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v2.92b Talis Targeting not Working
I use an amethyst headstaff that has the deploy Talis skill. The Talis itself spawns in perfectly fine. However when I try to target any of my earth spells with the talis as the center the targeting is super wonky. Isendo wont let me target the talis as the center at all no matter what I do. Magaisendo, auto aims at the talis but in a single direction. If you try to re-aim where you want it to go, the aim automatically teleports back to your character as the center for the attacks aim. Stone Dragon is the same as Magai-Sendo. I havent tried it with Isenshi as I didn't think it would let me anyway given its an invocation.

Is there anything I can do to fix this or is this just a targeting bug.
I've noticed the same thing happening with needle before. The initial aim comes out from the talis, but if you press any direction it resets back to your own tile.

I'll add some screenshots in a little.
This should be corrected in 2.93.

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