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Lore Questions: September 2021
Regarding Fun-o-grams! And music in general.

1) How do you record music to play into fun-o-grams? Is it via compact discs(CDs)? Considering the fun o gram has the icon of one I always assumed so, but I'm curious as to the specifications of how the world of Sigrogana goes about it.
2) Do record bands exist?
3) Is there any country in specific that's very well known for its music arts? Karaten? Or do each countries have specific types of music like the real world does?
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1) With Albedo now being easily accessible via a trait and the homunculi races being extremely popularly received by players, would this effect the 'secrecy' of Albedo at all?

1a) Do normal NPCs like farmers/city-dwellers/nobles still view their organization with fear and distrust? Especially Karaten and their Mage's Guild?

1b) Are adventurers just really weird?

2) How long does it take to create a homunculi and how easily do people learn about the technique to do so? Can they be mass produced at the same time?
[Image: tenor.gif]
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(09-05-2021, 05:09 PM)WaifuApple Wrote: Alright, haven't asked a question in a while, but I'd personally like to know a bit more about certain mythical beasts mentioned within item lore:

1) Sleipner. Sleipner is a mythical beast mentioned in the description of the thunder hooves item, said to go really fast. What is it? Is there only one, or more than one? Has anyone ever SEEN this beast? Is it even still alive? Where does it supposedly originate from?

2) Zwellraus. The item mentions being named after a mythical beast. What is this one like? Once again, is there only one, or multiple? Are they still alive? Where does IT originate from?

I think knowing more about the mythical creatures in this world that go unacknowledged could be neat. It could give room for characters to share stories and tales, and perhaps even shape an event that allows characters to make their own tales, sit around a campfire and discuss the time they encountered one of these beasts.

1) Sleipner is a horse with six legs. They are youkai, similar to how they were in SL1.
2) About all I can say about Zwellrauss is that they're a mythical sea serpent sort of creature. The name comes from an old custom card from DME, but maybe I'll flesh them out sometime in the future.

(09-05-2021, 07:11 PM)Blissey Wrote: How many Voices of Mercala have there been?

Have they all been women/do they all have to be women?

Can Mercala choose to inhabit a new vessel she is compatible with (aka a new Mehana she deems worthy, for whatever reason)? If so, can she relieve the current Voice at any time and don a new vessel, or does she have to wait for the current vessel to pass away?

Bonus round: Aside from general compatibility, how does Mercala choose which Mehana is worthy?

1) Adena would be the ninth.
2) Yes, they must be women, as Mercala's power is passed down through the child of the last Voice.
3) It's hard to find a compatible vessel for whatever reason, but in theory, if she were to lose hers somehow, yes, it is possible to find another.
4) It's always the child of the Voice, which is always female.

(09-07-2021, 02:04 PM)Mikuel Wrote: Is it possible for someone to become Dullahan in armor of OLD dullahan?

as in Person A is dullahan and dies while their armor is mostly intact. (Job finished, ceases existing. Or just killed without breaking the armor fully). Person B then obtains the armor, makes it usable and dies in it while fitting dullahan conditions. Would anything change?

1) If there is no soul inhabiting the armor, then yes, it is possible for a Dullahan's armor to be 'reused'.
2) Nothing would be particularly different about it, no.

(09-10-2021, 08:21 AM)Shadbase Wrote: So, in the last Lore Questions thread, you mentioned in responce to Poruku's question the existance of "magical forest[s]" -

- What constitutes a magical forest, and can they be created?
- Would it be possible that a small section deep within a normal forest could be magical?
- Would animals in such a place take on magical qualities at all?

1) Magical forests are forests with abnormally high focus in the air. Technically, they are created by large scale magical miscasts, or some God's influence, etc.
2) Yes, this can happen as well.
3) Wouldn't be impossible.

(09-13-2021, 08:23 AM)Treantfence Wrote: So, are chaotic keys an actual thing within the lore, or should we take them from a purely OOC standpoint since they spawn BDPs?

1) Assume most donation items are OOC, is my suggestion.

(09-14-2021, 12:11 PM)Pyro Wrote: Could a Homunculi theoretically have additional parts fabricated and replaced by someone adept at homunculus creation?

Would it be possible for damaged tissue to be replaced by new tissue? (I.E, damaged muscles replaced or repaired with newly made muscles)

1) I'm unsure what you mean by 'additional parts', but yes, theoretically.
2) Yes, this is possible.

(09-23-2021, 03:18 PM)Snake Wrote: There has been a lot of confusion over Void usage and its ties to Void Poisoning lately, more over what causes Poisoning on an enemy and what causes poisoning on the user in a higher risk to the point someone can officially be put behind bars for merely its usage in spars.

1) Could you clarify which of those skills carry very dangerous and high risks of inflicting Void Poisoning upon enemies mainly?

- Black Bolt
- Detogate
- Vanishing Strike
- Eliminate
- Blotch
- Black Elixir
- Wash Away
- Ignite Engine
- Void Refraction's gated projectiles

2) Is it true that in 'spar' contexts, there should not be risks of Void Poisoning to each side since you're holding back? (Assuming that counts as an 'injury' and in spars you don't aim to injure your foe.)

1) Basically, what I'll say is this. Skills that teleport a short distance are generally not dangerous. Skills that teleport a longer distance, such as Voidgates, are much more dangerous comparitively. A lot of it has to do with distance. If the skill doesn't teleport you, it won't cause Void Poisoning.

(09-23-2021, 11:13 PM)Sarah54321 Wrote: Would Oniga or its Noble Families look down upon Nobles from the country joining the Church Knights, or would they not care? Maybe they'd even like that, since Mercala technically saved Ryart?

1) I do not imagine this would be anything controversial unless it's someone in the direct line of succession or otherwise massively important doing so.

(09-24-2021, 05:38 AM)Raigen.Convict Wrote: on the topic of Undead, Unalive and all, 
1. Cladis Mortem... Homunculi are safe to assume that they have such, right? Or do they?

2. Has Albedo looked into an easy way of clarifying what classifies something as Cladis Mortem or Unalive? One uneducated could consider a vampire and a Homunculus in a similar position. Those whom were once dead, now not through some kind of ritual.

1) Cladis Mortem only involves undead. Homunculi are not undead.
2) Yes, undead only refer to that which was once alive.

(09-29-2021, 01:02 PM)SpaceShibe Wrote: Regarding Fun-o-grams! And music in general.

1) How do you record music to play into fun-o-grams? Is it via compact discs(CDs)? Considering the fun o gram has the icon of one I always assumed so, but I'm curious as to the specifications of how the world of Sigrogana goes about it.
2) Do record bands exist?
3) Is there any country in specific that's very well known for its music arts? Karaten? Or do each countries have specific types of music like the real world does?

1) These items are not meant to be wholly IC, but I imagine it would be on records, fitting with what the item looks like.
2) Probably not. I don't think the technology would be quite so available.
3) The latter, I would say.

(09-29-2021, 01:09 PM)K Peculier Wrote: 1) With Albedo now being easily accessible via a trait and the homunculi races being extremely popularly received by players, would this effect the 'secrecy' of Albedo at all?

1a) Do normal NPCs like farmers/city-dwellers/nobles still view their organization with fear and distrust? Especially Karaten and their Mage's Guild?

1b) Are adventurers just really weird?

2) How long does it take to create a homunculi and how easily do people learn about the technique to do so? Can they be mass produced at the same time?

1) In theory it shouldn't, in practice I can't say.
1a) Those people probably don't know they exist, but if they did, most likely. Karaten and the Mage's Guild most definitely do.
1b) Yes.
2) It takes a few weeks to a month to prepare everything. Learning it is very difficult and takes considerable practice. No, you can't mass produce homunculi.

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