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W-what is this!? Venom Drive Buff Suggestion?!
WHY YES!! It is my loyal SL2 player, it is I the master of air and riding Airide or iStabOreos as many of you know me by! What if I were to show you, no, NAY present you with my findings of why this elusive skill known as Venom Drive should be buffed for your Lizard Sex needs and kinks alike.

Now before I get to the nitty gritty of things lets take a look at Ki Awoken, and yes good viewer who's reading my ramblings, this to both annoy and inform you of why this needs to be. Ahem.:

.png   Stats while poisoned.png (Size: 10.38 KB / Downloads: 885)

Now this is where we're at without anything and now here we are looking at the stats with Ki Awoken, and you'll see the difference, that's clear, as it's supposed to be as shown here:

.png   Stats with Ki Awoken.png (Size: 10.57 KB / Downloads: 893)

Now~ this is where we get to the big meaty claws of where this rambling has been. Venom Drive is just a flat bonus of strength, and considering how it shouldn't be like this I'm suggesting we don't make it into a flat mod. Allow me to explain it a bit deeper, BACK TO KI AWOKEN-- Ki Awoken raises your base stats (for the lamemans out there, it brings up the threshold before diminishing returns starts to kick you in the teeth with the force of a Vorpal Fern): (Oh right if I haven't been clear, from top to bottom, it's stats without buffs, stats with ki awoken, and stats while just poisoned) (I should note this is only a lvl 17 poison.)

.png   Stats without buffs.png (Size: 10.29 KB / Downloads: 890)

What I want from this buff is for Venom Drive to raise your base strength by the modded amount, because honestly, it's pretty damn worthless especially with the advent of changes we've been having with the races as a whole, plus this would make WTs differ from being...worse Shaitans and them going back into their lanes.

This has been iStabOreos, sneaking into your house to take your box of double stuffed Oreos hostage. (I'd also like to give a shoutout to Ignatius for giving me this idea because when you start to look at things from a critical eye it kinda starts to all piece together and this dood really did help me.)
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]
Sure, just make Venom Drive have a cap then.

You ARE aware it can raise STR beyond your mod cap, right. Because as it stands I'd hardly call it underpowered. It's only limited by the Poison level you can get.
Trex, if I wasn't aware of this, I wouldn't be making this thread in the first place, now would I? The point of the thread still stands.
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]
I mean, it kinda makes it harder and a little pointless for them to build too much san if whatever they do, the cap will pretty much give them the middle finger. Nothing is wrong with them going over a bit over the cap increase it similar to dragon armor set mechanics.
[Image: BAWqB6P.png]
[Image: fa5d9fd2e3f77f27206bb134638b5f28.png]
a bit over is an understatement when you can obtain upwards to 15-25 STR from Venom Drive, based on who/what you get poisoned from, its not exclusive to the WT themself, as lvl 50 poisons do exist in the game currently.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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