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Take out the new sound effect
The new sound effect that plays every time you change a tile while targeting a skill you can't turn around with is beyond annoying. The flashing indicator over your sprite's head is a little obnoxious, but I can deal with that. But it's unbelievably grating to hear a galaga-esque sound effect play every single time I move one tile while trying to target something to let me know that if I do this move I won't be able to turn.

Why don't you just turn off sound effects, you may ask? Well because I like the other sounds in the game, aside from the needlessly repetitious and grating ones.
i'm pretty sure it's not intended for that sound to play on every single skill. just the ones you aren't supposed to be able to turn while using.
Even if it's only those, it's still annoying and needless. Do you REALLY want to hear a beeping every time you change EVERY tile when using those skills? I'm sure everyone gets the memo that you aren't able to turn from the huge flashing indicator right over their head as it is.
I get that everyone wants their game to seem as complete as possible, but way too many things have been getting unnecessary sound effects as of late and this is probably one of the worst yet.
It displaying on skills you -can- turn should have been a pretty good indication it was a bug.

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