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Lore Questions: October (Half Of It, Anyway) (2016)
This is a new topic for Lore Questions because the old one was about 26 pages. The format is roughly the same, but some guidelines;

1) Try and format your questions appropriately. As in, make it easy to read and answer.
2) Try and limit the number of questions you ask per thread. I don't mind answering them, but don't get crazy and ask me 20 things, especially if they require detailed answers.
3) Try to avoid asking extremely specific questions, such as 'Did anyone ever die of food poisoning in Cellsvich?'. Answering these is difficult, because not everything is set in stone, so giving a definitive answer on it not only restricts me in the future, but it might influence other players' character concepts that involve it.

That said, if you have any questions, you can post them in this thread! I will post answers at the end of the month/start of the next one.

Thanks! (And yes, if you had questions from the previous topic that I didn't answer before I closed it, you can post them here, but remember the formatting guideline.)
Alstalsia questions
Can you name some significant cities? A bit about them would be nice but eh. I mean we have regions so there is that.

About what percentage of the Zeran population considers themselves some kind of artist?

Where do humans usually fit in? Just citizens who are discouraged from running for Government?
1,000 Counts of 27.
Obviously (its in the name) its easy to assume a large portion of Redtails have a red tail. However is this something genetically locked? Is it even uncommon for a redtail to not have a red tail?

And with that said, among the race, would a redtail without a red tail (if possible) be considered a black sheep or shunned as an ill omen? Are there any societal prejudices there?
So this is a question regarding vampires and the upcoming soul eater class. Since vampires actually feed off essence rather than the blood its self, could a vampire soul eater instead feed off the essence of souls instead of blood?

Edit for another question: If Mercala had her soul eaten, would she technically die?
This is a question due to the fact i'd love to see this become a thing.

How does Asago handle employment?

Will Asago ever hold employment opportunities?

What are the perks of joining Asago?

Is it possible that Asago will be open to the players to do one day?
Was messing around the Wiki, then noticed something:

1- What happens to the soul of the target when Vajistra deletes their life and turns them into a zombie-to-become-ash-after? (By erasing the Nairyfian Domain and the Mercalan Domain from the target's semblance) Is it erased along or they just get a free trip to Lazarus?

2- Does Vampires have Mercalan Domain essence into them to keep them in motion? (I'm speculating it would also turn the 'Unliving' [vamps] into ashes for removing whatever soul or curse that keeps them alive, since Mercalan = Life, and Vampires are not Undead, but 'Unliving' according to somewhere I read it. I don't know Huggessoan enough to form a theory, nor I think it is the trick behind the Undead, sooo...)

Then the less bothersome ones:

3- What would you title Kinu as? Like, at first glance, Ashe is known to be 'The Bright Vajistra'... Kinu is known to be? 'Mysterious Thrill-seeker'? 'God Graves Hunter'? or 'Onigan Princess'?

4- How would Kinu be like if she visited the Arena to see two fighters ''sharing'' the same fighting style as her? Would she be easygoing and laugh at the 'Demon Hunters' or just frown upon having her stances so badly imitated?

(All written here is going to the Wiki, ye. Would be better if you wrote there yourself too, I might have done goofed in a few things.)

PS: I'm still Snake, just pls don't die after seeing what I did, 'again'. Heart attacks are not healthy.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Reguarding Cartigan slipping you can go and MEET REAPERS.

Is travel to Lazarus something the general public would be aware of?

Will Lazarus ever become a playable map?
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Are there any Mercalan holidays? If so, which days? Months? Or are they just month long?
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
A question regarding druids and vampires, are there any druids who are vampires, and how easily do they attune to the elements of nature given they are supposedly 'unnatural'
Should someone heal a Vampire with healing magics, such as anything mercalan, would they be able to notice something's amiss when they aren't nearly as affected as anyone else around them by said healing?

Do the Beldam Knights have an emblem? a symbol of some sort? If so what would it look like?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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