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The Divine Eyes of Elimination overhaul
Long story short, I believe a lot of people agree that it's not really fair to have humans being able to be so significant in PvP, which is already a damage race, and deal up to 300 free, unresistable damage just because they're sacrificing 10% of their HP and a measible 25 HP. That's 3 "Health Bars" erased by just not lagging in some mini-game.

There's also an exploit with it, that you can quickly swap with a throwaway Shuriken so you can use the skill instantly without having to pay 3M on the swap. Which further makes SWA not really matter at 'all' on the skill's execution. And that's sad. But either way, I have come with a solution to that, it shouldn't be hard to implement, given Goring Horns exist, so:

Quote:Eyes of Elimination - Traces a single 'Akashic Leyline'. On success, you will attempt a basic attack. The attack will gain 50 Critical (-10 per mistake), and have a 75% chance to become a Vorpal hit (-15% per mistake).
- On a perfect tracing of a line, you will also inflict (or power up) Cursed Wounds LV on the target equal to 50% of the damage done (100% if the attack is a Critical Hit) for 5 rounds.

Quote:Divine Eyes - Traces a row of three 'Akashic Leylines'. For each line you trace, you will attempt a basic attack. The attack will gain 50 Critical (-10 per mistake), and have a 75% chance to become a Vorpal hit (-15% per mistake).
- On a perfect tracing of a line, you will also inflict (or power up) Cursed Wounds LV on the target equal to 50% of the damage done (100% if the attack is a Critical Hit) for 5 rounds.
- If used on a non-player, non-Youkai and non-Boss monster. It has a chance to instantly kill them.

This way, it's not "Free Damage", and the Cursed Wounds make it trying to heal through this, something that cost you a reasonable amount of max HP% and HP to use/have a bit more fair versus people who abuse healing to hecc.

You'll need to build for your dagger's SWA. You'll need to build LUC to Critically Hit. You'll need to build for SKI to hit the enemy. You can't cheese this by quick-swapping into a Shuriken that has 0 Power, 0 SWA to deal a random whooping 300 blow.

And on the other side of the spectrum? The enemy can dodge, the enemy can build critical evade, the enemy can even try and just tank through the damage like Roa or Nrvnqsr Chaos on crack. There's sweet counterplay here.

More ideas are very welcome.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

Hold on! Drop those pitchforks and torches as you saw the word 'Vorpal' on my thread!

The vorpal part is assuming the hinted nerf from Dev at here:
[Image: unknown.png]

Those changes are with this in mind.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I feel it's worth pointing out that the shuriken swap isn't exactly "free" or an exploit really. You have to invest cel to reach a BASE of 15 to get the ninja talent and 15 will base. Unless you were using these stats anyway in your build it's something you will have to sacrifice and usually it's not worth to make said sacrifice.

I do agree though that the skill should require some form SWA and/or stat scaling though. But I'd caution against too big of a change, it's strong but I wouldn't say it's broken overpowered.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
One thing I have to add-While it is all wel and good of trying to take into account the vorpal nerf in the future- We have no idea what the nerf would actually look like.

So, as it stands, I'll suggest treating vorpal as it is currently when suggesting the change, until we'll know in the future what would happen to Vorpal-Worst case scenario, vorpal gets nerfed, we can then suggest an appropriate buff to the divine eye skills.

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