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(OUTDATED) Fern's Guide to Character Building
Note: This thread is now outdated due to the most recent evasion rework. If you would like a more up-to-date tutorial, refer to Zerg's Guide for building!
DISCLAIMER: This guide assumes that you have done the in-game tutorial at the very start of the game. If you have not gone through it, I highly recommend doing so, as it will help you better understand what is written here. Additionally, this assumes that you use the SL2 Reckoning Calculator.

Click here if you want to download the SL2 Reckoning Calculator.

This guide may be updated sometimes. I will make a post every time I make a significant update to it.

It is mostly meant to help you learn how to make builds in the SL2 Calculator.

Wanting to make your character decent at fighting or have some kind of roleplay concept in mind that you're not sure how to set up mechanically? Say no more! This is a guide created by myself to help people understand how to make character builds.

Sigrogana Legend 2 is a game where you determine your character's gameplay abilities by choosing a combination of two classes from the available Class Board, in addition to investing stat points to help make your character better at other areas.

This thread includes a section for Beginner and an Advanced one. Only check out the Advanced section if you're interested in going more in-depth with character building. Now, without further ado... let's get to it!


There are four types of stat classifications:

  1. Base Stat: Your raw stat without any sort of mods applying to it.
  2. Modded Stat: Your stat with other mods adding to it (Example: in-game buffs, equipment, class bonuses...)
  3. Racial Base: Your race's starting base stats. Most races have different ones, in example, Imperialists have 4 Racial Base STR and Chatarans have 6. This is different from the first two stat types because it actually affects Diminishing Returns, which will be explained shortly.
  4. Scaled Stat: How much of your stat is effective. To put it in simple words, the more you invest into a stat past a certain point the less effective it actually becomes. This limiter begins at your character's Racial Base Stat + 40. (Example: Diminishing returns for Imperialists' STR begins past 44. You invest one point past that, and it becomes 44,9. You invest another, and it becomes 45.8... and so on. This is what Diminishing Returns means.)

You can see your Racial Base in-game by opening your Character Info screen (button at the top right of your in-game screen) and hovering over the stat names. Like so:

[Image: unknown.png]

The number to the left is your Racial Base, while the number to the right is how many Base Stat points you've added to it. This example has 47 base WIL!

You can also see your Scaled Stats in-game by clicking this button in the Character Info screen. Click it again to stop displaying them:

[Image: unknown.png]

With that in mind, let's get to business! Let's open the SL2 Calculator and take a peek at the menu we first get.

[Image: unknown.png]

The calculator allows you to spend 240 stat points, which is the max amount you can have at Level 60 (the max level you can get with ordinary player characters.

Keep in mind that you get 4 Stat Points per Level Up. You begin with 4 at Level 1. If we multiply 4 x 60 = 240. Quick maths!

I'll explain what each button in the screen does:
  • Race: You pick what race you're building for here. Once you select a Race, the calculator will automatically apply its racial stat bases to the screen.

  • Class: This is where you choose your character's Main Class. Each Main Class has a stat bonus to specific areas, so when you select one, it'll change your stats.

  • Monoclassing: Check this if you're using your Main Class as your Sub Class too. Monoclassing doubles the stat bonuses of your Main Class in addition to having other special gimmicks, which you can find through the game's skills in the Class Board.

  • Custom Modifiers: Here you put any stat modifiers you feel are relevant to your build.

  • Base Modifiers: With this, you can increase base stats manually, for whenever you may need it.

  • ElemATK: This allows to manually add Elemental ATK. Each element is tied to a stat. In the calculator, they're lined up with their respective stats for convenience. Every 4 points of Scaled WIL add +1 Elemental ATK across the board. Keep in mind that only Scaled Stats increase Elemental ATK, except for Luminary Element's case which will be explained shortly.

  • ElemRES: Your elemental resistance to that element. It reduces the damage you take from that element. Negative numbers mean that you're weaker to it... for example, if I had -25% Fire resistance, that means I get 25% Fire weakness.

  • Starsign: The blue square with the white circle at the top left. Starsign is a talent that you can find in-game by opening the Talent Screen and clicking the Occult section, then Astrology. It increases both your Elemental ATK and its respective stat, and becomes doubled during specific months. In the calculator, you can hover over the Starsigns to see what they affect.

  • Luminary Element: Only check this if you plan on using the Luminary Element trait that you can get in-game. This makes it so Scaled WIL no longer increases your Elemental ATK, and instead makes it so it's determined by your Modded WIL. The element that ends up scaling with your Modded WIL is determined by your Starsign (for example, if I have the Mars starsign and 70 Modded WIL, my Fire ATK becomes 70.)

  • Legend Aspects: The symbols at the top right. They increase their respective Base Stat and softcap for Diminishing Returns by 1. You can hover over them to see which stat they affect. Legend Aspects are attained through the use of Legend Inks, which you need the Legend Journal for. You can attain the journal at the top of the Nameless Shrine by talking with the NPC Asha when you're Level 60. This part of the menu is irrelevant to you if you don't plan on having a Legend Journal.

  • Dragon King Pieces: There are equipment pieces in the game part of a set called Dragon King. Only increase this if you plan on using them - they increase your STR and its softcap.

  • Essence: Only mess with this if you're playing a Vampire. This sets the amount of Essence you have. See Sanguine Crest's description in the game's racial skills for more details.

  • Rising Game: There's an innate used by Ghost, a Duelist class promotion that increases specific stats the more HP you lose. The amount of stats it affects depends on its rank level, which you can choose here. Caps at 5. NOTE THAT THIS SETS YOUR RISING GAME RANK, NOT IN-BATTLE LEVEL!

  • HP%: Sets the amount of HP the character is currently at. Useful for Rising Game calculations!

  • Total HP%: Changes the max HP your character supposedly has.

  • Custom HP: Sets HP mods. Some skills or equipment give you flat bonus HP. This is useful for that.

  • Custom MP: See above, but instead it's MP. Or FP, as known in-game.

  • Giant Gene: There's an enchant in-game called Giant Gene, which increases your max HP by 10% and your Torso's Weight by 50%. Tick this if you plan on using that.

  • Endurance: There's a passive in-game from the Hexer Class, promotion of Mage, that increases your max HP by 10%. Check the box if you plan on using it.

  • Weapon Calculations: This is for checking your weapon stats! I believe the menu it opens is pretty self-explanatory. Just set the weapon's scalings, stats, critical modifier and so on - the calculator will tell you how much hit, critical and damage you should roughly have.

  • Reduction: Opens a menu for damage reduction calculations. I highly advise to not tamper with this until you're more experienced with the game, because it can be confusing.

  • Traits: Opens a menu for traits that can affect your stats. As of this day, only the History traits can boost your Base Stats.

  • Stamps: Opens a menu for stamps that affect your stats, elemental resists and other things. You get stamps by doing Quests in-game, normally. STAT STAMPS ARE MODDED STATS, THEY DO NOT QUALIFY AS BASE STATS!

  • Print: This is for printing your stat point investment. I suggest saving it when you're done making your build so you can open it in Notepad! When you click it, it'll open a new menu that details the amount of points you put into each stat. Custom Modifiers are put next to the stat points invested in brackets. This menu also includes whether you accounted for Giant Gene, Main Class, Legend Aspects, Starsign, History... etc! I will give you a quick example.
[Image: unknown.png]

The print says STR: 30 (+6)
This means that I added 30 points to STR and I should be assuming I'm getting a +6 STR mod, from whatever equipment/status I was accounting for. So when you get to investing points in game with this one, it means that you have to add 30 points to STR.

  • If you hold Shift and click the + or - buttons when spending points, it lets you multi-spend or multi-subtract! The same can be done in the SL2 Calculator.
  • Curious about how a Racial Skill works? You can go to the ASAGO banks in-game and check out their Race Board by clicking on it! Obviously it won't let you race swap, but it'll let you see details on other races. This is very helpful specially when it comes to making basic builds.
  • Aptitude gives you a +1 to all stats except itself per every 6 scaled, and increases your EXP gains by a %. Normally this is pretty wise to include in most builds you do, because it makes it much easier to afford stats on top of make you gain more EXP.

And that's it for the basics of making builds in the SL2 Calculator! I know it might seem a bit intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it you can pretty much make builds in less than a few minutes. There's much more advanced stuff you can do for build optimization if you really want to go that far, but that'll be explained in a different post in this same thread. I hope this is useful!
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
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Hello. It's me again. You're expected to have a basic understanding of how to do basic character building at this point...

This isn't a "how do I be meta" guide. This is a "how do I make what I want to do as best as can be" guide. If you want to run meta or non-meta or what have you is entirely your decision. Play the classes, builds, and use equipment/races you want. You are encouraged to have fun.

This can have subjective opinions. You are not expected to agree with me - these are my own personal suggestions on build optimizing!

Now then. Let's begin. Open your SL2 Calculator and join me in this ride.

[Image: rJDhZEB.png]

[Image: NGNlxLt.png]

For now we're focusing on these. They are very, very important to build optimization in general. Because having the minimum stats to help your build function in PVE or PVP is mandatory most of the time. If you can't afford stats for what you plan to do, odds are that it won't work out in the majority of the cases. Accounting for stat mods you will usually have tends to alleviate this issue, and it's more prominent in some classes than others thanks to certain statuses they provide.

My personal go-to list for when I have to account for stat mods include the following:
  • Equipment Stat Mods: There are several pieces of equipment in the game that provide stats, sometimes to two or four different ones. Examples include but are not limited to: Lucky Amulet (+3 LUC) / High Mage's Cape (+2 WIL +2 RES) / Fake Badge (+2 CEL +2 RES +10 HP +10 FP) / Berserker Shell (+20 HP) / etc... so if you're really desperate for stats, I'd suggest looking at equipment options that can help you afford what you want to do. Don't know what you can use? You can check the Wiki's Item List or the Dragon Hoard Museum located in Tannis for options! The wiki can be a bit outdated sometimes, but the museum generally puts up all possible equipment items on display with their potentials listed. My personal preference is to visit the museum for a precise explanation, but you can do either! Keep in mind some equipment also affect Hit/Critical/Evade/Critical/Damage Reduction and so on! Note that specific equipment, when upgraded also provide stats (I.E upgrading shoes make them give more HP/Evade.)
  • Class Mod Skills: Classes tend to have innates that boost a specific stat. You can see this in one of Soldier's innate skills called Fortitude, which boosts your HP. Another example resides in Evoker's innate skill named Spiritual Domination which boosts WIL by +6 at Rank 5. These are just a few examples out of many, and it's usually worth a shot checking if the classes you plan on using have these mods in some form. And not just for stats either, sometimes there's mods for other things such as Hit/Critical/Evade/Critical Evade/Status Resist/Phys. DEF/Mag. DEF which are also very worth keeping in mind!
  • Gear Enchant Mods: Equipment enchants that boost stats are indeed a thing! Here's a list of the ones you can use (as of this moment) for stat stuff:
  1. Heart of Leviathan (Torso enchant): Increases max HP by 60.
  2. Heart of Tannin (Torso enchant): Increases max FP by 60.
  3. Giant Gene (Torso/Weapon enchant): Increases max HP by 10%, torso weight by 50%.
  4. Bleached Fang (Torso enchant): Increases your Critical Evade by 25.
  5. Warwalk (Foot enchant): Increases your max HP and FP by 20.
  6. Miragewalk (Foot enchant): Increases your evade by 25 after using a movement skill that costs 3M or more.
  7. Pitch-Black Feather (Torso enchant): Increases your Phys and Mag Armor by 1, and your Evade by 5, for every allied unit.
  8. Jeweled (Weapon enchant): Increases your FAI by 2 and Light ATK by 3.
  9. Firejewel (Glove enchant): Increases your STR by 2 and Fire ATK by 3.
  10. Icejewel (Glove enchant): Increases your SKI by 2 and your Ice ATK by 3.
  11. Windjewel (Glove enchant): Increases your CEL by 2 and your Wind ATK by 3.
  12. Geoheart (Glove enchant): Increases your DEF by 2 and your Earth ATK by 3.
  • Statuses: You are able to account for statuses that affect your stats if you really want to. Some out of battle statuses can also affect your stats (I.E wounds or Hikari's Blessing attained by donating Murai to Hikari in the Cellsvich chapel) though... my personal recommendation is to only account for statuses you'll have easiest access to. For example, the Mage base class enchants are generally a very good idea to account for when making a build that includes them, since the Auto-Enchant skill from Mage grants you the one you want at the start of the fight. Examples of those include, but are not limited to:
  1. Nerhaven (Grants STR/WIL/Fire ATK)
  2. Kraken (Grants SKI/DEF/Ice ATK)
  3. Talvyd (Grants CEL/MOV/Wind ATK)
  4. Galren (Grants DEF/RES/Earth ATK)
  5. Astral Belt (Grants DEF)
  6. Relent Gale (Grants CEL)
Hikari's Blessing provides 2 WIL, 2 FAI and 1 HP regen, by the way, and is universally accessible by donating to Hikari. You can donate 1 Murai for 50 rounds of it, or 1000 for 100 rounds, 2000 for 200, 300 for 300.... and so on. It just has a minimum of 50 rounds.
  • Food Statuses: Certain foods, upon being consumed, give a status that lasts for a certain amount of battles. Using them for builds are a valid strategy if you want to eat them before getting into fights. Here's a list of various effects off the top of my head:
  1. Custard: Gives 1 MOV.
  2. Fugu: Gives 3 STR 3 WIL.
  3. Fugu Katsu: Gives 3% Status Resistance.
  4. Sushi: Gives 2 STR 2 WIL.
  5. Salad: Gives 3 VIT.
  6. Pumpkin Lolipops: Gives 5 CEL.
  7. Potato and Carrot Slices: Gives 3 SKI.
  8. Jammies: 4 CEL.
  9. Redpop: 4 CEL.
  10. Cocky: 3 CEL.
  11. Kat Knip: 3 CEL.
  12. Heshe: 3 CEL.
  13. Androbar: 3 CEL.
  14. Chocolate Bar: 2 CEL.
  15. Sweet Bites: 1 CEL.
My personal favorites are Salad, Fugu and Pumpkin Lolipop. Usually Salad. Keep in mind these stat mods don't apply until you go into battle, so if you're craving SKI for Skill Slots for example, you prooooobably don't want to do Potato and Carrot Slices. It's kind of a case-by-case deal.
Health and healing become more valuable the more damage reduction you have, and damage reduction is more valuable the more health you have. I would say a strategy that tends to work out is investing enough VIT that it reaches your soft-cap, then increasing DEF/RES from there. It's usually not that good of an idea to invest all your defenses into VIT, as intimidating as having 1200 HP may look. That HP isn't too useful if it means you get hit for 300 damage a shot, when you could instead build for 950~ HP and take way less damage than that!

If you feel that your build is lacking in a defensive area, you might be able to cover that with specific equipment, racial or class ability. For example, let's say my two-hand basic attacker tank is severely lacking in magic reduction because I can only afford 50 DEF and 30 RES. You can sort of cushion this with a Nullstone Gauntlet, which grants 10 HP and 10% magic damage reduction, in this scenario. Maybe you can only afford 40 DEF/RES for whatever reason, but you can use Martial Artist's Weathered Body main class innate for 10% damage reduction to try and mitigate that weakness.

However, there are two things I want to emphasize:

  1. No build is perfect. There will usually be some kind of weakness, minor or large. Attempts at making this weakness less harsh can be usually done.
  2. Most damage reduction equipment, skills and statuses are MULTIPLICATIVE, NOT ADDITIVE. Meaning that if I have 50% base Phys DR and use Weathered Body, which gives 10% damage reduction? It won't become 60%. It'll become 55%.
Additionally, stacking Armor helps you survive even longer as a tank character. It's not mandatory, but it helps.
Normally, if your Critical Evade is low as in 30's to 40's, then you're better off using the Giant Gene enchant for your Torso slot. If it's decent, as in 55 and upwards, then it's worth a shot trying out Bleached Fang. Not getting crit'd once or forcing the crit build to stack it to reliably do it tends to be more useful than gaining 10% HP. However, if you don't care about crits, then you can use Giant Gene normally.

This one needs a bit more in-depth explanation, so I'll be posting screenshots so it's easier to follow what I'm saying. Sometimes it's detrimental to pump so much CEL, LUC or VIT as an evade build. More commonly CEL, since even though its base amount determines your Initiative (how fast your turn comes by in a fight) the Turn Order makes it so the fastest from X color side goes first, then the fastest from the opposition. This means that people from the opposition with lower Initiative will frequently go before you in a group battle. My two cents is that, due to this reason, you should not focus so much on stacking Initiative. You can get a good or decent amount (45+) if you really want to, but it's not mandatory in my opinion.

Now, let's pretend that we're building an evade Onigan, so we can see the possible routes we can get:

[Image: MEO90KB.png]

oh no, my super basic onigan basic attacker stat spread that i made for the sake of a guide example needs more hit/crit rate, but i also want it to keep the evade it has or something close to it

In this example, we are supposedly looking to fit in more Hit/Crit rate. Since you don't ABSOLUTELY need that much Initiative considering how the Turn Order works in group fights, which are the ones that usually matter most mind you....

You can lower CEL and increase LUC in order to not only try to keep an amount of evade similar to the one you had, but also attain more Hit/Crit/CritEvade in the process. Example:

[Image: 0O6PuWI.png]
Well will you look at that. I dropped CEL by 6 points and increased LUC by that. I lost 6 initiative, but I kept the 165 Evade and increased my Hit/Crit/CritEvade in the process! This is a good strategy if you don't care much about Initiative or Wind ATK. Personally, I'd say the Wind ATK loss in this case is fairly easy to ignore.

You can do the reverse for Evade builds that don't require much Hit or CritEvade, and instead lower your LUC to increase your CEL. In this case, my recommendation would be to leave your LUC at soft-cap and then increase your CEL to your heart's content (while keeping diminishing returns in mind.)

Now, let's say that you want to optimize this example build's HP. You want to know just how much HP you need for what you want to do, and how much is "too much HP." A decent guideline I personally use is to imagine the average damage you will be taking on that character, and then multiply that until it exceeds the HP you've invested.

So let's say that this 752 HP Onigan takes 150 damage on average. We multiply that 150 until it exceeds 752. If you multiply 150 x 6, you get 900. That means that we would need to have more than 900 HP to survive one more hit. In this case it would require way too much point investment than we'd like to since we're still trying to build basic attacks, so it would just be better to leave our HP where it is even if it looks small.
You might be wondering why people actually invest APT (Aptitude) in builds so often. You might be wondering why people stare at you like you're insane when you don't build APT. That is because APT is very useful to have for -most- builds, though it's normally a personal choice to take it. Here's a comparison with a super basic Karaten Wind mage build:
[Image: rQP0Bwz.png]

This build needs more stats across the board but we don't have the stat points to add more. That's where APT kicks in. Let's try making this same build with APT included.

[Image: LS1w0GK.png]
As you can see, we've gained more total stats across the board, and room for a few more Skill Slots while at it! The way APT works is that for every 6 Scaled APT you have, you get a +1 stat mod to all your stats. It also increases your experience gains, which is pretty handy when grinding. Note that the stats you gain from APT are modded, not base stats. Meaning that statuses like Burn which remove modded DEF will also erase the DEF pointes you've gained from APT.
Yes they are, but they're not mandatory. Their rewards mostly show when you have a lot of them for the stats you need. Let's say that I have a build that runs 50 STR, SKI and DEF, but no Legend Aspects. If I were to get them for STR, SKI and DEF, then I would have 3 more points to work with. So when you have a lot of them for a lot of stats you run, you're normally getting like +6 or +7 points to work with compared to someone without legend aspects. The difference is somewhat minimal, but it's overall better to have Legend Aspects if you feel like getting them. Don't feel like grinding that much? No problem, you can still kick butt without them.
Time to make a Kensei/BK Onigan basic attacker with a Tarnada, because why not. Before and after Legend Aspects, too.
The stuff I will be accounting for will be this:
  • Vorpal Dragon Remains Tarnada (Razor Blade, Locking Guard, Firm Hilt weapon parts) (Sharp, Precise, Deadly, Heavy tool qualities) (Upgraded) (Sentimentality Trait MAX)
  • Giant Gene Insect Remains Armor of Eyes (for its nice effects that will help my basic attacking)
  • Icejewel Bloody Palms (because the Claret Call and Hunted would really come in handy, no pun intended)
  • Miragewalk Ogata's Waraji (this gives 2 CEL and 10% Phys damage reduction if your CEL is higher than your DEF, or if Kensei is your main class)
  • Jupiter Badge (this gives 1 CEL 1 LUC and treats you as enchanted with Redgull for elemental impact effects, so lightning crits on most autohits Kensei/BK runs)
  • Enhanced Swordmaster's Ring (you were wondering where the magic damage would come from, weren't you)
  • Pumpkin Lolipop food (for that 5 CEL bonus)
  • Soldier's Fortitude (+75 HP, along with the +6 HP shoes upgrade on a glass cannon? yes please)
  • Kensei's Peerless (3 STR 3 SKI is nothing to laugh at, that's +6 points for this build)
  • Capacity: Depth talent (+25 FP, in addition to +6 FP from gloves upgrade, gives me +31 FP to work with)
At this point, you can look into the wiki or the Dragon Hoard Museum to check out Tarnada's base stats so you slap them on the Weapon Calculations window.
Without Legend Aspects:

[Image: MleGucg.png]

With Legend Aspects:

[Image: dpvRAQD.png]
Did you see how we got more stat points to put into what we're running?
  • If you want to experiment with different class combos, feel free to. The game enables you to quickly change between classes and equipment. Sometimes, experimenting like this helps you find what you like and learn the game more while at it.
  • Also, if you feel frustrated when trying to figure out a build, it's usually a good idea to take a break from it then come back to it later. That's personally what I do if I start getting frustrated. It's completely normal to be irritated at this sort of stuff sometimes, don't worry. I do too.
  • You can generally roleplay class abilities as other things so long as they make sense in the lore. For example, you don't have to ICly use the Demon Hunter stances or exclaim them despite running that class. There are some things that can't be roleplayed as other things, I.E Mercana healing in general or the Void, but that's a small amount of cases as far as I know.
  • Having several items that your build can use for the sake of variety isn't a bad thing if you want to do it!
  • Focus on progress, not perfection.
Thank you for reading, and good luck with your character!
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
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