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Let's Fix a Class (engineer)
I havint been able to touch the game for a week now so now you all get to suffer.

First thing to get out of the way. This is not a serious balance thread this is mostly for me to vent my thoughts on what could be a cool class however I will happly take all credit for any good ideas i stumble upon.

I'm Kiranis In game also unknown as Ashen Hyattr

Let's start with the classes issues

#1 No Scaling Presumably due to being hard to balance this is the mian issue of the class your turrets are nearly uselss at level 50 up

#2 Momentum Management it takes two to three FULL TURNS to get everything you have out this is compramisable to a charge minded invocation xcept a charge minded invocation has a good chance of murdering a boss or the feild

#3 little to no synergy or support outside it's own class

Some Solutions.

#1 Make Map an invocation railgun pretty much sets the precedent that machines can use invocations even if it's just a mechanic work around
Suggested In cant: Gathering Power or Charging Devices
upon deployment the map spawns with all 4 other turrets already deployed or alternatively casting map causes your next X amount of engineer bots to be free to deploy (or 1M) preferably all 4. thats 3 less M then deploying all your turrets and get the MAP out. and deploying turrets regularly still has a place if you need to get things out fast.

#2 Revise the Bots (yes again) I really think that if your gonna keep the bots this weak they should beable to do some cool things to compensate

Medibot is pretty much perfect just make calibrate free to cast (turrets are weak enough already)

Aegis Still a walking kick me sign with a skill im still not sure if they are working right I think reflector should be 1M but on a cooldown I would give it more defensive options

Nows a good time to mention how i think revise bots should work. give them a their system each rank in the skill changes their tier

Rank 1 Stabilizer
Rank 2 Solvolitile Blue Potion
Rank 3 Liquid Bravery Throat opener
Rank 4 Hi Potion Regenerative
Rank 5 medicine changes to PR Meds and MEds count as if used by someone with 5 ranks in perfection talent

I also think they should have skill trees similar to the Demon Hunter

MEdicopter Alt Upgrades.
Dynamite Solutions provides the medicopter with one bomb item depending on its rank
rank 1 Bomb
rank 2 med bomb
rank 3 big bomb

I also see it getting upgrades to carry items like buff potions increase it's delivery range access to repair powder hat alchemists make and such investing in the medicoptor cements you as a supporter

Rank 1 Scapegoat Shield
Rank 2 HP+ Rapid Spin draw monsters to the Aegis dealing lighjt amounts of damage
Rank 3 HP+ Reflector
Rank 4 HP+ Sanctuary Generator projects a small 9 tile wide (wih aegis in the center) sanctuary field
Rank 5 HP+ Enduring Stand always survives with one hp once per deployment

Rank One Bullet Shred (change this to a one tile free aim) otherwise as is. Turret having two skill with no aiming flexibility is infuriating
Rank two HP+ Spirit Battery Copy it's summoners Elemental Spirt
Rank 3 Bullet Spray Augment Weapon Change main gun to be a Shotgun passively toggle off to return to autoturret mode
Rank 4 HP + Lock Acquired 3M Change next attack to fire off two rockets that hit in a 9 tile square
Rank 5 Unload Ammo 9M fire your basic weapon several times at a target or untill it's out of range (need to be overclocked)

Railgun I think its mostly fire as it is
Rank 1 Pew a low damaging laser attack
Rank 2 Rail shot
Rank 3 Pew Pew a second low damaging laser attack (samescaling as the first)
Rank 4 HP+ Focus causes on enemy to take increased damage for a time
Rank 5 Move+ (3)

And that's all i have time for. feel free to bitch and whine at me about how this breaks the class or something i had fun writing it anyway.
And back Time to try and finish this crap off.

Medicopter Passives / Actives
Alchemic Storage. Grants Access to Dangerous Liquid Dark Water Vial Crash Potion
if Medicopter rank 5 the Crash potion is large

Advanced Engines
Rank 1 Move +1
Rank 2 Move +1 movment is Flight
Rank 3 Move +1 movement is teleport

Delivery System Range +1 per rank

Metal Aegis

Repelling Aegis
Rank 1 Deflects Bullets Once
Rank 2 Reflects Bullets once (loses deflect)
Rank 3 acts as a spirit mirror once

Study Shield HP+ per rank

Bulwark Gains the Shield Bash skill

Spirit Battery Rapid Spin gains elemental impact Shield Bash gains elemental impact
deploys with a copy of the engineers spirit

Advanced Thrusters Gains charge Skill


Grenade Launcher gains a copy of the engineers grenade launcher skill on a two turn cooldown

Analyse gains analyse weakness

Destabilizing Ammo Deals +5/10/15% extra damage to summoned creatures

Exorcism Ammo deal +5/10/15% extra damage those with the possessed type

Hunting Ammo deal 5/10/15% extra damage to Kaelensia type creatures


Extended Scope Range + Per Rank

Turret modification Main attack fires a laser like pew pew (that's three attacks with overclock)

High Speed Battery on deployment count as already having invoked lightshot (you can fire it immediately if the railgun isn't attacked and knocked out of it)
I'm pretty sure this rework would make this class more complicated while also being objectively worse. I play an engineer, and I've always had my main character playing as one. I went through a lot of reworks and rebuilds and do constantly tinker with the class to see how I can get the most out of it.

If there were measures to make the engineer a more common class, it would be to raise the level of bots up to the destiny level of bots for cross class and to potentially lower the cost of them or make salvage/picking up salvage just give you FP back instead of make the next cast shorter. Besides that, the class's other features are all really okay.

I don't run repair because of how little it heals. Don't touch it. It'll probably never be buffed or made viable for self repair as a mechanation either so I consider that a mostly dead skill.

I don't run salvage because it's mostly dead momentum in a fight and it's too short of range to be safe as anything but a tanky, immobile engineer.

I run bashfix and over the half year or so I've run this build, it's only ever been used once in any meaningful way. If you're not destiny or don't just HAPPEN to be using something that can be considered an axe, don't touch it. I just happen to use a rexys.

This class can be good. The problem is that you have to get very creative to make it work. The amount of strength and scaling you need on a gun weapon to make grenade or flamethrower do decent damage means you're gonna need to pull some fuckery. But the fuckery is there to be pulled so...

Just get creative with it, play with it a little while longer, and hit me up on discord as (Discord Ooser)#1736 if you want help seeing what the class has to offer. Because me and like 5 other people on this small game have actually touched it past crying at the focus cost of the bots and switching to duelist to spend 0 focus on sidecut.

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