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Shine Knighting QoL
Shine Knighting is awful. Truly awful. The fact it takes 15 momentum to cast, leaves you open for three turns to silence or other disruption (Such as knockdown, which doesn't let you cast it the second time that turn), as well as the knights themselves not being too amazing all make this skill never really used outside of roleplay heavy moments.

I think something that would at least make them better would be to allow them to move with full momentum the turn they're summoned, similar to bonder's fast offense skill. Currently they don't, so even in the best case scenario, its four entire rounds to get them to take their first actions.
To clear up any confusion, the original poster means Shine Knights as in the Priest invocation. Shine Knighting is the name of the Shine Sword invocation.

Shine Knights are kind of a weird spot due to their nature as the only rank C invocation. The effect is both too powerful for it to be a D rank, yet it's really not worth the momentum investment outside PvE or *maybe* a teamfight. The low movement of the summons themselves is also rather lackluster, and you only ever get any real use if the skill if you white spirit it for lv70 knights due to their high stats and passive blind aura.
[Image: Rabbit.PNG]
I once tossed around the idea of Shine Knights summoning a 3rd member to the crew, a caster type that can provide some DPS and round a few things out, it would allow you to keep it's strength when spirited as well. I also agree that they should gain momentum when summoned, the move is incredibly lack luster for a 15m spell, and instead of taking away our only rank C invocation I'd rather just make it better personally.

The caster in question should probably have some basic priest spells like Holy Spark, Holy Arrow, Graft and the Treatment skills.
Just let all of the Shine Knights come with Rail Shot. Let's see how fun it becomes.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I think it'd be much better off as a D rank invoke as it just does not have the firepower or justification in my eyes and experience to be C rank. Many of the reasons why have been brought up before but if this suggestion isn't sufficient enough then shine knights should get a buff for being C rank. I actively avoid grabbing them on priests because chanting for 15M for just 2 pseudo youkai doesn't really help in a game with a momentum economy.
(10-14-2022, 09:57 PM)PantherPrincess Wrote: I think it'd be much better off as a D rank invoke as it just does not have the firepower or justification in my eyes and experience to be C rank. Many of the reasons why have been brought up before but if this suggestion isn't sufficient enough then shine knights should get a buff for being C rank. I actively avoid grabbing them on priests because chanting for 15M for just 2 pseudo youkai doesn't really help in a game with a momentum economy.
I mean look, grand summoners mass summon is d rank....
Yeah But Mass Summon eats up about 150 fp a turn. (And summons them randomly, sometimes in places they can't even fight!)
Shine knights have a Blindness aura, and about 700+ Health each, and no upkeep, and last forever. As a D rank invoke it'd be too strong.
Maybe as a D rank invoke, it only summons one knight? I think that'd be fine. 9m for one knight seems perfectly fine to me. You only really need the one knight for the blindness aura, so it'd probably be stronger even.
pssst. It has no blindness aura.

That effect has been removed ages ago. What it does is against the shine knight specifically, its treated as if the attacker is blind. There is no longer the hit penalty standing near it.

Just pointing that out as many people still believe they do it.
Charisma Aura was also removed.
I'm certainly all for a caster being summoned. Though i'm not really sure if i'm all for them having a heal spell! I guess if its just graft, they can't mass it, and it has a high cd. So that's probably fine. It certainly needs some buffs.

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