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Chaser Bug (?)
After some reasonably extensive testing with chaser to clear up my own confusion on the matter, I've encountered an issue with chaser and solid objects in battles.

Here's bonus bloodshed chaser not being able to be used .
This is it being tested on a player, once again not working .
It does, however, work whilst being used against the edge of a map .
Thus, it's pretty clear that it doesn't work when used into solid objects.

However, it DOES work when used towards a solid object when not airborne.

Considering that the airborne version is meant to stop when hitting another airborne target, surely it should still be usable if said airborne target is before the dense object?

Sorry if this is a bit of a weird bug report, never posted one here before. Just thought this was something worth drawing attention to!
(Also gotta give Trex a good amount of credit for helping me test it out!)
Airborne Chaser has to end in a valid battle tile because it will assume the movement is uninterrupted or might encounter a tile that you can't land on if you hit an airborne enemy.
Making the line of it resizable could help out a bit with this, I think. Considering smaller battle maps and such, or things with density (e.g. the arena, castle maps).
It feels like that could be very beneficial in allowing a skill that's meant to stop at an enemy work better in a number of situations.

Also, after just trying it out, Airborne Chaser doesn't even stop like it's apparently meant to.
Before -
After -

I've also heard the suggestion to make it stop at dense tiles. Food for thought, I suppose.
Normal Chaser doesn't have the same restriction as Airborne Chaser; you can use it even if the last tile in the line is not a valid battle tile. Airborne just works differently.

I agree that Chaser being able to be resized might help, so you can do that now.

The aerial collision bug should also be corrected.

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