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Due to how long it takes the main quest to be updated, and the fact its been more than a decade ingame time since my character met kinu.

I suggest time be changed so that ever hour ingame is 30 mins irl.

because the way time progresses is twisted and evil.
The way time progresses has always bothered me greatly. I would really prefer that this change happened, and all time-related events like the guard in the mine, training day, etc. were reworked to accommodate.
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]
Time isn't actually a factor you have to follow, it states so in the wiki, so no thank you. I also shouldn't have to feel that I need to re-adjust my IRL schedule to meet my IC character's working schedule, wherein an hour per 30 minutes IRL is far too elongated for things to work cohesively.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
Time doesn't travel as normal for the Sigrogana world. You could just as easily say that you met Kinu yesterday, or last month if you want. Ashe didn't stand around in Law's End for 3 years ICly looking for Hugo, she sat around for like a week or two. Heck, we have people having children, then the week after they're 13 year old jackasses. Or people who are forever young. I think it's fine to just keep time as it is now.
I agree with PD and Sderg.
and thats all well and dandy, but if time doesn't matter like you say it does, can we change it to be close to real time so that the in a game calendar is actually a relevant tool

There is no positive to time staying as is, the arguement against changing time is that time doesn't matter, which is the exact reason to change it

time should matter, but it should flow at a realistic rate, its bullshit enough that we already 1/12th done with 2015, but I missed a whole IC year due to a vacation to the UK is

now for an example

Player A follows time, his character now has graying hair and aging

Player B is still in a training bra

they meet up after awhile, this causes RP conflict.

if we change time so it flows Slower, 1 day irl 2 days sl2. this can never happen.
No because it shouldn't be day time or night time for ridiculously extended periods of time. Kinu and Ashe are NPCs that are wholly anachronistic. When the plot advances, it advances, whether time is involved or not. Why do you think Dev doesn't really mention time in his plot advances? Again, no thanks. I'm not for it, and won't be for it. Maybe a marginal increase can be made, but not something as drastic as 30 minutes. Also, this is a fantasy game: realism isn't exactly the best argument to pose.

How about just fourteen minutes? Or maybe even fifteen minutes? If not that, then twelve? Ten? Not thirty. Never thirty.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
It's best to just avoid mentioning time at all in sl2land.

Use terms like "a while ago", "recently", and other vague things. The simple fact that people are allowed to observe time at different speeds means that it's literally useless, except for game mechanics.
That doesn't always work, Blues. Sometimes you need specific times which often are not going to match up from player to player, and then there's still the matter of age. Having everyone living in their own time dimensions is horribly immersion-breaking from an RP standpoint, unless you're actually going to make that canon. And it's easier to say that your character has a weird work schedule than to explain why character A's last week was character B's yesterday.

For a game that claims to be a role-playing game, SL2 sure is doing a good job of kicking role-play in the shins at every possible opportunity.
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]
I concur with PD. I'd rather days and things go by faster. Especially in the case of gathering nodes. Plus I do like aging my characters and growing up young ones every few months or so, it shouldn't take me five IRL years for a character to age five years.

It's just a game, use the mechanic to your advantage; it's not a big deal just because it's not second for second.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!

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