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[2.88v5] No One Liked That (Church Faithful Inquiry)
Ray, please don't murder me.

From testing, the Church Faithful set seems to interact with heal-tag spells in a.... very strange way.

Church Faithful Elf
Light ATK - 77
SAN 45
121 SWA
System: Debug: Total Power for Graft / Zerotrain was 245.15.
Ren Brown recovered 290 HP.

Without Church Faithful Elf
78 Light attack
45 San
120 SWA
System: Debug: Total Power for Graft / Zerotrain was 223.
Ren Brown recovered 268 HP.

The Order of Operations seems to be

(SWA(120/121)+Rank Pow (25) * Church Faithful (1.15) + (Other (Light Attack and Sanctity due to Elf).

I'm not saying that Elf Sanctity should be inside the 1.15 bracket, because good lord please do not make elf healers any better than they already are, but uh.. I feel like Light Attack should at the very least, be getting the 1.15 modifier to it? Because as-is, I'm putting 2 item slots onto a build to get a 21.9 increase to a heal, rather than what should probably be 33.45.

Church Faithful
(121+25) *1.15 + (77+45) = 289.9 Which is Close Enough to the 290 it healed.
Edit: This still doesn't actually make sense, because Halo + Crucifix is +4 power to mercalan spells. Which. Just. Isn't here.)

Non Church Faithful
(120+25) + (78+45) = 268
I've think all the +x power to spells thing only works on offensives....
I moved it further down in the skill power calculation so that it should affect elemental ATK, in 2.88.

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