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[2.60d] Donation no longer? (brain food)
Brain food does not seem to give any actual option to deposit it into the global bank despite being a donation item purchased with asagos, but will transfer to the global bank when detected by the game during deletion of a character. I wasn't sure if this was intended or not and wanted to bring this to attention.
You gonna take all the brain food to korvara aint ya?
[Image: kTbQzUT.png]
Yes, I've had this brain food for years now sitting on characters cause i forgot they were there to the point i started eating it in place of regular food cause i was lazy to buy actual stuff. I'd just prefer it needing to go back to the box doesn't require a character sacrifice everytime.
As of 2.73, this is still an issue!
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
Yeah I noticed this myself. . .
Is it an actually issue?
(05-10-2023, 06:13 PM)firehawk11 Wrote: Is it an actually issue?

It is, when I am finished with my brain food I like to be able to give it to other characters, getting it over to a character on the same key is needlessly tedious given I have to trade it to myself and then trade it to myself again.

Allowing it to be stored in the global bank only removes one step from this process.
(05-10-2023, 06:13 PM)firehawk11 Wrote: Is it an actually issue?
It is typically if your not wanting to jump through hoops for the process yeah. Especially if you have a large amount stored on mainland on a character whom already finished their leveling/LEing and has nothing else needed. It more something that would be easier and makes sense on being able to do as done with other donation items, even ones that can only be transferred through characters of that key.
This should be corrected in 2.75.

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