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Okay, I've been playing this game a while now. I've experienced what it's like to try to level up, through the means available to us, and I want to say...
...look, it's not fun. Not everyone can be tower grinded (It's monotonous, but without it, believe me, the game would SUFFER a lot more than it is), and I'm afraid to say dungeoning is... so long and boring. It just feels like an obstacle in the way of potential new characters, and RP, when you start at level one, or LE, to prepare a character to go out into a PvP filled world. People attempt to make this faster, but cannot fix how boring it can be. There's no sense of achievement to it either. With no skills, at level 1, you'll find it hard to level alone, and when you're getting close, at the 40-50 mark, level gaining, even with a full party, is tedious.
This is why I've decided to put forth a suggestion that either:
A) Dungeons be more fun, and enemies less tedious to go against. This is probably not the best way to go, as it'll require a lot more effort on your part, to make dungeons less monotonous, which, believe me, I think could be a big challenge, to be honest. If I were actually able to enjoy the route to 60, I wouldn't hate doing it.
B) Allow us to gain a significant amount more EXP from dungeons / mobs, to make up for the tedious experience that is level grinding. This will make things much easier for us. Since there's still items to search for, too, which would be unaffected by a great exp boost, it's not like you'd just be handing someone 60 free levels, either, and BAM, they're PvP ready, as there'd always be incentive to go back into dungeons to hunt items. I figure this... might be easier to do than an overhaul of the dungeon system to make things more fun, and would allow people to be able to take part in your world without feeling as hindered by the wall that is the goal of level 60.
Please, for the sake of people's continued enjoyment of the game, consider this. I've been suffering a great lack of motivation to do anything with this game, solely because every time I do the problem I mention in this post is ever prevalent.
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As per someone else's suggestion when I talked to them about it, that I'd like to bring up too, there's also RP experience, which I find... massively underwhelming too. It would be nice for that to be more useful.
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RP EXP could get a buff. I say 25-30% TNL. The 'Training' option for PvP, and fighting against Dummies could also get some EXP up.
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It should be said that leveling up your first few characters is great fun. But once you get to your 20th. Yeah it starts to get a bit tedious.
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Having experienced sl1's grind, which is atleast ten times worse, coupled with rngesus stat growth I don't feel sl2 is so bad.
However it is still repetitive, if you have a level 60 that has le'd before it would probably be finetobe able to create. New fresh 60s at character creation with all the exp related extensions unlocked already for free
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Personally, I feel like the level-up rate in the early and mid range (~1-40ish) is entirely fine. But with how much EXP is needed for later levels and with how difficult it can be to hit 60? It's a bit discouraging. I know some games are worse, but it's not quite rewarding to hit 60 and be given just a few more stats, only a relief that the grinding is over.
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Yeah, especially if the cap is ever raised in the future, a one time skip to 60 per character would be appreciated.
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Make Legend Inks able to be stored in the Global Bank and able to be acquired at level 60 (without extending) by getting enough EXP. In addition, make them exempt from the trading rules- since you need to hit 60 anyways to be able to use them, I don't see why they can't be an item that could be bought or given to friends to help them join roleplay quicker.
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These ideas are good, but as GSM said, when you get in the realm of 40-60, everything becomes tedious, and it's not worth it. It would be very much appreciated if there were a way to get from 40-60 without a copious amount of dungeon grinding. I didn't think it would be possible to increase exp rates solely at that point, which was why it was suggested that dungeons in general should get an EXP boost (enemies moreso than cores.)
To me, dungeon grinding for exp just feels like "we need to get to the core, since that's the big thing for EXP", and the enemies on the route don't feel like they're giving much. If enemies have more experience, too, static dungeons would be more useful than just searching for a specific item.
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Ahhh...The old story!
I disagree on changing the Experience rates like this, I would instead like to see a whole green set (torso(30%exp)/hat(10%), toy weapons(50% exp, 0 power)) to make it harder but more rewarding, yes it does not solve the major issues but in my opinion? We should address the major issues instead of trying to band-aid patchwork the stuff every time.
-Koonies ideas with increasing exp rate from training is a good idea, it's basically useless for how much stamina it costs or well lower the Stamina costs so we can actually do it more often at least, there should be a fix exp boost of like 500-1000exp per level of the trainer at least, additionally. So I can bump level 1 characters over level 10 so they can trade.
-More kill 100 Quests for inks, that renew once a month or something as well. No one wants to go to the grind from 1-60 in a New Game+ style when the game is already pretty boring and only getting easier.
But ultimately the "I have 50 maxed character"- mentality is not good for any RP environment, no one can focus on so many characters and unable to focus on characters means that other characters can't focus on them either so eventually you get bored with them, drop the character and all the RP with them (and the people you RPed with have to do the same) and try it again...Repeat. 3-5 Characters are more than enough, put more effort into them instead, its more fun for everyone. Nothing is more annoying than to try to bond with a character and build some story, just to find out 3 weeks later they are gone and repurposed or something cause there was something new they wanted to test out. Because that's SO easy to do once you got some friends. So nah, the difficulty shouldn't be lowered. It should be more fun but not faster. Slower but funer. This will automatically calm down the "new character rate" of people a bit I assume, simply cause it's more time-consuming.
Also the "I have to be 60 or go home"-mentality. This is a product of the PvP heavy world, which is only like this because there IS nothing else to do. Besides RPing of course, which is also pretty much limited to casual, both because of this mentality and because there is nothing to really reach. And that 60+Max gear for the old dogs is about 2 hours of work, is not really helping with making the newer player feel less inferior-> Too easy if you have friends. So I think there should just be more things at the side that you can do. this IS a major issue for quite a while now, and I really hope we are addressing this next after the Trait-rework.
And no, clinic likes or diving is not really going to help anyone. They are just as boring and un-immersive, simply cause they need zero interaction with others. The world as a whole is pretty much dead and all narrows down to hunting in BDPs. Every Craft, every person (At least OOCly), everything needs to do everything in BDPs and rely on RNG. That coupled with how repetitive, easy and boring they are once you got the gist of it? I think this is what makes people feel the way they feel about wanting to SKIP the game. It does not help that the LE system tries to let us do it again and again.