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SL2 Version 2.95
Stat Adjustments
  • Strength; Now provides 0.4 Critical per Scaled Point to weapons with STR primary scaling
Map Requests
  • Fimbulwinter Village (Courtesy of Appo)
  • Meiaquar Slums (Courtesy of Appo)
  • Meiaquar Lab (Courtesy of Appo)
  • Added the ability to 'mute' background colors by clicking a post's character name.
  • Muting a background color will replace that color with your own.
  • You can remove these in the gear menu in the top right of the chat box.
  • Fire Dance; Now has the same target pattern and range of Ice Slide. Now has a 1 round CD. Elemental ATK scaling changed to 40% + 5% per Rank (from 50% + 5%). Multiple damage instances against the same target now deal 50% damage.
  • Ice Slide; Now has a 1 round CD. Elemental ATK scaling changed to 40% + 5% per Rank (from 50% + 5%). Multiple damage instances against the same target now deal 50% damage.
  • New Skill; Master of the Stage (Main class only. Passive skill. The power of a dancer's flexibility in full force, making fools of foes. When an enemy within 1 Range of you performs a basic attack on you, while at least 1 other enemy is also within 1 Range of you, there is a chance that you will swerve out of the way, redirecting the attack to one of those other enemies but halving its damage. Triggering this effect requires 10 FP, and an enemy can only be affected by Master of the Stage once per round (unless you are monoclassing Dancer).)
  • New Skill; Fan Throw (Fan skill. Toss your fan, sending it out as a projectile in a 5 Size Line. The first enemy it encounters takes armor-ignoring damage equal to 5 + its Power, of its damage type, and applies on-hit effects to them. This skill is not a Dance, but it will not stop your Singing nor alter your Tempo. 1M, 2 round CD.)
  • New Skill; Dancing Circles (Toggle skill. While toggled on, damage you deal (except from One-Two Step) will not defeat enemies, leaving them at 1 HP instead. Furthermore, damage taken from enemies with 10 HP or less is reduced by 50%, as being so weak gives them two left feet.)
  • Idol Step; Steps now always 5 (instead of Rank). Light ATK scaling changed to 80% + 10% per Rank (from 50% + 25% per Rank).
  • Curtain Call; If used at 6+ Tempo, the damage now ignores immunity, reflect, and absorb.
  • One-Two Step; Trigger effect now deals its damage to all enemies within 2 Range of the target.
  • Dancer's Agility; Effect can now stack to a maximum of 6 attacks/3 rounds.
  • Rose Toss; Effect adjusted
  • Dance skill. Throw a rose to a tile in 4 Range, triggering One-Two Steps on all enemies. If the target tile is empty, all enemies within 3 Range of it have a chance to be Charmed LV X (based on Rank, 3 rounds). If it has an enemy, it only affects them, but also inflicts them with Holding Rose LV X if successful. If an enemy is defeated by One-Two Step triggered by this skill, you gain Boisterous Dancer for 5 rounds, and recover FP for each.
  • Holding Rose; Holding a rose. Disables Two-Hand talent bonuses. Against enemies charming you, -LV Hit and -LV% Parry Activation chance.
  • Boisterous Dancer; You are just... so... COOL! +LV Critical, Evade, and Charm Infliction Rate. +10% Item Drop Rate.
Dark Bard
  • Unholy Diver; Base FP cost increased to 20 (from 16). Elemental ATK scaling changed to 50% + 5% per Rank (from 50% + 10%). Base damage changed to 15 + 5 per Rank (from 10 per Rank). Multiple damage instances against the same target now deal 50% damage.
Demon Hunter
  • Wild Ride; Basic attack damage per shot increased to 50%, but an enemy can only be attacked twice at most per skill use.
  • Hawk Gale; Critical multiplier is now set to +25% (from scaling with user's crit DMG). Non-call version's Momentum cost is now 3M (from 2M).
  • Wolf Howl; Hunted LV is now 1 + (Rank x 3), from Rank x 5.
  • Fulgur of Flight, Geo of Drought; Resistance Reduced replaced by Elemental Pierce, which lowers enemy's elemental resistance of the specified element, but not below 0%. LV and duration unchanged.
  • Added 4 new free skills that change the appearance of your Engineer bots; Artificer, Plated, Runic, and Steam. (Courtesy of Brittus)
  • Grenade Launcher; Damage now has Great Accuracy instead of ignoring evasion.
Rune Magician
  • Warding Rune; Max range of pillar creation is capped at 4.
  • Solsphere; Each time the Solsphere's effect is applied and damages an enemy(ies), the Solsphere dims its glow which lowers its damage dealt by 10%, to a minimum of 50%. This resets at the start of a new round.
  • Radiant Splendor; Damage enhancement is now 75% of Light ATK (instead of 100%). Enhancement effect only lasts for 5 rounds, at which point it reverts to a normal Solsphere.
  • Radiant Solace; HP recovery is now split; half of the HP is recovered immediately, and the other half is applied over 2 rounds as a generic HP Regeneration status.
  • Blazing Sol; Wall of Light's Phys/Magic Def. bonus reduced to 5% (from 15%).
  • Rapid Kick; Damage of item effects that deal damage on kick (such as Bladed Soles) are now halved for this skill.
Void Assassin
  • Impure Element; Now confers a flat +10 bonus to elemental ATK. If you are monoclassing Void Assassin, you instead gain a bonus equal to your Void Energy. Null self-damage is half of the bonus you receive.
  • Acidic Claws; Damage increased to 5 + UL (from UL).
  • Beo, Bluebeo; Kick damage increased to 25 (from 10), and now applies on all effects that trigger 'on kick' effects (such as those that apply Verglas Greaves).
  • Beo, Bluebeo, Thunder Hooves; Damage is no longer protection-ignoring, but is armor-ignoring, and is treated as bonus damage.
  • Boxing Glove; Now gives access to Guard skill. Has a new property that makes the Guard skill not lower the Schwarz Sturm gauge.
  • Burning Bracers, Insulated Burning Bracers; Fire damage is now armor-ignoring instead of protection-ignoring, and is increased to 15 (from 5).
  • Dokuneko Bells; Item effect adjusted
  • After moving within 1 Range of an enemy(s) using Move, or after using a Dance skill: (UL*4)% chance to inflict or power-up Poison status LV (UL/2) on that enemy for 3 rounds. (This effect can only trigger once per enemy per Move. Infliction chance halved if triggered by a Dance skill.)
  • Firthrower; Attack skill pattern is now a 4 Size Cone instead of a 4 Size Line.
  • Helrenroka; Primary damage scaling stat is now GUI.
  • Hero's Shield, Shadow Wind Claw; Base DEF/CEL required for Debuff Immunity effect is now 40 (from 50).
  • Howling Handshot; Main damage stat is now STR. Scaling tag is a new tag called Precision (-70% main stat, +70% SKI).
  • Hulking Hands; Now also gives +5 Hit to Fist weapons, and +5% success rate for Grapple attempts.
  • Larveget; Now has the Instrument weapon type.
  • Reactive Armor; Explosion effect changed to once per action (instead of having a 1 round CD).
  • Runner's High; Item effect adjusted
  • After using basic Movement to move at least 6 tiles: Gain Runner's High LV 5 for 2 rounds. This effect becomes more powerful if certain Scaled stats are 50+; CEL: +LV% Phys/Mag Def. VIT: +(LV x 3)% Status Resist. STR: +LV% Damage Amplification
  • Items with 'Grant Skill' effects can now have that skill name clicked to view the skill's details.
Item Potential Adjustments
  • Helrenroka's Guiding Flame; Requires Substitute Fire ATK to be active. Invoke a fiery ninja art, dealing 20 armor-ignoring Fire Kickback damage to you, curing Blind effects you suffer from, and creating a burst of Fire around you that damages all enemies in a 3 Size Circle for Fire magic damage (can critically hit for 25% damage, ignores Reflect, Immunity, and Absorb) equal to 100% of Helrenroka's Scaled Weapon Attack + 100% of the Substitute Fire ATK from its effect. Damaged enemies are inflicted with Glowing LV 10 (3 rounds). 2 round CD.
  • Elenoa's Tokio; Momentum cost changed to 1. Range increased to 3. Pull effect increased to 2 tiles. Cursed Wound application is now an apply-or-power-up effect instead of a normal status infliction, allowing it to stack with other Cursed Wounds.
  • Farren's Spotlight; Momentum cost changed to 1. Now targets a 2 Size Diamond in 5 Range. 2 round CD.
  • Larveget's Tuning; Renamed to Death Ant Shriek. Now a Song skill. Requires Substitute Sound ATK to be active. Consumes the status caused by the weapon, deals 20 armor-ignoring Sound Kickback damage to you, and accelerates any Silence effect you're suffering from by 1 round. Additionally grants you Larveget's Cursed Wail (LV = 35% of Substituted Sound ATK, min. 5, 5 rounds). (Larveget's Cursed Wail
  • -10% Status Resistance. Enemies who attack you take armor-ignoring Sound magic bonus damage equal to LV and apply or power up Cursed Wound by LV (3 rounds). Triggers only once per action.)
  • Tarnell's Lockdown; Momentum cost changed to 1. Effect adjusted
  • Requires Substitute Earth ATK to be active. Consumes the status caused by the weapon, deals 20 armor-ignoring Earth Kickback damage to you, inflict you with Immobilize and Unmoving until your next turn, and grants you Lockdown (LV = higher of 50% Substituted Earth ATK or Tarnell's UL, 3 rounds). (Lockdown
  • Increases Tarnell's Power by LV when you cannot use movement skills.) 3 round CD.
  • Grandia's Neutralize Charge; Momentum cost changed to 1. Self-damage changed to kickback damage. 3 round CD.
  • Ramarg's Sky Call; Requires Substitute Wind ATK to be active. Consumes the status by the weapon, deals 20 armor-ignoring Wind Kickback Damage to you, curing Glowing effects you suffer from, and deals Wind magic damage ignores Reflect, Immunity, and Absorb) equal to 100% of Ramarg's Scaled Weapon Attack + 100% of the Substitute Wind ATK from its effect to all enemies in a 3 Size Circle around you. You and all damaged enemies are knocked airborne. 3 round CD.
  • Crelia's Warmth; Requires Substitute Ice ATK to be active. Consumes the status caused by the weapon, deals 20 armor-ignoring Ice Kickback damage to you, curing Frostbite effects you suffer from, and creating a wave of warmth that spreads out in a 3 Size Circle around you. In that circle, ice statues, ice sheets, frozen plants, and Frozen & Frostbitten allies thaw out. All allies also recover HP equal to 100% of the Substituted Ice ATK. 4 round CD.
Special Strikes
  • Special Strike chance of a weapon is now shown in the skill description box when selecting skills in battle.
  • Special Strikes which replace the basic attack can now critically hit by default. Additionally, those Special Strikes will trigger on hit and on critical effects/skills, similarly to a normal basic attack.
  • Rose Flourish; Damage instances ignore absorb, immunity, and reflect.
  • Arcanic Spark; FP reduction effect now lasts for 3 rounds instead of applying to your next spell only.
  • Thunder Strike; Lightning bonus damage and basic attack now ignore absorb, immunity, and reflect.
Event Tools
  • New passive skills added for use with event monsters.
  • Monster Immunity: Blind, Pacify, Knockdown, Convert
  • Monster Augment: Status Resistance
  • Monster Phys Swap & Monster Magic Swap; Changes damage dealt of the specified type to the specified element. One for each element.
  • Monster Bonus Hit; Deals magical bonus damage equal to Rank of the specified element to the target when they're damaged by any offensive skill.
Monster / Youkai Skill Adjustments
  • Wild Whirlpool, Spore Explosion, Boulder Spit, Chilling Howl; Now has Great Accuracy instead of ignoring evasion.
  • Body Fling; Damage to target of the throw is now Great Accuracy instead of ignoring evasion.
  • Whirlpool; Damage now has Great Accuracy instead of ignoring evasion.
  • Homunculi; Now receive a 0.5 HP per VIT penalty (from 1).
  • Amalgama; Attune Grudge's Black Spirit effect now scales with missing HP at a rate of +1% per 1% missing HP. IE, +5% damage becomes +7.5% damage at 50% HP. Additionally, now doubles the HP/FP gained from White Spirits.
  • Amalgama; Gainsight now provides its evade bonus for 3 attacks (from 1).
  • Amalgama; Spirit Shot's damage increased to 5 per Spirit (from 3).
  • Added Pie of Memories to shops that sell Fruit of Memories. Pie of Memories let you reroll a single Amalgama ability instead of all of them.
  • Added Fruit of Simplification and Pie of Simplification to shops that sell Fruit of Memories. These are used by Chimera characters to remove all (or one) Chimera Evolution gained skill, respectively.
  • Fruit/Pie of Memories/Simplification now display a chat message when used, similar to Fruit of Fluidity.
  • Added mini-status icons of various Bard class and Solblader status effects which were missing them. (Courtesy of Pilcrow).
  • Small adjustment to monster AI to make them more interested in moving towards attackable field objects when all enemies are behind them.
  • Added a non-trade Fruit of Fluidity to the Support Shop gifts; this expires on May 1st 2025. (To claim this, click the support shop button, and then click the Gifts dialogue option.)
  • Increased the size of the tooltip box in the character stat panel and added more detailed help files for each stat (accessed by clicking the stat icon).
  • Added an NPC that trades Stolen Goods for detective gear to the Meiaquar Waterways.
  • Added the Fishing Contest event to Meiaquar, and the Sea Crest Chest, located on the docks. (Diving Masks and Treasure Maps are not available.)
  • Sources of Debuff Immunity now stack (up to a maximum level of 10) and have permanent duration by default.
- Various forum bug fixes.
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