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mask of the night lord refund option
Heres a question, why don't we just not use it in cellsvich? Is it illegal at the arena? Is it illegal in Tannis? Is it illegal in the space between places? Lispool? Oniga? Chat? Didn't think so... Just not Cellsvich.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Oniga Chatarunga, Dormeho, Lispool and Tannis are still major settlements, I'd assume it'd still cause some panic, the arena is a questionable case since well, if monsters normally walked into there they'd be tossed into Tarson's arena or straight up just killed, so I dunno how that'd go, seems like something Chaos or Dev would have to confirm.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
"Spoops"' Wrote:Oniga Chatarunga, Dormeho, Lispool and Tannis are still major settlements, I'd assume it'd still cause some panic, the arena is a questionable case since well, if monsters normally walked into there they'd be tossed into Tarson's arena or straight up just killed, so I dunno how that'd go, seems like something Chaos or Dev would have to confirm.

Tarson specifically says his monsters are trained, they don't kill them,
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
I think they meant the fact that so many GM events take place in the Arena, so monsters outside of Tarson's matches are likely to be flat out slaughtered.
*loud burp*
[Image: 22b.jpg]

Also if we get a refund then that means the RP centered around the damn thing is null and void, because I remember one time there was this guy who transformed into a black beast(yes he was a lupine) so he basically Sesshomaru'd himself
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]
....Okay, this topic has gone too far off the cliff.

"iStabOreos"' Wrote:Also if we get a refund then that means the RP centered around the damn thing is null and void
No, it doesn't. You still used it in RP; just because you refund it doesn't mean anything concerning that is automatically omitted. Much like, for example, you can't omit your Demon Hunter RP just because you switched to Priest.

And while plenty of people have already posted about this, I'll say it once more: The Empire doesn't give a flying shit about the 'rights' of what it perceives to be monsters. They have Black Beasts constantly attacking various settlements, and more monster raids in modern times than the other five parts of the Great Six combined. If they see you as a monster and a threat, they will cut you down without remorse, and pat the back of anyone who does it in their place. You take the form of a monster in public, you risk getting on the wrong side of the law, especially if you're up to no good.

Anyways, I think this topic has run its course, so I'll be locking it up.

P.S. The Badlands Arena is one of the worst places to masquerade as a monster in. Seriously, that place gets raided like a food pantry in a dorm full of hungry teenagers. You're likely to get stabbed if you aren't very careful.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye

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