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Protect me not
Protect is having some janky interactions with autohit skills. As far as I'm aware, it's supposed to function on abilities so long as the person with Protect is counted as a 'viable' target (this means positionals like Cutthroat and requirements like Ether Invitation). However, Protect isn't stopping Hanging, projectiles, or Bash. I don't know what else isn't being stopped, but some or all of those seem like they should be blocked.
It would be helpful to have a couple skills confirmed not to work with Protect. You named a few but I'd like you to test those again and make sure there's no human error in there. Then I'll take a look and see what's up.
A quick 2v2 stylish spar revealed that the following skills were not intercepted by protect:
  • Hanging
  • Sidecut
  • Shinken's projectile
  • Needle
  • Checkmate
  • Bash
  • Ryemei (rye DOES get blocked, even though ryemei doesn't)
  • Wazabane
  • Repel
  • Shinken basic attack

To give you data for both, the following were skills that were intercepted by protect:
  • Rye
  • Vyd
  • Shine Ray
  • Basic Attack
  • Book Smack
  • Black Rend

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