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Allow twinking
Twinking is the act of sharing items or gold or things like that between your own characters.

Here are things you can't do:
- Give yourself murai
- Give yourself items
- Party with yourself for fights/grind
- Support yourself in rp

Here are things you can do
- Give yourself donation items
- Sell donation items for real murai (but then you can't trade that murai of course)
- Use your alt's publically available crafting station (I remember someone asking and being allowed to do this)
- Have someone stronger give you money and items at level 10
- REPURPOSE CHARS aka retire a char/die ic but change it to a totally different person. Aka the only way I'm able to play antags without shooting myself

So I ask thee: please let us transfer murai and items. It would save tremendous headache and unnecessary repetitive grind. Like it doesn't feel good to get a good drop on one dude but it'd be better on your other char. But oh if your party member was the one who got the drop he could trade it to your alt. Also professions, I can't trade myself hi potions even if I'm an alchemist, so everyone who plays an alchemist needs an alchemist friend etc. A funny thing is when you trade patrions over to an alt then you sell those patrions.. But couldn't just give him money even though functionally it's the same thing. And it doesn't take away enjoyment, quite the opposite, cause look I just don't enjoy farming murai.

So all in all... I feel like the benefits of the rule (making each char get its own stuff for progression) far outweight the positives of saving people tons of pain.

Also I'm just gonna say it, people circumvent this rule all the time. Especially when you're on your 43rd char and you are not feeling like grinding for days again while your other char sits on exactly what you need. Not me though I never break the rules.

I just think it's time to legalize murai and item trading between alts. I know it would make me enjoy the game a LOT more. Especially when so many adjacent acts are allowed it feels like a dated rule.
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(11-09-2022, 01:36 AM)Poruku Wrote: Twinking is the act of sharing items or gold or things like that between your own characters.

Here are things you can't do:
- Give yourself murai
- Give yourself items
- Party with yourself for fights/grind
- Support yourself in rp

Here are things you can do
- Give yourself donation items
- Sell donation items for real murai (but then you can't trade that murai of course)
- Use your alt's publically available crafting station (I remember someone asking and being allowed to do this)
- Have someone stronger give you money and items at level 10
- REPURPOSE CHARS aka retire a char/die ic but change it to a totally different person. Aka the only way I'm able to play antags without shooting myself

So I ask thee: please let us transfer murai and items. It would save tremendous headache and unnecessary repetitive grind. Like it doesn't feel good to get a good drop on one dude but it'd be better on your other char. But oh if your party member was the one who got the drop he could trade it to your alt. Also professions, I can't trade myself hi potions even if I'm an alchemist, so everyone who plays an alchemist needs an alchemist friend etc. A funny thing is when you trade patrions over to an alt then you sell those patrions.. But couldn't just give him money even though functionally it's the same thing. And it doesn't take away enjoyment, quite the opposite, cause look I just don't enjoy farming murai.

So all in all... I feel like the benefits of the rule (making each char get its own stuff for progression) far outweight the positives of saving people tons of pain.

Also I'm just gonna say it, people circumvent this rule all the time. Especially when you're on your 43rd char and you are not feeling like grinding for days again while your other char sits on exactly what you need. Not me though I never break the rules.

I just think it's time to legalize murai and item trading between alts. I know it would make me enjoy the game a LOT more. Especially when so many adjacent acts are allowed it feels like a dated rule.
Gonna have to agree.

People do it already, we all know about it. Shit, even some GMs do it too.

I hear stuff like "Oh well it just wouldn't make sense IC-"

It doesn't make sense for a pre-established character in canon to have literally fuckall despite coming from a wealthy family, or IC having a unique sword that they call their own. Just.. it hurts no one to allow aside from maybe some people are awful about it.. but the general player base would benefit readily from this rule being removed.

EDIT: I literally cannot trade with people in the same household as me because, again, "Anti-Twinking rules". Which is beyond silly.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Rendar's post:
  • WhiteHaired
I agree, The rule should be removed. It's dated.

This is a rp game, You should be able to set up characters with what they need for success. Everyone shouldn't be some street bum urchin that starts with dirt. How did you afford that sword you started with? Pretty sure some non canon god twinked you with murai you didn't earn icly.

Report Prof Pink for twinking newbies.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Yashatari's post:
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Exactly. IC wise and realistically most characters aren't some rags to riches adventurer with nothing to their name who goes from weak af to strong in 3 days so it's more of an immersion break usually. You just IC omit the fact your 30 year old nobleman is forced to trudge through a cave to afford some shoes. In the end it's an ooc barrier
If the concern with twinking is powergaming alts from the get-go, it might be an option to enable alt trading but also adding a level requirement for gear relative to rarity, maybe.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
I disagree entirely, I don't think it'll be good for the game to allow trading regular items among alts so openly, it'll only discourage trading among players on the RP mandatory continent. Try using the trading post, and if you already do, then good job.
[-] The following 3 users Like Autumn's post:
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Gonna play Devil's advocate on this one, since while I do get behind the sentiment that the rule can be a pain oocly, it does serve a couple of important functions.

-The obvious case is roiding out a new make with decked out grinding gear. Level requirements and all that don't help when you consider the optimal grind builds use things at low rarity values.

-When you just deck out your character from the get-go, and can craft for yourself, then suddenly the ic demands for crafters plummet. People are incentivised to have a key full of crafter alts for themselves, which for an RP game, removes a lot of the RP to be had having to go out and find a crafter to make it. On the G6, sure, the lack of enforced ic rules make it less of an issue, but for Korvara, it's part of the design to encourage you to actually get out there and interact. As for the point about not being a fledgling adventure, well you don't have to RP being one at all. Mechanics =/= IC, pvp ain't the end all be all folks (and yes before it gets brought up, you can antag without pvp, I've done it myself).

-The game economy heavily revolves around new makes getting that grind done and getting some rare but unnecessary drops. Rare items especially on Korv should stay rare, makes them just a bit more special. Your build most likely isn't going to be non-functional without it, and if it is, you *probably* should have checked to see if anyone had one for sale ahead of time you could have reserved for ic acquisition. If you just allow twinking, no one will want to sell things anymore. "I could sell this, OR I could stash it for when I make an alt later that can use it." That's one of the major conundrums the rule helps prevent. If you get a rare drop, pass it on if you can't use it, and let another do the same for you. As annoying as it can be, this isn't a single player game.

For those reasons, I personally think the rule should stand despite the annoyances. There's too much risk that the entire game economy would be broken in the sense that player interaction no longer becomes nessesary.

Edit: Deng... I got sniped, but yeah, it wouldn't be healthy for the RP environment.
[Image: Rabbit.PNG]
[-] The following 2 users Like InsainArcaneBirdbrain's post:
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It's not like new makes will simply get kitted out and not add anything into the economy. They still need to grind for xp at the very least and probably reach level 60, at which point all they need is gear in order to be minmaxed. Therein lies the issue of just needing more money and some specific items. The crafting part, sure. I can see the argument for having different crafting professions. But specific build-making items? It's honestly a pain in the ass sometimes and ultimately the real barrier there is time and money. You're either grinding for gold, or doing something like cutting trees which is quite a pain. Finding common items for your build isn't really hard if you look around. The real concern here is crafting.

I would say to that, the only part of this that would truly affect the economy is the trading of craftable goods such as potions. If that is such a concern I say at least murai and equipment should be tradeable.

I don't see what the concern is with powergaming. Who cares if a new character gets good gear quickly? That's already a thing that happens with repurposing. All it does is allow someone to skip grind. And I don't like grinding, I already did it dozens of time. I'm tired, boss.

I also don't think it would really affect the trading scene that much beyond reducing the amount of trading post posts about random items... Is that really such an important part of the game? I just don't want to spend all this time money and effort upgrading all these items and then seeing that work go to waste when I make a new alt to focus on. And even if it's such a big issue, I would say it's a fair price to pay. I don't enjoy trading items with other players that much. It's honestly a pain most of the time and not that satisfying.

You post on trading post. Maybe someone responds quickly, maybe in 2 days, maybe not at all and you need to repost somewhere else or cry.

Then you get a dm, ok great. Discuss price maybe, and meeting place.

Meet somewhere, make a trade.

Alright great, thanks. Maybe that's an rp hook but in most cases not really, and we go on our merry way.

Is this such a precious part of the game that it warrants making alting such a painful waste of time? Trading is fun in some games, but honestly in SL2 it's mostly just about knowing a guy or getting lucky then going somewhere for a trade that's almost ooc. Being a merchant can be fun flavor, being a crafter is really cool... But it's not like this would remove that aspect of the game. It's not like having this ability would mean I don't need to trade with people, it would just allow me to save some time.

If nothing else, murai should be possible to transfer. Grinding for money is the worst part
[-] The following 1 user Likes Poruku's post:
  • WhiteHaired
Hated this rule the moment it was implemented and it's an open secret that everyone bypasses it.

Plz remove.
[-] The following 1 user Likes MegaBlues's post:
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I understand honestly wanting to remove this, it can be a pain especially when it comes to murai or otherwise, sadly that gonna be the case no matter what on it. As someone who a exceptional advocate to making alts, I know and understand the pain and planning out things especially with grinding, it sucks yeah.

That said, i'mma have to be the stick of the branch stuck in the mud and say it'd go badly to do that. If there was something that could be worked with to make it so it worked out easier and wasn't easily abusable? Sure, let's do it. Though we don't have those, cause as mentioned (and I feel it 100%) grinding sucks, yes. That's gonna be the case no matter what, it sucked before people utilized ToP grind, it sucked after ToP grind was changed so it couldn't be spammed, it sucks to farm murai too no matter what. Most that can be done is just accept it and keep pushing on it, or make plans with friends even if it just random "here for when your stronger" and get given a few pieces of gear, upgraded or not; that you can throw on and than work up from there. Otherwise, just have to grind it out and deal with it.

Ways I see with the perks of it (say we left it to just equipment and murai on this ruling)

- You can trade yourself gear pieces that you've collected on others, that you need especially for a character build so they can kick butt in pve & pvp either upgraded fully or not
- You have a build that can grind bosses really easily, and while you might not have the gear you want, you instead have 50k you can toss over cause you've gotten every gold bar in the sun

suddenly your either fully geared, fully prepped to fully upgrade gear; or both presuming you didn't have both on hand to do such, and than your just going about ready to do whatever your end game goal is suddenly on day.. let's say three, after you fully grinded up, maybe longer if your aiming to max out your LE book.

The cons of this are more or less just the same being..

- Your grinding for gear pieces/murai or contacting friends oocly, ICly via the trade post, or in some other way if your a antag that's wanted by x nation(s) and have to play it sneakily

The real disadvantage out of it all, is just that your locked behind finding the stuff yourself, or; as it been made abundently clear given the obvious, bypassing the ruling for the twink rule and trading yourself the gear/murai you grinded up on others anyway, and smacking on the 5 points in plain to hide your gear so no one can tell what pieces your rocking as a level 16 (picked random level around the time your allowed to trade as it is, anything 10+ basically)

Gonna beat the dead horse here and just say, as others have; the ruling honestly should stay. It stinks, I get it, we all do. But it just what we gotta accept in the end on it, it there for good reason after all. We just gotta stand together and stay strong through the pain of it in the end.

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