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Are you one of the like apparently 12 or so people who enjoy pvp in SL2?
Are you tired of going in a random place and saying "yo who wants to fight" and then maybe getting a fight?
Tired of your pvp battles constantly being nothing but spars with no stakes?
Ever wanted your pvp to be more focused on performing at the highest level without needing to choose between 14 months in the Lava Lake and being under-geared and weak?
Ever wanted to switch your build but dreading obtaining that perfect gear all over again?
Wanna make a funny or meme build but don't wanna waste your time finishing it only to get destroyed?
Do you want to use all the consumables and all the tools at your disposal to win at any cost against sweaty nerds?
Do you want to experiment with different builds easily and test them against varied opponents?
Do you want to roleplay a gladiator who may find death with each battle?

Then boy do I have the suggestion for you.

Welcome to the Sigrogana Legend 2 PVP ARENA CONTINENT: THE GREAT COLISEUM
[Image: MV5BYjhkNDE5YWMtNmI4NS00ODZlLWE0ZGQtOTEy...@._V1_.jpg]
The pvp continent is simply a coliseum on an island in the middle of the sea. Characters who enter this continent are made for the purpose of PVP exclusively. Every character is a GLADIATOR who is stuck here for life. There is nothing for you except to FIGHT for GLORY or to simply SURVIVE. Characters here can die in any fight where it's agreed upon. Normal danger level rules apply.

PVP character boons:
- Start at level 60 with all classes at 35.
- Access to gladiator shops that get you ANY piece of gear for free
- You get level 6 in every crafting skill.... BUT you have no materials, they must be obtained through GLOOOORY
- No legend extension but you get the book. Ink is earned through GLOOOORRRYYYY
- You can earn glory when you win a pvp battle. Losing gives a tiny amount as well. Glory can be used for legend ink and other bullshit.
- Any prayer tool! 100 loyalty in every god!
- Special strikes unlocked
- All races unlocked!

- Buy things to upgrade your gear (Any material kit, any enchant, any quality tool, any weapon parts, chimeric eyes, etc.)
- Buy any fruits to reroll your stuff and switch your builds easily!
- Buy legend inks!!

Ok cool, but how do I FIGHT??
Worry not, because that's all you're gonna be doing. In the arena continent, you have multiple options to fight. To access them, enter the coliseum arena and interact with one of the permanent battlefield objects that are there.

1: Normal Arena
A free for all battlefield in a normal area. Any number of players can duke it out in a bloody battle, or a 1v1.

2: Team Arena
A slightly larger field for team battles.

3: Tiny Arena
A free for all battlefield in a tiny arena, for fast melee battles.

4: Large Arena
A large area with 4 corners that can accomodate 4 teams or huge free for all battles.

And many more thematic arenas with hazards, varied sizes, and obstacles!!!!!

Ok cool, but is that it????
NO! There is also going to be periodic, automated MECHANICAL TOURNAMENTS. Yes, exactly like fishing contests.

First, an announcement will declare a tournament beginning in like 10 minutes. Players gotta log in to their coliseum character. This cements the Coliseum continent as a place where people log in at intervals to have some fun with pvp.

Then, all players who are inside the coliseum arena ground itself when the tournament begins will be included in the tourney. (auto kick multikeyers Wink) The bracket is randomly generated and after 30 seconds the first round begins.

ALL tournament fights give BONUS GLORY even when you lose. It's a great place to get your character started even if you SUCK.

Whenever all fights end, the next round begins with the winners. No mercy, no round robin. Losers are either out or DEAD. The tournament automatically just proceeds like this. Any characters not present at the start of a round are automatic losers.

Then eventually a final happens. The winner obviously gets huge glory, AND you also get a tournament win. The gladiator with the most wins at the end of each month gets a spot in the HALL OF FAME OF ETERNAL CHAMPIONS. (some text on a wall lmfao). And maybe you could get your freedom in-character and get a cutscene of leaving the island lol. That could be cool.

Ok cool, but what about the RP?
Rp doesn't really matter in this continent. It's a place to have fun with PVP. That being said, it's still a RP-mandatory game, and you are encouraged to roleplay in fights and have fun.

Other than the arena, there is a hub and some places to hang out such as a cafeteria where you get served shitty food and water. But maybe if you're a famous gladiator you can hang out in the fancy place with less shit food and some ok beer. Or go on the balcony and look at the sea. It's just a very basic map for people who feel like doing rp as a gladiator, without putting emphasis on it.

Final words

I know this will never happen but holy shit if this was put into the game I would absolutely cream, and also donate a sum of 1000$ to the developer of souls account (for real).

The idea is a place to do pvp that feels awesome and has stakes without being super serious, taking forever to build, or risking your actual character. At the same time, it would mostly have activity only during tournaments or perhaps the occasional pvp event, meaning it wouldn't detract from the korvara population. I see it as a complete win-win, allowing a certain type of player to occasionally have their fun fighting and making different builds without worry. The absolute wet dream of PvPheads like myself. Plus, could be some simple and cool rp, no need for any complex setup, just, go wild, fight, make friends, die, cry, repeat.

And of course the idea is that it wouldn't take much dev time. Use already existing systems, don't rebalance anything or add any special items aside from a new currency and a shop. Use the pre-existing automated event system, code that tournament bracket and something to automatically launch fights, a tiny map, few lines of code to give players certain parameters, and boom. With little effort you just created something that many players will treasure and spend hours playing in. That pvp itch just never gets truly scratched...

Of course this is a rough draft and I'm open to any feedback about the idea and the specific systems here.

[Image: a-man-can-dream-though-sigh.gif]
Just do that on the Test-server.

No one stopping you from RPing there if you enjoy it, you can even build a custom house map for it. Just saying.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Shujin's post:
  • Collector
Literally nobody is gonna come if I do that though Sad it'd also really suck and take the fun out of it if I gotta be the ref for everything. Would make it another weird polk event instead of, ya know, a chill pvp/rp experience that you can hop into at any time
I feel ya, but I doubt there is actually a market for it, and that's a lot of work for something you can actually already currently simulate.

*pat pat* but I feel ya.
I know at least a few people would enjoy it. But I know it's not gonna happen.
[Image: 12a27157-72c7-458e-bd00-d291bac9d6c1_text.gif]
didn't april fools end 7 days ago
[Image: Elhe3rK.gif]
[-] The following 11 users Like Ham's post:
  • Autumn, Balor, Boomkiller, Collector, Mewni, Mikazuki112, saikyogroove77, Silka, SleazeAndSlander, ThatOneHop, Toffee
While I don't appreciate PvP personally, I can understand the desire of this sort of location. I doubt Dev would actually implement something this specific sadly since, well, this just sounds like the test server, and it would be difficult to justify this ICLY. (Though in saying this, nothing does stop someone hosting a PvP event in the test server for this exact purpose???)

While not directly related I will say it's a shame we have such good arenas like those in Duyuei, the vale and Meiaquar that don't really get used for proper PvP events for people who enjoy that. Fight night sort of exists but it feels like it's there out of an obligation more than a desire.

The tournament hosted at the vale a few months back is a perfect example of a good PvP event and I wish more like that was run for people who enjoy that sort of content.
Dude it was a joke.
[-] The following 2 users Like Mewni's post:
  • Boomkiller, saikyogroove77

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