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Dungeon Suffixes
A list of some possible BDP suffixes, and their effects. Any BDP can only have one suffix. Rare-ish (5-10%) spawn chance. Increases EXP gain by 15-20%, as opposed to 5% on prefixes. Does accumulate with prefixes, i.e., Spacey Giant Jammer Cavern of Greed = 5%+5%+(15-20%).

Probably Annoying/Bad

(Dungeon Name) of Disrepair - This Dungeon seems to want to tear apart more than just you. Weapons that hit 0 Durability in this Dungeon are lost forever, at battle completion. Level 25+

(Dungeon Name) of Greed - This Dungeon doesn't appreciate being robbed. Half Murai gains from battles. Level 20+

(Dungeon Name) of Depth - This Dungeon reverberates with echoes of screams of the long ago past. This Dungeon has 15+ floors. Level 15-Level 40

(Dungeon Name) of Ruin - This Dungeon looks like it has been here longer than five minutes. Every floor or every other floor has a Cave-In event. Level 30+

(Dungeon Name) of Entrapment - This Dungeon is determined to make you dizzy. Every trap on the floor and chests is a Teleport Trap. Increased spawn rate of traps. Level 10+

(Dungeon Name) of Illusion - This Dungeon is made of lies. There are X staircases on each floor, but only one is real. Running into a false staircase puts you back at the dungeon entrance staircase. Level 20+

(Dungeon Name) of Deception - Enemies are not what they appear to be. I.e., running into a Jammer may give you a Fireblood battle, etc. Level 30+

(Dungeon Name) of Sealing - This Dungeon has been sealed, and probably for good reason. Floors are half-size, but each staircase is Sealed. Level 50+

(Dungeon Name) of Chambers - This Dungeon looks as if someone (or something) has been living in it. All doors and chests are locked, lots of small rooms. Level 30+

(Dungeon Name) of Inversion - This dungeon actually seems upside down. Reaching the core requires you to go up stairs, and there are only Pitfall Traps, which cause you to fall down a floor. Level 15+

(Dungeon Name) of Mimicry - This dungeon seems loaded with treasure, but it may be tough getting to it. Chests are actually BDP monsters, disguised by the power of the Core. Attempting to open a chest in this dungeon will initiate a battle with a miniboss in it. If a Crazy dungeon, it will act as such in the battle. Level 25+

(Dungeon Name) of Vitality - This dungeon seems to be flowing with rejuvenating waters - and the monsters inside have had it longer than you. Monsters in this dungeon have 1.5x HP and 1.25x FP. The boss of this dungeon has 3x HP, and 1.5x FP. There is a Water Fountain on each floor. Level 45+

Probably Helpful/Good

(Dungeon Name) of Giving - This Dungeon wants to pay to get you out. EXP halved after prefix/suffix bonuses, but Murai output is 2.0x. Murai output goes down by .1x per floor.

(Dungeon Name) of Ether - This Dungeon has an unusual amount of dust in it. Equipped weapons recover an additional +1 Durability at the end of battles. Increased Etherium Ore vein spawns.

(Dungeon Name) of Height - This Dungeon has no more than 5 floors. Level 1-Level 15

(Dungeon Name) of Ore - This dungeon is filled to the brim with ore, and some people know it. Increased ore vein spawns. Guarantee of a Lost Miner somewhere in the dungeon. Any level

(Dungeon Name) of Rejuvenation - This dungeon has a flowing stream of Focus throughout it. Recover an additional 5% HP and 10% FP at the end of each battle. Monsters recover 2% FP per turn. Level 15+
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
I like all of these. More dungeon variety is always nice in my book!
As much as I like dungeon variety, making them a god-awful hassle, and outright EVIL to low level players. ( See: Disrepair, Chambers ) Isn't something that should be a thing.

Dungeoning is already so much of a hassle that most people besides the most dedicated Legend Extenders, don't even go out to seek them out and rather wait on training day because thats generally a full 1-60 run before the day is done.
I had put what I thought was a fair Dungeon level for those to appear on at the end of their descriptions. Should I raise them 10 levels or so? Also, I had put in the preface these would only have a 10-15% chance of popping up, whereas prefixes are apparently something high, as nearly every dungeon has them. Should I keep that 5-10%?
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
"[url=' Wrote:Rendar » Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:46 pm[/url]"]As much as I like dungeon variety, making them a god-awful hassle, and outright EVIL to low level players. ( See: Disrepair, Chambers ) Isn't something that should be a thing.

There are caps on these, if you look. Disrepair appears at 15+ and chambers at 20+. Raising them might be a good idea though.

Quote:Dungeoning is already so much of a hassle that most people besides the most dedicated Legend Extenders, don't even go out to seek them out and rather wait on training day because thats generally a full 1-60 run before the day is done.

I've actually seen many, many more people in dungeons even after training day was added. New players, old players, Legend Extended or not. Along with that, the items found in dungeons will always (or at least for a good long while) only be found in dungeons.
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]
That might be for the best. Some of these need to be raised by 10 levels, since they'll more than likely to fuck with lower levels something awful. The 5% of spawning on a dungeon seems like it would be fine, but it would more than likely get one atleast every 3 dungeons because of how many dungeon types there are in this thread.
  • Set EXP to 15-20%.
  • Set Spawn rate to 5-10%.
  • Added 10 levels to Disrepair and Chambers.
  • Modified Giving's formula to go more with the description I gave.

Also just want to clarify that all traps in Entrapment are Teleport Traps. Hence the increased spawn for traps in that one.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
I'm cool with literally all of these minus disrepair. Riposte and Jammer Betas? GG. Melee dungeoning is harsh enough as is without permanent weapon breaks. "Oh, just use divine!" Again, that takes legend ink, and there's rules about twinking gear around.

Everything else is fine. But disrepair would set me over the top on officially never playing anything but a spellcaster again, just for the simple possibility that I might get dragged into one by a party.
*loud burp*
"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:29 pm[/url]"]I'm cool with literally all of these minus disrepair. Riposte and Jammer Betas? GG. Melee dungeoning is harsh enough as is without permanent weapon breaks. "Oh, just use divine!" Again, that takes legend ink, and there's rules about twinking gear around.

Everything else is fine. But disrepair would set me over the top on officially never playing anything but a spellcaster again, just for the simple possibility that I might get dragged into one by a party.

Repair powder exists and is never used for some reason. I guess people have just forgotten about it. Ten points back to your weapon for one iron and one ether. One can be purchased, and is very common, and the other has it's own dungeon type. And is already common.
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]
I like most of these, but some of the horrible beneficial ones should either be less common, or higher leveled. I agree with Sderg on the whole, "my weapon is going to be lost" deal for a new player in an event like that. Then again, this is one reason I stopped playing Mabinogi; I like keeping my weapons and clothes and not having to get new ones from them breaking indefinitely and having to go through SL's bullshit luck system to get a new weapon from a core that gives me mostly rings, bands, or weapons that are low star rarity from a massive core, especially when some of the weapons I have are character thematic.

Of course, this is why I like Divine.

But yeah, we really need more good ones, because currently the ratio is 3 (bad) / 1 (good).
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!

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