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Issuing Two Actions Simultaneously
I reported this over PMs about a year and a half ago, but seeing as it never got resolved and I'm now starting to see people do this, I figure I'll post this here. People are able to use abilities for free, with screwed up targeting, after moving, so long as they had the momentum to do so before moving.

The bug happens when you click an action (usually movement) on your screen with the mouse, and simultaneously press a hotkey to perform a skill you've bound to 1-9. The targeting for the movement and the skill will both appear, and you are able to click the path of movement desired while mashing 'z' to use the skill afterward.

This means you can move and use an ability for 3 momentum, completely ignore range restrictions, etc. In case I was unclear, here's a step-by-step to reproducing.

1. Have skills bound to 1-9 on the hotbar.
2. Click Move from the skill panel when in combat, press 1-9 to use an ability at the exact same time.
3. Use the keyboard to designate a target for your skills, then click the ending destination for your movement to start moving. Either when in transit or after completing the movement, hit 'z' to use the skill you chose earlier.

[Image: 9d1Q9Ia.gif]

[Image: LuDRAmm.gif]

[Image: qScxaJC.gif]

This works for anything that doesn't share the same targeting, meaning you can use skip and have an ability sitting ready to use, but cannot have two abilities cast at the same time. The bug is derived from the fact that clicking an action and using hotkeys to trigger one are not being treated as mutually exclusive.
Well. People certainly are using it now. Hopefully it's fixed soon.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
This forum post was a mistake. But Kam can't be blamed when such thing's been an old issue that has never been addressed, from his own words.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
People stopped doing it surreptitiously, and started doing it in OOC fights. I prefer the latter to the former, even if it's annoying to see people constantly abusing a rather severe bug. If someone uses this information to abuse the (extremely obvious) glitch in an actual In-Character combat, I won't feel any sympathy for them when they get punished.

All that aside, it needs to be fixed. When things like these linger, people invariably find out and abuse them in secret. We've seen that come to pass more than just once, now.
This has been corrected.

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