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Excel Equality
Can we change all the old Excel crashes to function like the new ones. Specifically not requiring an excel weapon to function.

The basic mage spells requiring the use of the excelgraph despite so many more ways to mechanically gain excel charges is a bit of a bummer.
Just mutate one of the other excel weapons
I also want this to be the case, personally.
I personally agree with this, while it does remove some of the functionality of the Excel Weapons, since their thing is "Use this to get charges!" I feel like it does Limit it, even more so since you can use Stone Dragon without an Excelgraph (as it is one of the newest additions)

Maybe give Excel weapons some kind of bonus instead like a 4th lvl of "if weapon is an Excel Weapon does another 10% damage" or something. at least for the skills, the weapons themselves are still amazing for burning charges as a basic attacker.
W-what? what do you mean I need to have a catchy signature....i don't know how to do that....wait are you writing this down!?
We should hold off on doing this and see where Excel Crash Plus stands first after it's settled for a few months, as I worry over the balance of such in the first place, giving rise to just Conversion Gloves + Shock Collar combos for most weapons already.
To add a point to the thread beyond my original post:

I don't see why this would be needed. Excel crash is very strong, and the excel tome is fine. What do you gain from using a non-excel tome? Other bonus stuff. Excel your tome is already giving you a strong ability by letting you excel crash. I think it's simply a fair tradeoff. Unlike the excel plus skills that just work on a single skill per base class and is usually quite niche or sometimes underwhelming, excel crash lets you use at least two options for your build since you are a mage and it's guaranteed to be decently strong. Of course there are some outliers of excel plus being pretty powerful but I feel like that's more of an excel plus problem and doesn't mean this mechanic here should be changed.
I like my hell fire tome, and I'm willing to equip vroom vrom Jordan's to charge up fir....
Bro that's too strong

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