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Roc's Fall
Can Roc's Rise grant knockdown immunity for a round or two after it triggers? Currently you can get knocked down multiple times in a row and get your feathers absolutely deleted before you can move, made worse if you proc riposte.  

Picture this:

I just ended my turn with a refreshed 30 feathers after a finished Boon of Apus rotation. With the exception of my Feather Veil about to run out next turn, I'm thriving, my skin is clear, my crops are watered and I'm airborne, ready to recast Feather Veil and then strike next turn. 

A demon hunter comes up next to me with their shotgun. They shoot me in the face, knocking me down. My riposte procs and I crit, giving me back 2 momentum, which gives me a turn and trigger's Roc's Rise. It instantly deletes 12 feathers, while I can do absolutely nothing with my 2 momentum. I end my turn. They proceed to use Chaser on me, sending me sprawling again. My turn comes around, proccing Roc's Rise and eating another 12 feathers. 

I have 6 feathers left (actually less because I got feathers used up when I got displaced by Chaser). My Feather Veil has just expired and I have nothing left to cast it without either waiting or engaging in a 10 momentum skill rotation to refresh Boon of Apus. I'm decrepit and featherless, my skin is riddled with wounds, and the only thing watering my crops are my tears. 

This is an actual scenario that has happened to me before. 24 feathers deleted in one turn because I could keep getting knocked down over and over is INSANE. Even outside of Riposte situations proccing the double activation, the fact that you can get 12 feathers deleted by getting KDed turn after turn and just have your class resource depleted quickly is both unfun and sometimes even actively detrimental as a class mechanic (to the point where I frequently consider not equipping it at all) especially when you compare it to something like Martial Artist's Kip-Up getting you back up at no cost. 

I think Roc's Rise should either cost less (2 or 3 feathers per momentum recovered instead of 4) and give knockdown immunity until the end of your next round or stay the same cost and have two rounds of immunity. 
[-] The following 2 users Like Latto's post:
  • Fern, zericosmic
Yeah, it deserves at least "Immunity to Knockdown until your next round" clause tied to it.

But as I've said in other posts, this deal should be tied to all skills that cure a status.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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