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Excel weaponry
Based on skype conversations, I figured I'd throw it up here.

Conversion gloves and shock collar combination eats two slots and causes two lightning damage per round.
THe damage is laughable and most can migitate the effect. (And you can even reduce it.)

These, along with somewhat rare occurance of the gloves (Still not as rare as you'd imagine), are the only drawbacks to incredibly empowering weaponry, that ignores defensive stats due to the sheer number they can produce. With charge weapon, it was fine, you had to eat up momentum for that damage. But the drawbacks for using the two items for the charge are just not enough.

Proposed change : Dramaticaly increase damage done by shock collar, have it ignore not only RES, but elemental resistances, or, give weapons quarter-half charge they would get from actualy charging the weapon.
4 or 5 unresistable damage from the shock collar sounds fine to me. (Not even lightning resist would help you.)
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
I think that making the Shock Collar only take effect when you don't have any weapon charges would work.

You'd get one free charge per time you attack, and have to use M to increase it.
I'm not sure if I misunderstand the meaning of word dramaticaly but 4-5 damage will change...completely nothing? You'd have to fight for 20 rounds for it to compare to a basic attack. Like...what? I don't even....

But yeah, one charge sounds like a good idea.
Hmm, honestly, I'm not sure which to side for.

On one hand, you're already using up your off-hand slot, an accessory slot and of course the Excel Weapon (or Accelia) to make the entire thing work.

On the other hand, Excel Weapons are definitely potent, each charge giving a sizeable boost, so perhaps getting essentially a '3M move' every Round for the cost of 2 Damage and 2 additional item slots is too much.

Though, I will say from my playing around with the Accelia, I think it providing 75% per Charge for Kick is too much. Sure, Kick has no WPN Power to also draw from but it also has other properties like pushing the opponent away and being an autohit.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
While using your off-hand slot for a different weapon or a shield is common practice and will be turned even more common with ambidexterity introduced, it really does not have much of a setback, as you get insane raw power boost. Meaning you do not really have to care for lacking that guard, extra few stats, or some other weapon, when you build around the power boost. And yes. The way Accelia currently is, a full power boosted autohit and insane damage is incredibly OP. The only requirement being that you just wait a bit for it to charge up. You can't do anything againts it, aside from guard. And there are very easy ways around guard (Knockdown yay). You can negate some of it with defense, sure. But that's a miniscule reduction compared to the damage it dishes out.
This doesn't need a nerf. You're sacrificing two equipment slots for this kind of setup, assuming you have a relevant weapon in main hand. If they think sacrificing the sub hand and an accessory slot is worth it, then let them.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
I'm with Sly. Excel IS very good and basically craps on defensive stats, but "not much tradeoff" is not true. That arm slot is precious. Depending on your setup/class combos, going for a Conversion Glove setup can mean sacrificing a LOT of skills/versatility.

Is it powerful? Yes. Is it worth considering? Sure, I guess. Is it inherently better than a second wepon + subclass synergy or a shield/nihilist? Not really, since it only happens once per turn.

Making it only give a free charge if you have no charges? Sure. Reducing value of said charge? Eeeehhh....
*loud burp*
I think it definitely deserves a nerf, and that any of these would be fine:
  • Weapon charges giving +25% per charge, up to 6, and manual Charge Weapon giving 2 instead of 1. This would essentially halve the power of the combo. Still fits the current Excel theme in my mind.
  • Leaving charges alone, but making Conversion Gloves only give a charge if you don't have one already. This would make the slots wasted if you don't use them to attack, making it a really balanced option. Doesn't fit the theme quite as much though.
  • Leaving charges alone, but making Shock Collar deal around 10 damage instead. This keeps all the current power, but makes it more risky as someone can just be a total jerk and run around until you die. Fits the theme.
I also fully support reverting Accelia to back their previous damage, as the Move buff is very good even on its own. Kick had its uses before, and two shotting dodgers should definitely not be one of them. It's one of the more tactical skills.
I'd say don't nerf excel weaponry

make the shock collar a tradeoff

Make the shock collar give -50% lightning weakness
and lightning damage=1/4th player level per turn

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