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Ryeser Nerf
As it stands, Ryeser is a gun that:

1. Runs 45% SKI 45% LUC base scaling
2. Does lightning damage
3. Removes momentum from the enemy per crit (per shot) and cannot drop them below 3M with the effect (doesn't work if they have 25%+ lightning resist)

The problem with Ryeser is that it's not too hard to stack critical rate with them, which, once paired up with any form of easy knockdown (normally Sonic Shell) it allows you to entirely remove someone's turn. Afterwards, you're fully capable of kiting them after you shoot them once again, and force them to be unable to counterplay you.

The current methods of dealing with a Ryeser:

1. Stacking a lot of critical evade.
2. Using 25% lightning resist.
3. Stacking a lot of evade (not too viable considering Magic Gunner gets a lot of hit rate in general, but still an option sometimes.)
4. Steel Aura (can get removed with Null Shell which most Ryeser users have).

The other problem is that fitting in lightning resist or critical evade, as well as -enormous- evade is not something that can be fit into most builds in a way that doesn't immensely downgrade them (not to mention Null Shell removes resistances anyway). Magic Gunners stack a lot of critical rate with Sarasha Gi and Ring of Thorns Plus, in addition to what their other class may provide them in that regard. Combined with large hit rate, you can likely easily see how this becomes an issue.

The reason why I consider this to be bad for the game is because you're essentially preventing the other person from playing the game for several rounds if you feel like doing it with Ryesers. On the other hand, I wouldn't like for this gun to be completely useless. I have been on both ends of using a Ryeser and dealing against it, and frankly neither side is fun (at least to me).

Ryeser's worst offender is when it's paired up with Thunder Drive + Sonic Shell.

My propositions:

A) Making Ryeser inflict a status on critical that drops your momentum by LV and has 1 duration. Once it goes away, you gain an immunity status for it that dons 2 duration (CANNOT BE REMOVED BY DISPEL EFFECTS/DOES NOT LAST UNTIL YOUR NEXT TURN) so there is an universal window of counterplay. The 3M minimum clause should still be a thing here.

B) Making Ryeser not drop enemies below 6M with its effect. This makes it so when paired up with knockdown it doesn't instantly remove another person's turn.

C) Dropping Ryeser's Accuracy by a significant margin. Probably -10 or -15 hit.

These are ideas, but my personal choice is Option A, since it keeps the utility of Ryesers while allowing people to play the game still.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
I remember mentioning that minimum momentum during any turn should be 3m, this is also an issue with Book Smack + Knockdown.

On another note, Ryeser probably should have an effect that isn't sapping momentum at all, and get a bit more damage to compensate for it, if its supposed to paralyze people then perhaps it should inflict a stacking movement penalty debuff onto them, leading up to an immobilize, or reduce the physical capabilities of a target such as accuracy/evade/physical damage.

Either way, Ryeser can be stacked with enough crit to get around its low critical hit rate, and elemental resistance isn't an issue to null shell overcharges (Also Lightning still only has 1 dedicated resist item to it, in your SHIELD slot, the least diversified slot in the game for most builds.)

A fully stacked Ryeser Redtail running bonder can achieve similar numbers to this:
[Image: gnRUxO0.png]

Which is VERY hard for anyone to deal with.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I'd agree that ryeser needs to be tuned, and I think this thread has a lot of great, healthy ways to address it. I think if I were to lean towards an option in fern's list, it would be towards option B, since making it only available on some turns makes it feel very unimpactful. A 1m drop is small, but it could be nice to disrupt some things. I think that it would just become more commonly paired with KDs, in this case, though. So my 2 suggestions are either

Following Spo's idea, and making it a Move-reducing effect on crit, or

To solve the issue with ryeser and book smack which was just mentioned, making it so that you have a minimum of 3m after getting up from KD might be a good idea. So, this would induce situations like...

Have 7 or 6m? KD reduces 3m as usual when you rise, total 3 for 6m and total 4 for 7m
Have 5m? KD reduces 2 m when you rise, total 3
4m becomes 1m reduction and total 3m, and 3m becomes no reduction from knockdown and 3m total.

I'm not going to indicate too much preference either way, but I definitely agree ryeser is in need of some nerf tuning.
Just buff bellplate.
I personally say, leave the turn loss to Stunning people. I'd rather it have the moment/stat lowering effect so we don't run into turns being removed due to shells+shocks from the gun itself. Things like Stun should be the ones that lower momentum to 0 for a turn, as that is their purpose. Not knockdown or getting shocked by Ryeser or slapped by booksmack.
They got nerf once, they do not need a second nerf.
What if Ryeser's effect was changed to;

On Critical: Deals bonus Lightning damage equal to the target's Momentum*2 (min. 2) and inflicts them with Clumsy until your next turn.

For anyone who doesn't know, Clumsy prevents movement skill use, except basic movement.
Yes, this is a good change. Being able to do something rather than nothing is infinitely preferable after constant momentum loss.
[Image: tenor.gif]
If it has a inflict check, you got a deal-
That's much better than what it does now.
[Image: BAWqB6P.png]
[Image: fa5d9fd2e3f77f27206bb134638b5f28.png]
I think that it's a little weaker than an immobilize, but considering the issues prezented by an immobilize on-crit effect for a multishot weapon, I think it's solid! I'd be happy to use it like that, as long as it doesn't have an inflict check attached.

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