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[Summoners] Youkai and PVE: A levelling idea
I am -NOT- trying to overturn the FP cost scaling change, before anyone completely jumps down my throat. However, the fact does remain that PVE summoners got crapped on for a very simple reason. Sure, you can get to a high level and then level youkai up then, but my concern is making a new character and levelling as a summoner from the opening levels for IC reasons.

Here's the scenario. You're level 40. You have a single level 31 youkai, and a few from 15-20. It wasn't long before you realized that you couldn't really afford to sustain multiple youkai rgularly, so you started favoring a "main" one. But it's out of FP and getting it's butt handed to it. But wait, if your level 31 is losing so badly, what hope do your 15-20s have? And if your level 31 isn't summoned so it can recover, it's level is just going to fall behind! What this leads to is a lot of painful stalling to summon right before you finish fights for minimal FP drain, which you're basically forced to solo to do since no one will wait for you.

Oh, and RP exp, Dormeho repairs, raid bonuses, etc. These all apply to JUST the player, so you could easily find yourself with completely useless low level youkai that can't survive one turn against monsters 10 levels below you.

At the same time, there's many reasons to not just give youkai all their summoner's exp, too. First off, you don't want to copletely trivialize levelling an entire army. As well, you might PREFER to leave specific Youkai low for utility purposes, such as for sacrificial purposes ("Oh, just let me distract that firesplitter!&quotWink or for evoke utility purposes (For example, Haku. I care more about creating ice tiles than spending like 70 extra FP just to do more damage.)

Therefore, my proposal is to allow you to pick -ONE- youkai to get it's summoner's exp when not summoned, on the condition you have Sync Mind learned. My proposal for this is to allow re-ordering of the Youkai list outide dungeons, and give the exp to the first Youkai on the list. Including RP exp, Raid defense/repair exp, etc. This would make summoners actually not downright painful to level as pre-LE, and give them a use besides "lol FP regen and install" as well. And as for post LE, well, youkai are easiest to level once you're already at 60 anyways, so I don't see the huge issue!
*loud burp*
That or allow multiple level ups! c:
The Bear Smith says "(Dang no good dungeons)"
Just a Normal Person says "(( . _ . ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Dungeons. ))"
The Bear Smith says "(Yes dungeons, the best place to grind)"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Smart people call them BDP. ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( But I call them. . . ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( *sunglasses* ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Your mom. ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Get it? ))"
Just a Normal Person says "(( Cuz lot of people enter and exit! ))"
The Bear Smith says "(*Smacks*)"
OOC DJScias: Anyhow, as long as Dev isn't 'accidently' uploading porn to the server again it'll be fine.
OH oh oh, and have the skill prereq be that you have the yokai affinity for that yokai be at max rank too. To make the ic feels all the more better.
[Image: latest?cb=20150618145649]
I am againts this. The harder time people have leveling youkai (some, anyway.) is in my eyes a decent compensation for how awfuly strong they are and how much utility they provide. Not to mention that they just ridiculously butcher most of the classes. To add, having a band of youkai that are same in power, or even stronger than you doesn't make much sense to me. I'd say they are underlings in terms of power.
"[url= Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:13 am[/url]"]The harder time people have leveling youkai (some, anyway.) is in my eyes a decent compensation for how awfuly strong they are and how much utility they provide.
I disagree. Summoner is "grind your ass off for hours on end for every (good) youkai you have, and then stomp everything".
Both parts of that should be changed. They need to be easier to level, but not quite as strong.

Also, the recent nerf to status effect inflictions didn't just affect Hexer.
The majority of Youkai skills have chance-based infliction.
That Status Effect nerf hasn't kicked in yet, has it?
"[url= Wrote:Rendar » Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:06 pm[/url]"]That Status Effect nerf hasn't kicked in yet, has it?

Not yet.

But yeah Soapy has a point. Although I'd still not want to use youkai at certain levels due to that FP cost to maintain them, so making them weaker for 17 FP a turn isn't worth it to me. Personally I never thought they should have gone passed level 45.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!
as an FYI, level 60 youkai can and will pretty much demolish everything. Especially if the summoner in question also has Tactician and proceeds to give them 12+ movement in which to close the gap. It gets silly real fast.
"[url= Wrote:Soapy » Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:46 am[/url]"]
"[url= Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:13 am[/url]"]The harder time people have leveling youkai (some, anyway.) is in my eyes a decent compensation for how awfuly strong they are and how much utility they provide.
I disagree. Summoner is "grind your ass off for hours on end for every (good) youkai you have, and then stomp everything".
Both parts of that should be changed. They need to be easier to level, but not quite as strong.

Also, the recent nerf to status effect inflictions didn't just affect Hexer.
The majority of Youkai skills have chance-based infliction.

I'm with Soapy on this. I'd much rather make Youkai weaker but be less of a chore to level and maintain.
*loud burp*
If they were weaker, by quite a bit mind you since you're essentially summoning 1-5 teammates out of thin air for FP, which you can attack alongside or support to cause SHENANIGANS... I think I'd be down for them costing less.

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