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Chain Casting
So I figured I would pitch a skill for Evoker, seeing as Charge Mind is currently the go-to buff skill. Variation is always nice.

Quote:Chain Casting - 2M

The user begins casting at high-speed, reducing the momentum cost of all Mage and Evoker spells (excluding Invocations) they cast by 1 for the remainder of the turn, but preventing them from using the same spell twice. Cannot be used while under the effects of Charge Mind, and for the duration Mage and Evoker spells use only 80% of WIL.

Rank 1: Learn Skill. 20 FP.
Rank 5: If High-Speed Divine Words is active, the momentum cost of spells is further reduced by 1.
Having a momentum cost of 2 means the most we'll (probably) see cast in a single turn would be 5 spells, if High-Speed Divine Words was activated in the previous turn. This may seem ridiculous, but the total cost of achieving this is 7M and 40 FP, more total than Charge Mind, and they won't be able to increase the damage through Charge Mind's effect, meaning this skill is about quantity over quality (the complete opposite of Charge Mind). A possible advantage is that the caster could hit more elemental weaknesses (and in the case of some skills inflict more status'), but they could just as easily hit more resists. My hope is that this adds a strategic alternative for Charge Mind to Evoker's arsenal, and encourages the use of Evoker spells that are normally untouched.

A possible tweak that this may need is only working for Mage and Evoker spells, but I would like opinions on that before any change is made to the suggestion, as well as opinions on the idea as a whole.
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]
>all spells they cast.

Yeah, keep it to just mage and evoker spells. I don't need to get hit with every hex in the game in one round. Nor does anyone else.

Having HSDW threaten even more than an invocation isn't really necessary either--as it stands, if you go near an evoker with HSDW up, they'll blast you with...what they were preparing. Having it mean both "possible invoc" and "wombo combo of death" is just too much.

I like the idea behind encouraging using more spells, but, I'd suggest it perhaps inflict a penalty on damage dealt to compensate for just how many spells you can get in with it, /especially/ if you hit a weakness (which very few people in PvP have but I digress.)
If they're going for an invocation it'll most likely be telegraphed by Charge Mind (since invocations and even spells themselves tend to be lackluster without it). Once they use Charge Mind, the possibility of them preparing for a chain cast go out the window, since they'll be locked out of using it until Charge Mind wears off. For them to get in a full spell combo they will already need to be in range (since movement could take away up to 3 of their casts, leaving them with only 2 after activating Chain Cast, and that's -if- and only if HSDW is active), and for it to be every basic Evoker spell they would need to be directly linear to their target.

More likely than not these are not going to be all rank 5 spells (though they could gear their character that way if they wanted to sacrifice the passive damage bonuses and invocations, but in that case they would be a gimmick character with no other options). Let's also add in that unlike Charge Mind's damage bonus that's factored in before reductions, these will have resistances and RES applied to every cast, which can be a lot of damage reduction overall. This is topped off by things like Wraithguard and Devotion. You could say that Charge Mind is for the RES-based opponents, and Chain Cast is for the DEF-based opponents.

As far as the "all spells" things goes I agree with you, and I'll go ahead and change that.
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]
I don't really like this idea at all.

If you have HSDW up alongside this, your spells cost 1 M.

To start an invocation, it's 1 M, and to see it through, it's 1 more, correct? That's what I'm getting from this.

With that in mind, if the mage wants to outright nuke everyone, let's look at what they can cast...

2 M = Overload
1 M = Ryemei
2 M = Isenshi
1 M = Magai
1 M = ???

Assuming you hit 0 resistances, that's your WIL being factored in quite a bit. With Overload absolutely just decimating people.

That's what overload does, it pretty much one shots people regardless of charge mind status or not, it's kind of bullshit. We don't need it being able to be spammed even moreso than it is now considering with that you could Move, Invocation < which owuld proc knockdown on your foe because you started casting it >, see the invocation through, guard. It's kind of silly.
Intensify cold -> chain casting -> libregande -> famiuga -> that other ice spell -> Spell.


Edit : Nah I spammed someone with overload because IC rage and still got my ass kicked. And it was a ghost. Ergo extra extra damage.

I'd exclude invocations in general, since mage spells will be included.
Oh jeez that's even meaner.

>CC HSDW first turn

>IC for 2 M
>Expanding ice for the last 3 M.
The only way I could see this being remotely balanced is if the spells did 40% less damage or something. Otherwise they're just way too strong.
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]
Yeah, good idea but this seems like a different class entirely, something less nuking and more combo based.

I wish people would stop trying to rework Evoker because they personally find blowing things up to be boring.
This here is the point of Evoker.

I agree with Soapy that it sounds more like a different class idea. Considering Evoker's massive damage, I'd not want to see people flinging spells left and right like they're in a stylish dungeon. And I also agree, people need to stop trying to rework class gimmicks just because they don't like them.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!
Well that escalated quickly. But the idea was that it worked like stylish dungeons do, just without the damage penalty. "Cannot cast the same spell more than once." probably should have been clarified better. What I meant was that (in addition to being unable to repeat normal spells) if they began casting the invocation then they would not be able to cast it that same turn. That said, I did overlook the whole invocation momentum thing, and I believe they should be excluded, so I'll be modifying the suggestion.

Edit: I've also altered it to have spells cast for the duration use only 80% of WIL (due to rushed casting).
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]

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