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The ol' switcheroo
heLLO EVEry1 my name is sarinpa and welcome to another episode of "what we'd like to see in game, but will see in forum backlog instead" with me
myself and my insecurities

last time we were talkin' about them small en pee cee armies that could get recruited
but boy howdy, what if we actualy recruit playas

here's a scenario
you's fightin' them g-damn banditos from another gym that're trynna steal yo gurl and badges
there's three of 'em and ur havin like ten peoples
now havin' them fight four, four and two in succesion, now that's kinda lame and flow breakin', ainnit. especialy if two of your allies are down in the first round

introducin : tag! (more like "im gettin the giddy fuk outta here" )
ur about to go down, aw sheit, better get to that edge of map, flee and free up the spot for someone stronger to kick they ass!

pros : "i aint interested in the fight anymore but i aint wantin to spam end turn until the whole gruppen pvp is over with" - solved! ill just haul ass outta there
"i ditch my frend and i go escape while they die to ugly MAs" -solved!

cons : "people're gonna run even if the whole pvp is because i wanted them dead, not the other bystanders that butted in"
well, that's all up to rp etiquette
its not like anything is stopping people from fleeing in the first place anyway
"bwah people will run, go ooc heal up and then rejoin fight with full hp!"
better get a GM on speeddial if people actualy do dis shiz
[Image: XDo90hy.png]
welcome to the forums
suggestions and balance fu either include mindless +1s, or actual contributions as to how to improve or why to disaprove of suggestions

i might be missing something but that doesnt seem to match either of those
I'd love a flee battle move, especially if there is a need for a "swap out" maneuver. If done properly, people who get KO'd in a fight can be replaced with new folks incase of no healer, etc.
"Rendar" Wrote:I'd love a flee battle move, especially if there is a need for a "swap out" maneuver. If done properly, people who get KO'd in a fight can be replaced with new folks incase of no healer, etc.

Absolutely not, fights would never end and it would only encourage players pulling in other players, this would only see use in thwarting what little antagonistic roleplay opportunity there is, not even to mention how much abuse this could bring to the table with less than stellar individuals.

The currently agreed upon system is fine, where in if 1 group fails, another may attempt if no escape for said antag group is accessable or being used.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
If we do not hold people up to higher standards and have to keep them on a leash through system, that's a problem that lies elsewhere. Cutting off features because we do not exactly enforce roleplaying etiquette is poor show in my book.

Althrough it does seem to correspond with the general direction of the game.

On the other hand, if people want to be terrible and summon OOC backup, it'll just be a group that's waiting outside of the battle. Not much of a difference from summoning OOC help to jump into ongoing battle, is it.
This presents a lot of potential for people to call in their friends for swap-out.

I would perfer a battle that increased the party limit for each side, to be frank.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
While it does sound like a better option, it's not exactly the point of this.
Frequent are battles where I'm stuck simply pressing end turn and actualy having to pay attention so I don't delay everyone else just because character got an X reason to not engage anymore.
Same with turn-coats.

4v4s are already unnecesairly long if the sides are balanced somewhat, larger battles wouldn't help.
Perhaps there could be an alternative. I agree with Chaos on his part; to remedy the problem of having to press end-turn so much because you've lost interest, perhaps an alternative could be a new option under Preference: Fighting Interest, with the option to toggle it on or off. When on, you fight as normal. When off, your turn is automatically skipped. While this might encourage grinding, grinding is frankly already an essential to the game, and I do not see it having much impact besides saving a second or so of pressing end-turn.
This can be done with any auto-clicker already.

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