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Monk- Ki Reawakening
Monk has a few things that need a retouch but I want to focus exclusively on one skill that lost its bite ever since GR.

Ki Awoken is a skill thats very fun, but pretty much almost never effective to use, dispite being a huge stat stick because you never really outdo the damage you take yourself and a lot of MAs range has also dropped with the Shukichi nerd and so its alot easier to outplay on top of that now.

The costs for it are ramping up too fast, and too high for it to be every truly useful. The only times I do actually see it used in a 'useful' way is by selfstun abuse and mayelia armor and thats kinnnnda lame (I say as someone who abused the hell out of it). So I would like to suggest a Reimagination of the skill that keeps the risky nature but has the good increase of power in mind.

So I suggest a few changes that I think would make it interesting:
  • -HP drain starts at 1% HP and increases by +1% per round (caps at Ki Awoken Rank(or rank*2 I think rank is fine 5% is nothing to scoff at), so with spirit 6. gives you the option for less stats for less costs)
  • -Change the Stun mechanic based on Ki/2 per round (30 KI=15% stun chance on round start)
  • -Raise KI cap to 60 (this means stronger finisher moves if you GAMBLE to get up there or get stunned)
  • - Add a 60 Ki 'Reward' to Setting Sun/Kadouha to spiff them up a bit more (probably wanna cap setting suns range/damage less we get an actual map wide sun nuke)
  • -Shukichi range is doubled when used in Ki Awoken (To show their speed increase, and have geldoren back to atleast reaching its own knockback, possibly Dense thunders too)
  • -Stun will always end the effect and reset your Ki to zero while in Ki Awoken. (possible counter play with stuns)

This opens two Ki awoken playstyles. The "I gamble for big number-but risk just falling over!" style, or the style that keeps using Ki the whole time to try and keep themselves from self stunning for more consistent stuff. Also makes the Mayelia abuse less predictable thing but still useful as I do not think the effect itself is a problem here.

Of course there are also better ways to make it more interesting, but I thought it be a start to make it strong again for the price it has. Feel free to post your own ideas however.

Ideas for Setting sun, turn it blue at 60 Ki, totally not Genkidama. Blue flames hotter. thats the only reason. Believe it
Ki Awoken should just be changed to give raw percentages, such as +15% damage and damage reduction. It'll make the skill way more worth it for the power up anime moments.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
yeah I just also fear that it be TOO strong then.

We all know how multiplicators upon multiplicators are...
It won't be that bad.

Ki Awoken as it is now is a shot on the Monk's own foot anyway. The only sensitive way you would ever buff Ki Awoken to match the HP loss would be by making it be similar to Soul Rage, where it, on top of the buffs, also grants +3M to your maximum.

Obviously, they shouldn't stack, lol. If you are under Soul Rage, you can't use Ki Awoken, and vice versa.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I'd be up for making ki awoken to be given a buff, but monk already has a lot of damage buffs.
That being said, it already refunds the momentum cost when you want to end it, and +10 to all of your stats is a lot for only three momentum.
(Though the bonus aptitude doesn't seem to actually count toward your aptitude? I gained +10 aptitude and my scaled was exactly the same. Not sure if its a bug.)

I'm not totally sure it NEEDS a buff, but if I WERE going to give it a buff, my ideas would be:
1: Just make it give ki for entering, on top of the bonus ki per turn. Sort of like power up. So it makes entering the ability less of a waste of momentum.
2: Give it a huge cooldown (After deactivating it), make it main class only, but have entering it cost only one momentum. Which would allow you to do more ridiculous combination attacks without giving up such a huge amount of momentum.
10 stats across the baord are high, but they ain't goign to outscale 5%/10%/20%/40%/80%HP/100% HP ever. Your suggestion changes nothing about its outdated stun mechanics and those facts...If it can stay up longer I am also fine with halfing its stats gained...Stat sticks are kinda very overestimated on most cases. They help sure, but they can only do so much with so high costs attached to them.

Most of the time stat sticks transformations bring something very useful to the table ontop of it. Ki awoken only does more stats.
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Raw bonus stats are always bad because of the nature of diminishing returns and always going over soft caps as is on the average build, and hp costs are always bad because hp is one of your most valuable resources in the damage race that pvp usually is. The stat bonuses should probably be swapped for something else entirely, the hp cost should be changed or heavily reduced. Don't know how much I like the 60 ki cap idea though, as that would make for some absolutely nutty kadouha/setting sun scaling. If you have to change or cap those numbers to make it work, then what's really the point in a cap increase?
More people would consider Ki Awoken if it were simply a conversion to useable stats rather than raw stats that can diminish in value over time. In return for the defensive aspects of the skill I believe that increasing its offensive aspects instead to reflect going into a dangerous all or nothing state would be very befitting of the skill, I think that the ramping health cost is unique, and you can consider that the ability to turn it off for free allows people to use it as a burst of stats, only gaining more value the longer it goes on momentum wise.

Quote:Ki Awoken

Effect changed:

- Grants + Rank * 2 to all stats removed.
- Effect now replaced with granting + Rank * 4 to Scaled Weapon Attack, Hit, Evade and Critical.

Even something as simple as this change would allow it to be used as a bursty and risky option for hitting an opponent in a desperate manner, while also removing a bit of the defensive utility it provided, I did state evade but only as it would make sense to be faster in a state such as this, and if you are gearing Ki Awoken towards mostly offense, then maintaining a tiny bit of defensive utility is not a bad option either.
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  • Snake
SWA/Hit/Evade/Critical bonuses would be based, and this would be a proper buff of your combat capabilities in sacrifice of your HP over time.

I still think some Armor/Magic Armor could also be slotted in that, since any damage your opponent does to you will in the end be added to this percentage that you're losing.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Can we atleast get the start up HP% Lowered?

so instead of
5%/10%/20%/40%/80%HP/100% HP Which is 6 turns at most

1%/2%/4%/8%/16%/32%/64%/100% which is 8 turns, but the early 4 turns are atleast..manageable

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