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Black Catbird Problems [Omina's Fortune Vacuum]
I can't believe I broke my own bet saying there wouldn't be any Balance Fu's, but this one is quite important.

At the moment, Ominas can't obtain misfortune if an enemy is at the maximum Luck Drain LV based on SAN. There's a synergy problem when one or more of those catbirds play together in a team.

They can't share properly their Unluck stacking and their gameplay comes to a halt once the enemy caps at the lowest SAN Omina's passive, promptly griefing the rest of the other Ominas' gimmicks.

There is solid counterplay attached to it already. I think denying their racials because of this oversight is not really fair, so, can this be changed so Omina can keep obtaining Unluck through Fortune Vacuum even if the enemy is at maximum Luck Drain LV (but not increase Luck Drain LV, just Unluck) for the sake of being able to use their racials?


Secondarily. Can the Fortune Vacuum's icon be changed to the flame soul wisp? The current one is quite... uncanny.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Yeah, this seems to be a bit of an oversight, not having more than one Omnia in mind.

I feel like it wouldn't hurt for each of them to get their own "Luck drain" status, honestly. Its even with 4 Omnias not the strongest luck drain in the game, and It seems fair for a racial.
Tracking separately would be preferred to constantly gaining luck drain even when people are capped out - Because its a gateway to your entire turn getting eaten by pitfalls or knockdowns eating at momentum. Having to wait for it to fall off once to reach Pit levels is a good balance decision.
Yes, there is a synergy problem for multiple Ominas. Higher SAN Ominas don't get denied anything from lower SAN Ominas, however.

I think it's fine as is; if it stacked per unit, it would be ridiculous for a racial skill that activates for free. It's not as if it denies the Ominas anything other than the active skills, either - you're still draining the LUC stat of all enemies, which is quite powerful.
I don't really think the Ominas have their eyes set more on reducing the enemy's luck, compared to the struggle of getting their already hard-to-stack Unluck stacks up. No way to nerf a little the luck drain, but buff the amount you gain per to compensate? (Unpopular opinion, of course. Their SAN ratio is fine as it is.)

Or alternative ways to get Unluck? Such as "dodging basic hits", or "not getting critically hit", or "resisting an infliction" which are technically "RNG" bad luck for the enemy, but for the Omina it becomes "IC" Unluck stacks. Those would probably make fine traits, I reckon.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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