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Bot Parts
In order to have bots be different in ways, I suggest adding the ability to add parts (Ability, Armor, and Movement) to each bot in order to slightly personalize each one, in much the same manner as weapons. These parts can have special effects, change stats, and be applied in a special tab (similar to the way the Youkai tab shows up when Summoner/Grand Summoner is equipped).

Feedback welcome.

Ability - Changes main function

Standard Core - No changes.

Nerifian Core - Overclock explosion deals Fire damage and leaves behind Cinder tiles for (Bot level/20) rounds; +3 STR, +3 WIL
Turret - Changes damage type to Fire
Medbot - Always heals Burn
Aegis - Changes damage type to Fire

Sylphid Core - Overclock explosion deals Wind damage and pushes enemies back (Bot level/20) tiles; +3 CEL, +3 Move
Turret - Changes damage type to Wind
Medbot - Grants 1 turn +2 Move boost on heal
Aegis - Changes damage type to Wind

Isespian Core - Overclock explosion deals Earth damage and leaves Magnetize LVL 15 on enemies for (Bot level/20) rounds; +3 RES, +3 DEF
Turret - Changes damage type to Earth
Medbot - Always heals Immobilize
Aegis - Changes damage type to Earth

Aquarian Core - Overclock explosion deals Ice damage and leaves behind Ice tiles for (Bot level/20) rounds; +3 DEF, +3 SKI
Turret - Changes damage type to Ice
Medbot - Always heals Slow
Aegis - Changes damage type to Ice

Nature Core - Overclock explosion deals Lightning damage and has a chance to critically affect enemies; +3 CEL, +3 LUC
Turret - Changes damage type to Lightning
Medbot - Heals by Bot WILx2.5
Aegis - Changes damage type to Lightning

Unstable Core - Overclock explosion does .5x or 2x damage to all within range; +5 All Stats; Bots cost additional 5% maintenance
Turret - LUC/2% chance two bullets fired at once without taking more bot HP
Medbot - LUC/2% chance to heal (Bot level/30, minimum of 1) negative statuses on heal
Aegis - LUC/2% chance attacks are countered at half damage

Focused Core - Overclock explosion does Bot WIL damage to enemy FP; +5 WIL, +2 RES
Turret - 1/2 WIL is added to damage
Medbot - Heals by Bot WILx1.5 HP, WILx.5 FP
Aegis - Changes damage type to magic; adds 1/4 WIL to damage

Tracker Core - Overclock explosion leaves Magnetize LVL 30 on enemies for (Bot level/20) rounds; +5 SKI, +3 Move
Turret - Increases Hit by 30
Medbot - Heals add +15 Hit buff
Aegis - Increases Hit by 30

Sacrificial Core - Overclock explosion applies Fear to enemies in range for 1 round; +5 VIT, +2 STR
Turret - 10% of damage dealt added as HP
Medbot - Heals additional +5 HP per enemy on field
Aegis - 10% of damage dealt added as HP

Armor - Changes the hull of the bot

Standard Hull - No changes.

Nerifian Hull - +20% Fire Resistance, -5% Ice Resistance; +3 STR, +2 WIL

Sylphid Hull - +20% Wind Resistance, -5% Earth Resistance; +3 CEL, +2 Move

Isespian Hull - +20% Earth Resistance, -5% Water Resistance; +3 RES, +2 DEF

Aquarian Hull - +20% Water Resistance, -5% Wind Resistance; +3 DEF, +2 SKI

Nature Hull - +20% Lightning Resistance, -5% Fire Resistance; +3 CEL, +2 LUC

Fractured Hull - -15% Water Resistance, +15 Evade; -5 DEF, +2 CEL

Reinforced Hull - +15% Physical Resistance, -10 Evade; +3 DEF, -2 Move

Heated Hull - +20% Ice Resistance, -10% Water Resistance; deals 5 Fire damage to attackers; +4 WIL, +2 RES (At any range, because Armor of Nails)

Spiked Hull - Deals 5 Pierce damage to attackers, 10 damage if unarmed or using Fist weapon(s); +4 DEF, -3 CEL (At any range, because Armor of Nails)

Spherical Hull - +10% Water Resistance; unable to be knocked down if used with Sylph Wheels; +5 CEL, +2 Move

Rubber Hull - +30% Lightning Resistance, -15% Fire Resistance; +2 CEL, +2 DEF

Movement - Changes the pacing of the bot

Standard Wheels - No changes.

Oiled Wheels - Leaves behind Sear tiles after movement; +1 STR, +1 WIL

Wet Wheels - Leaves behind Ice tiles after movement; +1 DEF, +1 SKI

Sylph Wheels - Moves over traps, Ice, and Cinder tiles without effect; +1 CEL, +1 Move

Gripped Wheels - Moves over Ice tiles without effect, cannot be knocked back; +1 RES, +1 DEF

Reactionary Wheels - Cannot be critically hit; +1 CEL, +1 LUC

Grounded Tripod - Takes 0M to get up from knockdown; Move is reduced to 0

Slick Wheels - Attacks that would knockdown now only Knockback 2 tiles; -4 CEL, +3 Move
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
Love these!
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
These are really nice.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
This sounds pretty damn awesome actually. +1 Support
These ideas are pretty interesting, actually, if a bit non-trivial to implement. Still, I like the idea of being able to customize your bots, since that's more what I had in mind anyway. I'll say that this will probably happen eventually™.
Wonderful! Finally the bots will begin to have more uses, and be far more diverse then simply the mere action they are known for. Can't wait for this or whatever variant planned for Bot parts can be a thing!
[Image: PersonalNecessaryArmyworm-size_restricted.gif]
Dyrnwyn, ERUPT, and IGNITE!
wheels? but only the medibot can move
I didn't know what else to call them, and hopefully another bot or two will come along at some point (buff/debuff bots, mage bots?) that can move. Or maybe these can make them move. I dunno. I'll try to think of more tripod-type things, and/or an alternate name. Mostly for stats and effects, anyhow.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
or perhaps giving all bots controllable drag to go to location/attack/heal target, but otherwise turret and metal aegis won't move, unless you tell them too.
Maybe have a mod specific for each bot that does certain things.

The turret could have one where you plop it down and move into it you take control of it. It uses your SKI stat instead of it's own on it's turn, and you can also fire it, or use your gun should you want.

Medibot would get one to heal status effects, or be able to heal and move in the same turn.

Aegis gets one that allows it to protect against auto-hits as well if you're on its tile.

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