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Look at me
So while playing the game I noticed that during some skills like hanging or Geldoran that are meant to turn your character to face your target once the attack is done are no longer doing so. The ring around the character will be faced towards the correct direction but the character model is not. This means the character will not actually be facing their enemy which makes them suspectable to attacks such as cutthroat if their back is to them or

Just 2 minutes before posting this I did more testing and just managed to see what was going on. In the gif I had one of my characters fire two shots while making sure to face away from the target. The first shot was done without moving the targeting square around so once hte shot was fired my character turned back away from the Critter. For the second shot I moved the square around and once the attack was done I was facing the correct direction. This correspeonds with other skills that auto lock onto their target like hanging or geldoran or splash. Which means skills that you have to move around, like Pinpoint Electro, won't be affected at all.

[Image: FBYth0Q.gif]
I've noticed this too. After the sharpen and disengage fix, every skill seems to turn you backwards now.
This has been corrected.
Im still turning around after basic attacking something and such... and some skills can still turn you without executing them
[Image: kTbQzUT.png]
Yeah I can confirm that in version 2.00.2e this bug is still in effect.
I have not updated yet.
Any ETA on when this annoying bug is gonna be fixed? It messes up classes where you need to face the opponent to apply bonuses such as stalemate, sheathed sword or cobra.
The actual origianl bug has been fixed but it seems a new one has appeared from it kinda. If you try to use a skill to turn about but don't confirm the skill's usage (eg. using something like charge when you are low on momentum to turn to face your opponent but pressing x to cancel out of it so as not to waste fp and/or momentum) you will turn back to your original position. If you want to face your opponent you need to make sure to actually confirm any skills that will allow you to turn before using them.
Using the End Turn command faces me in the wrong direction fairly often so I'm not too sure it's just the skill confirmation thing.
That's not a bug, Ardratz. You can only turn by confirming skill uses now.

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