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Lead Zoom
Lead Storm's new, faster processing leaves it too little time before giving the user their turn back, notably when using a multi-round gun/firing on multiple targets.

So what ends up happening is if I, for example, fired a Quickdraw at 5 enemies, I could still be shooting and have my turn back, then move away while I'm still shooting.

Like Fleeing Spectres used to suffer from before at far range, I think just adding a few more seconds before giving the turn back might fix it.
That's an issue with Lead Storm. While it's cool to have it fast working, the problem lies when the game doesn't want to wait for the multi-hitting animation.

Is there any better ways to make it this fast, but not break the game, though? Like capping the shots of a handgun/rifle to 4?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Yes. Yes it is Kunai. Hence why I posted a bug report about Lead Storm. Even capping the shots, if it still returned your turn as quickly as it does, it'd still run into issues targeting more than a few enemies at a time.

I think Lead Storm should just be given more time before it gives the user its turn back, but this isn't a balance thread, this is a bug report because it ends so quickly I can get my turn back while I'm still shooting/Lead Storm is still processing.
How much more time do you think it should take?
I think another 2 or 3 seconds should suffice, but sometimes lag can drag the attack out longer. Though against a small number of targets with the fastest processing, that much time should cover it.

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