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Claret Call Disparity
Currently compared to almost every other class in the game, Ghost wins out damage wise to otherwise everything, this is likely due to it being a mix of Duelist and having its own flat values added to every basic attack, Claret Call interacts with Critical Damage to a varying and often overbearing degree, while interacting with Defenses like Phys.DR to a almost laughable degree, seemingly ignoring DR partially or entirely from the tests I was able to produce.

All in all this causes Ghost to just deal way too much damage currently when compared to everything else in the game, its the dream class for anyone wanting to unga bunga throw their life away in pursuit of just inflicting massive damage on the enemy team and holds a huge presence in fights with the versatility and DR the class provides for them, from being able to suck people to the center of the map, gaining tons of stats for having damage dealt to them, and being able to swap from a physical damage class to literally a mage class in a moment's notice has been overbearing for a long time.

There's no reason to run daggers with anything but Ghost, Dagger Dance doesn't even compare to Fleur in functionality, any bow build should be running Ghost due to the sheer amount of damage it provides, swords/axes shouldn't even think of diverting from Ghost without seriously harming their viability.

A simple change would be just to lower Claret Call's damage for now, changing it deal additional damage equal to HALF of the claret call level (Up to +20 damage on non-destiny essentially) would help keep it in line for now.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
While I agree its pretty strong, I disagree that its as strong as you claim to be. Like alot.

Its simply not true, its one of the only tools Basic attackes have left, to even hope to deal damage with against the current meta of 160+ SWA(200 even if we go Firebird Ignite power) while having 50+ Phys/Magical Resistances with like 30+ armor.
We have alot of stronger things in the game right now, that I feel need to be adressed first.

The mentioned Off-tanking, Lighting-crits, Basic attack power stacking on multi guns just to mention some of the obvious culprits that are all stronger.

The problems you have are probably more tied to just how versatile Ghost is with everything, other than its damage. It just goes too well with literally everything. I'd sooner change Ghosts Omni-potent status to combat it being a crutch for everything than one of the few things it really should be good at.

At the moment, how the game is, I do not think lowering CC damage is actually the way to go. I think why you notice it being so strong is because over 80% of the players right now are tanks, therefore you do not see people dodging as often anymore, which might make it appear more oppresive.
Damage should be halved. If the build up was slower, it could be justifiable for it to be big.

I know the theme aimed for Ghost's Claret Call was "Something that slowly builds up to later become devastating", like the lore goes about 'how Ghosts excel in extended fights'. But currently, anything non-melee that hits you (I.E, guns) will cheese said theme and stack up CC to 40 in one round.

Lowering damage to 20, or limiting the amount of Claret Call LV you can get per attack to only 'on first damage stance' might fix this.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Basic attacks have a PLETHORA of effects that help you punch through tanks, even having access to two separate enchants that both reduce and IGNORE defense entirely, on-hits also assist in pushing through tanks majorly and there's a number of basic attack abilities that just reduce defense like Buster Cannon/Geldoren/Dive Down, as well as damage modifiers like Power Grad/Phase Fang.

I agree in that tanks can be frustrating to play against, but there's plenty of ways to deal with them already, claret call being reduced by 20 damage won't even change it that much.

I don't see any reason why it should be effective enough to outscale every other class' damaging effects, If you're trying to do physical damage, your BiS is never anything but Ghost usually, alongside any other class depending on the weapon you want to use.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
As many effects they have going for it, as many effects there are against it. Steel aura alone basically erases 90% of them (Vorpal and rampage enchants aswell), clarent call can be removed by obscure, wash away and what have you. Heck everytime I fight someone with CC, I can tactically make it run out as its rather hsort lived. (Obviously easier if you also can dodge)

And we do not even need to move outside of Duellist to see a similiay powerful effect. Ignite power, which doesn't just go for basic attacks but also gets the sweet multipliers of whatever Auto-skill you want to use. So your "any other class" argument is flat out wrong.

So I still disagree with it being even remotely as strong as you make it out to be.

Vorpal is 10% chance on a critcal that most tanks have dozen off crit-evade, lets not count that as an argument against CC. Thats a normal Basic attack thing.

Geldoren? has 7 def reduction (if you are lucky) ever made a meaningful damage difference in the current game? It changes the physical resistance of tanks by about...3-4%? tops. You need to stack a lot of def reductions before you notice any meaningful damage difference, and Geldoren actually starts to reaaaaally drain you when you have ranked it to rank 5. And again steel aura entirely ignores that.

Bustercanon on the other hand is a great example of something thats better. That this also happens to be stackable is a strange argument as that literally counts for everything else aswell.

What I read here is "I do not build crit evade or anti tank busting skills on my super tanks, so CC really hurts". How about we adress the reasons why we have so many tanks first then it can still be tuned down, its certainly not THE problem we have right now.
Spoops post_id=38598 time=1577489468 user_id=193 Wrote:claret call being reduced by 20 damage won't even change it that much.

While one could make the argument that if 20 damage won't change much, this whole thread is pointless - claret call should not be halved, but rather, reduced by 75%, if not outright removed. Basic attackers are too oppressive, and have been dominating the game landscape for far too long.
My honest and personal opinion about this change is that basics shouldn't be the reason for this. While I am fine with the change itself, the matter of the issue lies both in absurdly scaling autos and basic attacks.

Reaper Scythe (While not an issue on its own imo) can easily do over 300+ damage even without the assistance of gravestone in its current state. Not to mention the fact that Blood Spike/Scarlet Twister both also benefit from CC as well.

So I'd prefer if this change was to half of what claret provides now especially considering it can be doubled via the usage of gravestone.
Reducing Claret Call to 20 at max rank is a good solution to how crazy strong it is. It certainly isn't hard to stack up, as many pack ways to easily rake up levels.

I'm all for this suggestion.
If you do that I still believe that ignite power should get the same treatment, throwing one cyclone spear is hardly difficult aswell and the power is even more absurd.
Ignite power still interacts with DR. Tanks don't get completely shit on--Atleast, not initially, from the bonus swa. That, and falcon-strike has less everything than ghost. Setting it to cap at 20 seems fair from my point of view.

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