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Invocation Locomotion
So, Invocations are working exactly how they said they were forever ago. I took a 350~ damage vydel whilst invoking and .still. somehow was invoking.

I have 86 WIL in combat. If it worked as advertised < See: ((350-86)/2) > Then it should have been broken.

Instead, it didn't break until I casted graft on myself forgetting. I tested this twice.

As it is currently, R5 invocation talent is doing

(DMG/2)-WIL which is pretty much completely unfair. If I take 350 damage my invocation should break considering the attack NEARLY KILLED ME.

Way to fix: Throw the division in later rather than the total damage being divided. It says it does otherwise on the talent so yeah.
There's no complex math involved that would require a change. The game takes the percentage of the damage based on Invocation (50% of 350 is 175), adds your WIL (175+86 = 261), and subtracts it from the damage to get a break chance. In this case, 350-261 = 89% chance. I'm assuming you just got lucky.
THat is not what the invocation talent implies at all and this makes invocations nigh unbreakable for anyone who isn't a nuke Evoker.
Maybe if you have very high WIL like yourself and maximum Invocation ranks, but then again, that's exactly what the talent is there to prevent.
I shouldn't be able to nearly die and retain an invocation but whatever. I'll take it to balance fu or just not care.
That would be best.

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