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Ryeser Doesn't Remove Correct Momentum
If you go second, Ryeser will not remove momentum from the person you critically strike the next turn. If you go first, Ryeser will take TWO momentum per crit from the target. Fairly straightforward, tested by shooting a faster player with a Ryeser, critting without them resisting lightning, and having no momentum lost. Then I had them skip so I was first, crit them, and they lost double the momentum intended. (EG: 6m with 3 crits, 4m with 2.)

Edit: For more information, I was running two arctic Ryesers with 'Blessed' enchant. More importantly, I was specced Magic Gunner / Ghost. So Fleur may matter here.
This isn't a bug. Ryeser doesn't remove Momentum in the future, it removes it in the current round.
That seems to work different than a lot of similar mechanics, but alright. Is the 2 momentum lost per crit intended as well?
No, that has been corrected.

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