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Pacifist Bane
So, I've been experimenting with a curate build focused on support, and nothing else, running a pacifist build because it's something I believe fits the character. The problem with this? Well, there are some skills that normally would be very useful that become invalid in this situation. Skills that aren't meant to be damage related. So, as a sort of QoL change, I would like to see these two skills not have the potential to remove pacifist boon:

Pray - Usually harmless, but has a chance to strike your foes with divine lightning. It essentially makes for an RNG-based chance to lose your boon status. I don't think this should be the case, honestly. Especially since it doesn't seem like there should be anything paticularly, well... un-pacifist like about praying.

Brighten - A way you can support your allies. The problem with this is using it on your allies at all means that if they/you get hit and proc the light damage, this thing ends up being a pacifist build killer, too. It would really help if this weren't the case - because it's not like the character is actually intending to hurt the enemy using this.


A bonus suggestion. Honestly, the boon itself feels underwhelming anyway. It's pretty easy to lose and doesn't give really much incentive to play a non-damaging role at all, when compared to, well - opting into the ability to hurt people. Now, I won't pretend I know how to balance things, but my suggestion is a kind of range buff. Having Pacifist Boon active could give a 1-3 range extension on stuff such as Graft, Invigoration, Rescue - the stuff you'd find listed in the support section of the class skills on the wiki, basically. Now, I say this is a bonus because if nothing else, the other thing is what I want most. This is mainly just wishful thinking and wanting more benefits for the curate who wants to, y'know... not hurt anyone.

Let me know your opinions, guys!
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
Have to agree that the FP regen isn't really enough for this passive to be useful. I use a priest without it and never have fp problems so using this doesn't give much benefit. Removal of accidental damage would be good. Some other bonus when using it will make it really worth it
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
I would absolutely like to second the idea that Pray's damage effect should not disable pacifist boon, as well as Brighten. Both of these are meant to be solely supportive (either to yourself or other) skills and in my opinion, being smite by Mercala or hit by light damage as a consequence of their own attack should not be a breach of Pacifism.

I don't really have a particular opinion on the range buff, but also might be worth considering is an FP cost reduction to Pacifist Boon if the regeneration isn't enough.
Personally, the only time i've ever seen the FP Regen be noticeable was on a GS/Priest who used their summons a lot, thusly burning more FP. I was able to get 4 Youkai out and hardly sap any FP while also being able to use my skills as per usual and remain in a reasonable amount of FP.

Remove GS from the equation and it's definitely a lot more noticeable on how...meh Pacifist Boon's FP Regen is. So. I'm pretty sure removing the accidental damage meme from Pray has been suggested at least 5 times. So. I'm fine with that being put in.

Granted, I rarely find myself in many scenarios even on a Pacifist Priest where i'd be utilizing Pray too much or using absolute healing. But the fact that it does get screwed WHEN I happen to mechanically is pretty yikes.

As for what to do with it, hell if I know. Aiding others to keep yourself a pacifism already seems weird so probably just make it so you get increased DEF or Aegis gets buffed or something. As long as the "i pray, you get smite, and die with this boon' goes away, we're already on the right track.
As someone who plays a pacifist priest, I agree with all of these. I uh.. don't have a ton to add, I just know it's frustrating to not be able to opt out of the prayer's smite, nor other similar effects -- it really limits build options and gameplay on a build I'm already limiting myself with for roleplay.
I remember back then suggesting that using Pray in combat restores your Pacifist Boon on a FAI% chance.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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