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Race: Ghoul
So, Cladis Mortem undead are sentient. Simply put, while they obviously wouldn't be a common sight in civilized areas (at least not without some form of disguise. A very good one.) I can see them working as a race, possibly one that could be transformed into via LE as well. Not to say they'd automatically be persecuted for existing seems like a no-brainer (har-har). I'm not going to bring up other races that'd receive the same prejudice, but, suffice to say, this isn't anything new.
Vampires just look prettier.

A Ghoul's backstory would be a human of some kind that gained a disease or 'curse' for eating people-- which results in their death and the Cladis Mortem. I imagine this wouldn't be the sole method of their creation, but, it could be. Who knows.

As to specifics, I'd imagine they'd receive similar racials as Cladis Mortem Null, but, of course, with something more player-use-oriented beyond just some resists and status immunities. Special traits and what not.

I don't think I need to layout growth percents or anything like that, Dev handles that stuff.
I approve of this suggestion. I'd like to see these.
I feel like this would make the whole necromancy thing a bit more possible and would add more interesting options or events. I'd be up for it.
[Image: 728daabd1d06463d4458817a55e80d3f09da5d88.gif]
            "Nothing good ever comes of her laughter. And she's always laughing."
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I am terrified for the bad RP this would spawn, but we aleady get that with other races, so it wouldn't actually change anything. The kinds of people who try to be social butterflies as liches will just do so here, instead, and the RPers who DO give half a crap will likely do some creative things. So in a roundabout way, I support it.
*loud burp*
I sure hope so, Ranylyn. Though I feel like ICly the race might need more insight on the aspect of un-dead in SL2. I mean, don't the zombies eat people? Also, aren't they the only un-dead type monsters that actually do just eat their victims? How would they go to get around that part of the un-dead curse thing ICly?

Lets all do some brainstorming to make it much harder for worse RP.
[Image: latest?cb=20150618145649]
I don't know if I want to encourage cannibalism RP. Drinking blood is one thing, eating someone is another.
Well, my original idea was to just leave it as a bog-standard 'undead'. If the cannibalism idea doesn't sit well, it could just be an anamoly, as common as any other race being involved in it at least.
A race that's actually undead is cool in my opinion. For the part of being rejected out of society, Dullahans and Liches would also fit that bill, so I don't see why this couldn't be added, as long as they didn't actually have to eat people.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
To be honest, I'm not sure how we can manage to fit this when we technically have two-three types of 'undead' already. We need something that makes it stand apart, and I can't see how that could work.

That, and anything with Cladis Mortem Null is about as smart as your typical brain-eating zombie.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye

Cladis Mortem Null is braindead zombie, so this would fit into good ol' Cladis Mortem along with Liches - Sentient.
I guess the difference with Ghoul is it has similar zombie-like characteristics, perhaps a slightly greying, cracked look to their flesh, the extent of which would be up to the player, and we can specify that eating flesh is un-necessary, or downplay it a bit, so people don't try to cannibalize each other.

Vampires I find are the less interesting version of this - a state of undeath with such little stakes, basically all people do is stick red eyes on, maybe carry around a parasol. I've never seen blood drinking happen in public, and it's basically a free pass at immortality, even with a nice revival clause if they return to their lair.
Ghoul, comparatively, would be VERY obvious at first glance, and could maybe have the character with decreased physical ability due to muscle deterioration, etc.

Either way, this is a different feel to Lich - Less magic based, less control over the character's own destiny and more about the will of whatever necromanced them. It could make for some interesting RP. I say it's worth it.
Lost my old signature pic and I never redid one. Maybe later.

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