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Buff Axes
Axes as they are right now are in a sad niche. They are the least accurate and heaviest weapons, but they are supposed to be more powerful.

However, swords are both more accurate and more powerful than them in almost every circumstance unless you are deliberately trying to shaft yourself. Swords hit significantly more often (10% more accurate) but have less damage (-3 damage) (Compiled from the stats on Replica weapons), but their damage loss is made up for easily with the Duelist skill (which everyone who uses a sword in melee has at least some subclass in) Elangreve. This adds one's momentum as bonus damage to attacks, and in ALL circumstances where you can use a sword, you are getting more bang for your buck (3 momentum minimum for an attack).

This is not a complaint with Elangreve, however, as it is necessary to combat the crazy damage output of other classes... rather, the damage of axes for the amount of accuracy you sacrifice should be greater than it is now, perhaps even 5 or 6 greater on average than swords in base power.

This makes up for the lack of axe skills there currently are, and improves the power of all relevant axe skills, which both scale excellently with Weapon Power (talking about Roundtrip and Mad Chop...we don't talk about Reaper's Scythe).

The only issue I can see with this is it buffs Arbalests, who try to use as heavy weapons as possible. Discuss.
We need a class that specializes in axes.
"[url= Wrote:MegaBlues » Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:31 am[/url]"]We need a class that specializes in axes.

Yeah, that'd be pretty interesting. I think Pole-arms should get the same treatment as well.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!
I'd enjoy if sweeper modified all hit boxes on attacks to be 3 wide.
"[url= Wrote:Lolzytripd » Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:18 am[/url]"]I'd enjoy if sweeper modified all hit boxes on attacks to be 3 wide.

That being said, we shouldn't need a whole class to make axes good. Axes should be viable alternatives in their own right, and increasing their power makes them stand out versus other weapons that gain a competitive amount of bonuses.
Raising the base stats a little isn't really going to do much.

Just wait for new skills.
"[url= Wrote:Soapy » Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:40 am[/url]"]Raising the base stats a little isn't really going to do much.

Just wait for new skills.

This. Currently axes aren't that bad to need a buff to power or some sort of a rework, but they simply need more love in terms of skills.
I think my biggest issue at the moment is spears.

- There are three spear attack skills in the game. All on base classes. 3 of the 4 promotions can't even USE spears without mastery skills!
- They can be light and can have decent crit, but oh wait, autohit, autohit, and the only spear skill on a class basically dedicated to swords, weaker than the sword skills...
- They have a Str/2 + Cel/2 scaling attack... on the class that has no Cel growth. Their bonus accuracy attack is on the class with very high skill.
- They get a wonderful gimmick to change their weapon's damage element (Imbue Strike) ... on Lantern Bearer, which is a caster. It also only works on-hit, not on autohit.

At least axes have Mad Chop going for them. Spears are just... blargh. Trust me, I've tried to make a good hybrid spear user to capitalize on LB/Thousand stab. It just doesn't work.
*loud burp*
Quick someone go make a Pirate class suggestion that actually gives decent strength and vit growths and has a dual axe gimmick.

But in all seriousness, the only way I can see to fix this problem would to be through an entirely new melee class. One that wont suffer from trying to mad-chop in pvp.
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