshiftWalrus" Wrote:This is located in south-west Sigrogana. What exactly is this?
Call me Captain Obvious, but I believe that's a swamp-like area. Which is [DATA EXPUNGED]

On a more serious note:

1. Aside from those noted in Alstalsia's nobility, what is the current state of piracy in the world of Sigrogana?
1a. Additionally, are there any other well-known/dangerous pirates?

2. Tarson states that the Badlands Arena was once in/near Cellsvich, but had to move due to complaints of the nobility. Was this a few specific houses? A majority/all of the houses? Or is this an exaggeration?
2a. If it was a few specific houses, which ones were against it?
2b. If it was a few specific houses, were any of them for it?

3. We all know that ASAGO's everywhere as the one and only worldwide bank, and they manage housing and (supposedly) packages for engineers. But does the ASAGO Corporation host any events or parties, or do they withhold from hosting any sort of event altogether?

4. Are there limits as to where ASAGO places/builds/summons/etc. their Banks?

5. Regarding Oniga, how 'well-off', economically, is the average citizen?
5a. In comparison to that, how 'well-off' are most of the noble houses/royal family?

6. It's been stated before that adventuring is one of, if not the highest grossing job compared to practically everything else in the world. Does this suggest that the much more successful adventurers are more affluent than (some of) the noble houses around the world? Or do the noble houses have a few successful adventurers of their own?

1Q) The swamp area is just a swamp. Or is it?

1) Piracy is a problem in general for merchants.
1a) None that I would detail here at the current time.

2) An exaggeration. A more realistic answer would be that arenas attract violent people and the Empire wanted them outside of the capital walls.

3) They typically only show the business facet of their company. It doesn't help that there aren't many known employees.

4) Probably not, but they respect the wishes of the owners of the land they are placed on.

5) Generally Onigan citizens are on the poorer side because there aren't many opportunities to make money, although some may have a family member supporting them through mercenary endeavors and be well off that way. This doesn't apply to most noble houses, however.
5a) Comparable to most of the other countries, with a few like the Yut being poorer than the average noble family, and the Cyre are richer.

6) It depends. Adventuring has a very high risk, but a potentially high reward, and there's a lot of demand for things only adventurers get their hands on. However, noble families also hold powerful influence and trade deals, among other things. It's very unlikely that any avdventurer would have comparable wealth.

"Skullcatrons" Wrote:1. Dormeho. Spit it out! Tell us everything that you know about the history of this port town! It's for [strike]greater good[/strike] the wikipedia!
2. Tannis too! Tell us everything about Tannis!
3. Oh, one more thing. What's good about Lispool, aside from being the center focus of Mercalan faith!
These are totally for the [strike]greater good[/strike] wikipedia!

EDIT: 4. What is general height distributions for all races, except vampires, liches, and humans?

1/2/3 are too general. If I want to fill out the wikia profile for those areas, I can always do that.

4) Relatively average across the board, with some exceptions. Doriad are shorter than average usually, while Wyverntouched and Hyattrs are usually on the taller side.

"GSM" Wrote:1. Why can't Corrupted become Vampires, exactly?

2. Can we get a concrete explanation on how vampires feeding work? There have been a lot of mixed answers.

3. Apertaurus' racial lore mentions that they are similar to minotaurs, and that they may have adapted their usage of axes as well as their 'possible excellent navigation of labyrinths'. So, does this mean minotaurs exist, as well as other labyrinths?

4. If you speak to Kartigan about the Grimoire, he'll say something along the lines of getting the book seen by an elder Reaper in Lazarus because it contained "blood rituals and demons". So does this mean demons are an actual type of entity, and Reapers (even if elderly) have knowledge of them?

5. If yes to 4, can you elaborate on what demons exactly are in SL2 terms?

6. How powerful would Silvermists be in regenerating a wound in a Vampire, and what is its limits?

7. Hyattr lore mentions that Hyatt was a red dragon and spewed flames, and Ryart transformed into a golden dragon on-par with Zera. So, are there only red dragons and nigh-divine golden dragons, or are there more types of dragons?

8. Do Reapers have a patron deity, or any sort of god that they follow?

9. Exactly how powerful is a Lich compared to an ordinary mage?

10. Can you detail Hyoya's territory further than an icy mining town?

EDIT: 11. Is there a point as to where a Phenex would die for good, and can you describe what happens to a Phenex when they die temporarily and die for good?

12. What is plural for Phenex?

13. Since a Phenex can basically cheat death, how exactly would Reapers view them?

14. What is the average lifespan for a Phenex? Would it be 1.5x a human's lifespan (like other Kaelensia) or is it something different?

Oh boy.

1) They're corrupted is why. It's just how that works.

2) You don't have to ask something specifically because I'm pretty sure it's been well explained.

3) Yes.

4) Possibly.

6) I'm pretty sure this has also been answered before.

7) There are various types of dragons that have been recorded.

8) Many speculate they do but the Reapers themselves don't seem to know or share details, even amongst themselves.

9) Much more powerful.

10) Not really.

11) From the Ashes isn't revival from the dead. It's basically rapid regeneration and removal of foreign objects through immolation.

12) Phenexian, Phenexi.

13) See above.

14) This is probably listed on the wikia.

"Kavoir" Wrote:What type of protective gear is common for the following:

Chataran Steam Engineers, Salamander Structure technicians(People who set it up in new areas or "wire" new devices in), Professional Karatynn Alchemists, and general high magic exposure mages? Thanks. I realize some of these might not even exist but I am curious.

1) Basic heat resistant materials.
2) For this you need a certain quest item that everyone has.
3) General alchemy gear, special garden facilities, etc.
4) Probably whatever robe is made of a material that protects you from the type of magic you're working with.

"Karikito" Wrote:I was wondering, is it possible for a Kalensian to be blind? do to either some kind of birth defect, disease, or severe injury?

Kaelensia are immune to all natural or disease based blindness. They will still go blind if their eye gets destroyed.

"Inconspicuous Kitty" Wrote:1. Although it is not represented mechanically, is it possible to utilize Grand Summoner's Soul Chain to a willing recipient, and provided willingness on behalf of the involved parties, would they be able to recieve benefits from that Youkai (evoke passive, evoke active, install ability)?
1b. If so, which of the parties (the summoner, youkai, and recipient) would need to be a willing member to have such an exchange occur? The Summoner and Youkai alone, or all three, or a particular combination thereof? If not, is there any such method to make a similar interaction possible?

2. What, exactly, are the foxfires surrounding a redtail, and how do they come about when their numbers switch?
2a. What makes these foxfires seemingly appear during combat, specifically? Or hostile situations? In other words, what is the criteria for them suddenly deciding to pop up at all?
2b. Are they tangible in any manner, or illusory?
2c. Is there any similarity between them and Seeker Flames that come from Firefoxes?

3. Youkai disappear to Summoner Doors when desummoned, yes? Is it possible for them to claim a specific spot in said summoner door, such as a little nest that they claim as their own, and return to specifically when desummoned?

4. Are Youkai capable of summoning themselves near their summoner, given sufficient reason to do so?

1) No, that isn't quite how it works.

2) That's pretty much explained in their racial abilities, I believe.

3) No, they reside inside of the summoner. If they have no contract, then they are in summon houses.

4) They have to be ordered to be summoned, doing so on their own isn't something that is really thought of happening.

"Snake" Wrote:
Dev PLS. October.

[Image: 96e961f4e2fe43bb8fe89a64a868a1a3.png]

8- Do Doriads have reproductive organs? I want to clarify this, the wiki is sort-of vague.

I feel like this has been answered before, but I'll say maybe a facsimile, not anything functional.

"Blissey" Wrote:When it comes down to the Majistran Mages teleporting people to their homes, is this something that can be justified in-character? If so, how does it work ICLY? Or is it simply a donation mechanic OOCly? Would be great if it was somehow in-character, though.

I think it could be justified ICly. There's not much reason to think too hard about it though, IMO, since it's a donation item.

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