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Mo' Traits.
Looks like it's Trait Suggestion Season. So, without further ado, here's a (preliminary and likely unfinished) list:

Potion Addiction
You have taken one concoction too many, and your body now craves alchemical goodness, for better or worse. Reduces the Duration of all Potion Sickness effects by 2 rounds. However, due to your over-reliance on potions, skills and other effects that restore HP and FP are only 25% effective.

Apprentice Blacksmith
Requirement: LV 1 Metalwork
You have undertaken a dedicated study and/or tutelage towards the art of pounding metallic things with a hammer. Increases your base Metalwork level by 1, and allows you to Upgrade Metallic Weapons and Armor at any Anvil. On the other hand, this focus has left you wanting in other crafts, increasing the difficulty of all non-Metalwork crafts by 1.
(Only one Apprentice trait can be taken at any time)

Master Blacksmith
Requirement: MAX LV Metalwork, Apprentice Blacksmith
After an endless amount of dedicated study and application, you have perfected the Blacksmith's art, allowing you to create masterpieces with ease, and bolster them to further heights. All Metalwork crafts, when successful, gain all positive qualities. Additionally, Metallic Weapons and Armor that you upgrade at an Anvil gain +1 Upgrade Level. (This stacks with all other effects that increase Upgrade Level.) Unfortunately, this single-minded path has made you only suited for the Blacksmith's art; as such, you will automatically fail any non-Metalwork recipe from now on.
(Only one Master trait can be taken at any time)

Apprentice Fletcher
Requirement: LV 1 Woodwork
You have undertaken a dedicated study and/or tutelage towards the art of carving wood into objects. Increases your base Woodwork level by 1, and allows you to Upgrade Wooden Weapons and Armor at any Anvil. On the other hand, this focus has left you wanting in other crafts, increasing the difficulty of all non-Woodwork crafts by 1.
(Only one Apprentice trait can be taken at any time)

Master Fletcher
Requirement: MAX LV Woodwork, Apprentice Fletcher
After an endless amount of dedicated study and application, you have perfected the Fletcher's art, allowing you to create masterpieces with ease, and bolster them to further heights. All Woodwork crafts, when successful, gain all positive qualities. Additionally, Wooden Weapons and Armor that you upgrade at an Anvil gain +1 Upgrade Level. (This stacks with all other effects that increase Upgrade Level.) Unfortunately, this single-minded path has made you only suited for the Fletcher's art; as such, you will automatically fail any non-Woodwork recipe from now on.
(Only one Master trait can be taken at any time)

Apprentice Weaver
Requirement: LV 1 Tailoring
You have undertaken a dedicated study and/or tutelage towards the art of tying loads of strings into smallclothes. Increases your base Tailoring level by 1, and allows you to Upgrade Cloth Armor at any Anvil. On the other hand, this focus has left you wanting in other crafts, increasing the difficulty of all non-Tailoring crafts by 1.
(Only one Apprentice trait can be taken at any time)

Master Weaver
Requirement: MAX LV Tailoring, Apprentice Weaver
After an endless amount of dedicated study and application, you have perfected the Weaver's art, allowing you to create masterpieces with ease, and bolster them to further heights. All Tailoring crafts, when successful, gain all positive qualities. Additionally, Cloth Armor that you upgrade at an Anvil gain +1 Upgrade Level. (This stacks with all other effects that increase Upgrade Level.) Unfortunately, this single-minded path has made you only suited for the Weaver's art; as such, you will automatically fail any non-Tailoring recipe from now on.
(Only one Master trait can be taken at any time)

Apprentice Enchanter
Requirement: LV 1 Enchanting
You have undertaken a dedicated study and/or tutelage towards the art of making books flash when read, and making swords slightly more magical. Increases your base Enchanting level by 1, and allows you to Upgrade Tomes at any Anvil. On the other hand, this focus has left you wanting in other crafts, increasing the difficulty of all non-Enchanting crafts by 1.
(Only one Apprentice trait can be taken at any time)

Master Enchanter
Requirement: MAX LV Enchanting, Apprentice Enchanter
After an endless amount of dedicated study and application, you have perfected the Weaver's art, allowing you to get more use out of enchanting materials, and further enhance your works. Whenever you successfully enchant equipment, there is a 25% chance that you won't lose the Catalyst. Additionally, Tomes that you upgrade at an Anvil gain +1 Upgrade Level. (This stacks with all other effects that increase Upgrade Level.) Unfortunately, this single-minded path has made you only suited for the Enchanter's art; as such, you will automatically fail any non-Enchanting recipe from now on.
(Only one Master trait can be taken at any time)

You have more guts than sense, and your inability to resist the temptation of tackling violence head-on lends to quite a few unneeded injuries.... not that it stops you from continuing to charge ahead. All damage taken is 10% higher, but you gain +2 WIL and +1 VIT in return.
(You cannot take this trait if you have taken Cowardly, or vice versa)

Requirement: Reckless
You have WAY more guts than sense, and at least one person you care about more than your own life. Therefore, during battle, you have the option to intercept and redirect one offensive action against a teammate within 3 Range to yourself. (If you do, all defensive values, DR, etc. do not apply towards incoming damage; incoming damage is also affected by Reckless' +10% Damage Taken effect) You will also be unable to intercept another blow for at least 10 rounds afterwards-- no doubt a mix of recovery and a very worried peer.

Mutual Destruction
Requirement: Self-Sacrificial
At this point, the keen observer would say that you have no personal reason for living. Considering that you're more than willing to perform a suicidal charge to ensure an enemy's defeat, they aren't exactly wrong. Grants the 'Mutual Destruction' skill. (Consumes all Momentum. You charge at an enemy within (Momentum Consumed) range, performing a Basic Attack that will always hit. However, you will take the exact same damage(s) that the target takes from this attack. This ignores protections, DRs, etc., and is affected by Reckless' +10% Damage Taken effect. If you consume 6+ Momentum this way, the basic attack is also a guaranteed critical. (5 Round Cooldown).)

You are cautious-- too cautious, in fact. You aren't paranoid, but you certainly don't fancy yourself the type to run towards danger, much less stick around when danger rears its ugly head. All damage taken is reduced by 10%, but your inability to confront danger lowers all your base stats by 2.
(You cannot take this trait if you have taken Reckless, or vice versa)

Flee or Flight
Requirement: Cowardly
When the going gets tough, your instincts kick in to make space between you and whatever business end has invaded your personal space. Whenever you take damage, you will move 1 Tile away from the source, in a random direction. If you are Feared, you move 2 Tiles away instead. (You do not move away if you're under the effect of Courage or Surge)

Where Despair Ends, Hope Begins
Requirement: Flee or Flight
You are cowardly, that much is certain. Yet, when fear has run out, you show a decisive, more courageous side. The effects of Fear and Hesitation are twice as effective against you. However, when either effect expires, you gain Courage (Prevents Fear, +30 Hit/Critical) and Surge (Prevents Hesitation, +15% Damage Dealt) respectively for 3 Rounds.

Too Big to Miss
Requirement: Two-Hand Rank 5
You have a preference towards large, heavy weaponry. Normally, it would be rather difficult to utilize these titanic armaments, but you've come to realize that when a swing covers a peasant's house worth of space, you don't really need to aim. While Full Swing is in effect, and the weapon's weight is 20 or more, you gain Hit equal to your weapon's total Weight, but lose Critical equal to your weapon's total Weight.

Elemental Versatility
Requirement: 40 Base WIL, Rank 5+ in all Elemental Talents
A vast majority of mages tend to focus on one element; maybe two, rarely three. You, on the other hand, have several elements under your belt, and are only too happy to show them all off. WIL's universal Elemental ATK boost is doubled, and you gain +1 Spell Power for every Spell Domain within your Skill Slots. However, if you cast any one spell twice in a row, or if you cast a spell from one Spell Domain, and your next spell cast is from the same Spell Domain, all Magical Damage you would deal is halved (before defensive calculations) for 5 Rounds. (This debuff cannot be removed by any means, except expiration)
(You cannot take this trait if you have taken Luminary Element, or vice versa)

Born in a Blizzard
You have lived in very cold conditions for a long time, and your reaction to certain elements is affected by it. +10% Ice Resistance, -10% Fire Resistance.
(You cannot take this trait if you have taken River in a Dry Land, or vice versa)

Warmer than a Yeti
Requirements: Born in a Blizzard
You are extremely adapted towards living in the cold. Doubles the resistances/weaknesses gained from Born in a Blizzard.

River in a Dry Land
You have lived in very hot conditions for a long time, and your reaction to certain elements is affected by it. +10% Fire Resistance, -10% Ice Resistance.
(You cannot take this trait if you have taken Born in a Blizzard, or vice versa)

Cactus in a Drought
Requirements: River in a Dry Land
You are extremely adapted towards living in the heat. Doubles the resistances/weaknesses gained from River in a Dry Land

Further Apprentice/Master Craft traits, as well as any other additions, will be added at a later date.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Most of these sound pretty interesting, especially potion sickness, but Reckless would definitely need a tune-up. 10% damage mult. hurts a LOT more than +3 stat points helps.
That's the point, lol. Dev already said over a hundred times that he wants traits that won't be a 'omg must pick, meta'.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Honestly, I like these. I like these a lot.
I have no critique for them (but maybe it's just 'cause I'm dumb on matters concerning the game).
Snake post_id=34541 time=1545919398 user_id=310 Wrote:That's the point, lol. Dev already said over a hundred times that he wants traits that won't be a 'omg must pick, meta'.

There's nothing wrong with a middle ground between 'so op must have' and 'why would i even pick this'. It'd basically be useless if you didn't plan on going through the progression tree, in which case why bother having it? The other traits in the tree could be made to cost more than one point and that would be that.

Maybe something like +celerity for turn order instead of the meager stat bonus would be more palatable and I think would fit better with the 'charging head-first into danger' theme, personally. With all that said I do really like the greatsword trait.

Would Despair/Hope be triggered upon fear/hesitation being cured or only if it expires over time? The fire/ice traits seem VERY nice, gotta love a good strength for a weakness.
A few more:

Apprentice Toolmaker
Requirement: LV 1 Tool Creation
You have undertaken a dedicated study and/or tutelage towards the art of making farming equipment. Increases your base Tool Creation level by 1, and tools you make last twice as long before breaking. On the other hand, this focus has left you wanting in other crafts, increasing the difficulty of all non-Tool Creation crafts by 1.
(Only one Apprentice trait can be taken at any time)

Master Toolmaker
Requirement: MAX LV Tool Creation, Apprentice Toolmaker
After an endless amount of dedicated study and application, you have perfected the Toolmaker's art, allowing you to create battle-ready traps, and further methods to improve equipment. You gain recipes to traps that can be used in battle, and you also gain the recipes for Quality Tools that further bolster existing Qualities. Unfortunately, this single-minded path has made you only suited for the Toolmaker's art; as such, you will automatically fail any non-Tool Creation recipe from now on.
(Only one Master trait can be taken at any time)

Apprentice Chef
Requirement: LV 1 Cooking
You have undertaken a dedicated study and/or tutelage towards the art of making sustenance that doesn't taste like feces. Increases your base Cooking level by 1, and makes the meals you craft last for (Cooking LV) more battles. On the other hand, this focus has left you wanting in other crafts, increasing the difficulty of all non-Cooking crafts by 1.
(Only one Apprentice trait can be taken at any time)

Master Chef
Requirement: MAX LV Cooking, Apprentice Chef
After an endless amount of dedicated study and application, you have perfected the Chef's art, allowing you to cook up culinary masterpieces in every sense of the word. Food you cook gains +5 to HP and FP Regen, and any additional effects gained from meals you make are twice as effective. Unfortunately, this single-minded path has made you only suited for the Chef's art; as such, you will automatically fail any non-Cooking recipe from now on.
(Only one Master trait can be taken at any time)

Apprentice Alchemist
Requirement: LV 1 Alchemy
You have undertaken a dedicated study and/or tutelage towards the art of turning junk into not-junk. Increases your base Alchemy level by 1, and doubles the chances of receiving materials and/or catalysts when breaking down items. On the other hand, this focus has left you wanting in other crafts, increasing the difficulty of all non-Alchemy crafts by 1.
(Only one Apprentice trait can be taken at any time)

Master Alchemist
Requirement: MAX LV Alchemy, Apprentice Alchemist
After an endless amount of dedicated study and application, you have perfected the Alchemy's art, allowing you to not only get more from your work, but also turn things into gold. All Alchemy recipes produce twice as many items as normal, and once per (OOC) day, you can sacrifice a piece of equipment and gain a number of Gold Bars equal to its rarity. Unfortunately, this single-minded path has made you only suited for the Alchemist's art; as such, you will automatically fail any non-Alchemy recipe from now on.
(Only one Master trait can be taken at any time)

....And a quick note regarding Master Alchemist's 'turn into gold' trick:
But Chaos, that can turn a tidy profit! It'll break the economy!
1. The most you'll get per OOC day is 2000 Mura, assuming you're bonkers enough to sacrifice a 10-Star Equipment.
2. A high-level dungeon run easily outweighs the Mura this trick can make, between not only Mura gained from battles, but monster drops and the numerous chests raided.
3. Robot Merchants allow a good number of equipments to be sold for better, and Raremetals will usually take priority when it comes to high-rarity junk equipment.

tl;dr It will not break anything regarding Mura nor Economics.

Also, here's a few more.... fanciful traits. Be warned, these are much more 'High Stakes' in nature:

Prismatic Enchant
Requirement: Elemental Versatility, MAX Rank Enchant (Talent)
Harnessing several elements, while potent, wasn't enough for you. Your pursuits towards mastering all suites of magic have led you to create an Enchant spell that (recklessly) enchances your multi-purposed capabilities. Grants access to the 'Prisma' Enchant Spell. (Can only target self. 10% FP cost. For 3 Rounds, you gain +8 to all Elemental ATKs, and can not only trigger enchant-based effects on spells, but also trigger Elemental Impacts on relevant skills. (You choose which element to apply for both Elemental Impacts and Elemental Augment) However, triggering Elemental Versatility's penalty will end Prisma and place the spell on a 5-Round Cooldown, and all Elemental Resistances you hold are set to -20%.) This spell is affected by the Enchant talent, and cannot be used with another Enchant effect active, or vice versa.

Prismatic Overdrive
Requirement: Prismatic Enchant
Being able to manage all of the Elements in one package was great, but you still aren't satisfied. Like a true mad(wo)man, you strived to make all the elements hit at once. While under the Prisma Enchant, Elemental Impact skills gain the effects of all elements, rather than just one. Additionally, if you have the 'Elemental Augment' skill equipped, the additional damage will instead trigger once for each element, at (2*Rank)% Elemental ATK. Keep in mind, however, that this power is incredibly unsafe and leaves the user open to the elements on a very brutal level, causing Prisma to set all of the user's Elemental Resistances to -50% instead.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Pardon the double post:

"Joseph Jostar" post_id=34550 time=1546027173 user_id=94 Wrote:There's nothing wrong with a middle ground between 'so op must have' and 'why would i even pick this'. It'd basically be useless if you didn't plan on going through the progression tree, in which case why bother having it? The other traits in the tree could be made to cost more than one point and that would be that.

Maybe something like +celerity for turn order instead of the meager stat bonus would be more palatable and I think would fit better with the 'charging head-first into danger' theme, personally. With all that said I do really like the greatsword trait.

Would Despair/Hope be triggered upon fear/hesitation being cured or only if it expires over time? The fire/ice traits seem VERY nice, gotta love a good strength for a weakness.
On its own, Reckless is more flavorful than anything. The mechanical 'prize' is Self-Sacrificial/Mutual Destruction, which also use Reckless' +Damage Taken as a balance. That's how it was intended.

Despair/Hope was intended to be 'if it expires' rather than 'if it's cured'. Albeit, I can see how difficult it'll be to trigger if they can just constantly reapply the status effect, so it's up for debate.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
I like all of these!

Prismatic is my personal favorite. I highly doubt the alchemist one is going to suddenly break the economy as well.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]

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