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Ultimate Chain Skills
Now, before you all go "NO KILL HIM" on me, I have thought about this for a while. I think this is balanced enough to suggest.

Now, the idea of Ultimate Chain Skills is that players, preferably higher level, creates an ultimate skill that they use in battle by chaining more skills than would be possible by Momentum. Now, to create a skill, one would spend Murai based on the rank of skill, and of course, higher rank skills that allow more skills to be chained would cost more Murai.

Now, a few things. One, BW overencumberance would disallow the use of these. Two, these would cost neither FP or Momentum, but would immediately end the turn. Instead, they would have a stat of their own, filled up by fighting and lowers a certain amount at the end of each battle. Think of them as Limit Breaks, kinda. Of course, higher rank skills would also be slower to charge in this way.

I think I've explained this well enough, actually. If there is anything I forgot, I'll fix it. Stuff like that. So, what do you guys think?
Custom skills were suggested about a year ago and Limit Break skills are basically invocations. Either way; I rather not see this because murai is honestly ridiculously easy to get.

So I'm going to go with no to the custom skill part, considering you can easily make a skill that uses the stat of your dream. (Your highest stat) Although, more transformations/skills that require about six momentum would be nice for a 'Limit Break'.
The point is not that you make a new skill, but that you make a skill that works by chaining together skills that you already have.

Though, I will say that yeah, transformations/6M skills are good too.

Also, something I don't think I mentioned: Skills like Ghost Skills that use Claret Call should do no damage if the Ultimate Chain Skill containing them is used while there is no Claret Call, but if Claret Call is on, then it should last the entire UCS.
"[url= Wrote:mappel6 » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:22 pm[/url]"]The point is not that you make a new skill, but that you make a skill that works by chaining together skills that you already have.

Oh, gotcha, so essentially it's something like this.
[*]Start battle with a 0 meter
[*]Builds up during battle that depends on how strong it is
[*]Allows you to do a combo without spending FP/Momentum
[*]Has to be bought with murai

I guess I can get behind this if the charge up time is reasonable, since battles generally last either a few turns or much longer and if invocations were left out of the mix. (Despite the fact that it sounds ham to go into death knight)
I'd not bring murai into the equation unless it's somewhere on guildmaking level costs, given how easy it is to get money.

It doesn't seem bad, but I'd bring Legend Inks into this.
Now thinking about it, Legend Inks do seem like a good idea to have there. How about:

>Use Legend Inks (2-3?) to unlock the ability to make the skill, probably from the same person or a designated NPC.
>Use Murai depending on the rank of skill (higher level skills likely costing around guild-level murai) to make the skill.

This way, you don't have to get to Level 60 and LE just because you don't like your UCS, but by this time you've already just about mastered the battle system and are ready to take it a step further.

Also, the charge would probably be something that builds up as you take damage, deal damage, etc. So, invocations would not contribute to the charge, but the spell from them would.
Mmmm, I think it'd be best if this were to be implemented, you'd pay a heavy toll afterwards; there also needs to be a limit on how high of a rank you can get, ergo how many skills you can chain. So if you use, let's say, a duo-combo skill, you can't hit for as much the next round, or turn if you somehow manage to get one. Or, you don't get a next turn next round at all. This is a bit too iffy.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
Status: Tired - All stats (including Move) reduced to 3/4 of their original values for X rounds. X equal to number of moves in the combo.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
Why not just pull a bravely default and different weapons have different super moves depending on their type? Swords get Impale, Katana's get something akin to Sheathe sword except way cooler andless sucky. Staves get a heal. Etc.
It sounds rather complicated, and for all the good it'll do, battles seem to go far too fast for any sort of long-term benefit like this to work. (HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE)

I'd be more inclined for something like the following:
Through a difficult quest, the user is able to select one maxed-out, non-passive, Promoted Class skill as a 'Signature Move'. Comes with a custom name, can be further upgraded, maybe have some fancy effects, but comes with a cooldown of a couple rounds on use.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye

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