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Flesh, Steel, and Corruption
Applicable BYOND Key - Nobleed
Character Name - Klaus Handdonwerk
Discord: unlimitedwarfare

Request Type - Event

Request Details -  Klaus was a Shaitan to utilizing Spirits to further himself, creating a promise of power to the 5 malevolent souls that allows him to form the Death Knight armor.

However, Klaus "died" while in this form, and the Souls with all of their ill-intent towards Klaus hijacked his body and mind. This resulted in an abhorrent abomination, merging together Steel, Flesh, and Corruption into an intelligent entity that wishes to enact it's revenge... Whatever it is. 

Specific Request - Arc Closing Fights

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - The Antagonist I am making has been a fixture in my character roster for almost a year now(before he transformed) and I wish to end it all with a bang. And also because if this gets approved, this can quite possibly enlarge the possibility of similar concepts on other characters that uses Spirits as a source of power, and what unchecked powers can do.

*Edit because fat fingers on phone

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