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Vorpal Enchant
So like. Vorpal is really good on single-hit weapons. It's perfect to get occasionally on a crit because like "WOWWEE THAT WAS AWESOME!"

Then you look at something like Autopistol Akimbo that can fire 6 shots for 3 momentum, off-hand shot for 3 M and 6 more shots, and you'll probably have enough momentum to move away or WRECK-ASS JPEG if you're a kensei because you just got 11 momentum in total for that turn if you critted atleast once with both weapons < Which isn't that hard >.

For this akimbo gunner that already ignores defense, each vorpal strike just got an extra ENEMY DEF to them. Creating unbalanced gameplay by sometimes giving their already powerful crits 1.5x Damage and +40 ( enemy defense) damage ontop of that. While for single shot rifles/shotguns, this is semi-fair since for the most part they won't proc it very often due to low vorpal chance.

The Pistol MGs, once again, come out top dog in DPS due to their ability to fire multiple... multiple shots and get the basic shell bonus numerous times < which can get powerful on is own right: See Null Shell/Interference Shell.

Could this be dropped down on multi-shot guns, or simply nerfed to some degree to make it permissible with 18+ basic attacks a turn?

Guns, aside from multi-shooters, are fine as-is with Vorpal because it procs so rarely and generally speaking, the damage is negligible to some degree compared to some people pulling 150 damage crits out of their ass compared to a perfect SKI snipers 90.
have the vorpal bonus damage divide by the amount of rounds in the gun, vorpal is already a free crit anyway.

I one of the biggest troll users of this enchant agree
"[url= Wrote:Lolzytripd » Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:54 pm[/url]"]have the vorpal bonus damage divide by the amount of rounds in the gun
Sounds good to me.
18 shots is still.. quite.. a lot to actually proc it. Even if they aren't kensei/ghost, they can nab atleast 16 from Main, Sub, Parting. Situational for when someone is meleeing you, but it is still an issue.
Parting doesn't use Akimbo.
Exactly why I said 16.

6+6+4 = 16. Which is the amount a non-Duelist can get, max.
I'd rather divide the proc chance for Vorpal by the number of rounds the gun has. Or just make it not work with guns, because based on the enchantment description, it shouldn't (since guns already ignore DEF).
I'd say maybe only make it work with single-shots if you plan on doing it. Or giving it some other benefit for guns to use it over say. Reaper, a much more common enchantment.
If you make the enchant useless on guns, I will cry, and want my legend extension points back.

Dividing the proc% on rounds fired would be nice, I'd prefer damage divided by number of rounds though.

Vorpal has the same end result on guns that it has on non guns, more damage on a special crit. Guns have scaling, normal weapons vs defense, this keeps their damage around the same area on most enemies except super physical tanks.

Sniper without charging it, is a sad weapon to use comparatively to shotguns and handguns/spirit hunter. Vorpal makes the sniper interesting,
Making damage divide over multiple shots isn't a well thought-out solution; Vorpal can proc several times during the course of multiple shots, and critical rates aren't determined until the attack is made, so deciding if Vorpal procs 'before' the attack starts is out of the question. Having the proc chance be divided by your gun's rounds is still the solution that makes the most sense here.

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