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Static Air
So Static air had a neat side effect that if you evade the attack takes 25 Lightning damage or rather 5*Rank of Static air. This only triggers once no matter the duration. Could this perhaps be extended to be once a round for the duration of Static air? No even sure if you will dodge in this current meta.
(12-02-2022, 02:41 PM)firehawk11 Wrote: So Static air had a neat side effect that if you evade the attack takes 25 Lightning damage or rather 5*Rank of Static air. This only triggers once no matter the duration. Could this perhaps be extended to be once a round for the duration of Static air? No even sure if you will dodge in this current meta.
I'd rather it just be always on, you spent 3m for this thing, martial artists get 30 damage per evade for nothing, ice gets 25 with their gi for just casting an ice spell every 3 turns
If static air could proc once per round it would be very strong because it's already useful for excel builds, especially excel tome rye users. And it lasts for a while. Please understand that making it proc each round potentially multiplies its damage by 9, can't make such a buff lightly.

That being said, it could use some love, much like other similar enchants. Maybe the damage could proc up to 2 times
Yes but if you don't use accel weapons.
I agree, Static air is a bit of a joke if you use it as a not Excel stick. The damage is laughably low, and the conditions aren't great either.

I do not think it would be much of an issue even if it progged once per evaded attack, still being one of the weaker retaliation effects. Once in 9 rounds is just aswell nothing.
It still needs a successful dodge afterall.
Well if not for accel I think the +5 Luck is nice... Wait I forgot that wouldn't even add up to 1 luck due to diminishing returns...Welp...
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Actually maybe Static Air is trying to do TOO much? It is already giving you +5 LUCK, 5 Damage Per Level when you Evade the first time and influences excel weapons. Is there any parts of Static Air which can be dropped to make the other sides more useful?
The luc is pretty inconsequential in my opinion like most flat stat buffs, I forgot it even does that, remove that, the excel charge is already tied to removing the buff itself and I think is therefore alright? plenty of better ways to charge excels, I rather have the dodge gimmick be decent than alot of things not useful.
This all just links back to the fact flat stat bonuses suck and it's all about the bonus effects of each buff other thenm some of the massive statistic buffs like Spellthief Evasion one.
Static Air just needs to not need evade and you'll see it getting way more use.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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