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Glancing Blows
I just wondered, if this becomes a future trait, there will be stat requirements right? Even more shu-weet, maybe this can become a trip-kick to even dodgetanks if so. But just thinking too far and out of this topic for now!
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Well, I like the sound of the idea but one issue I have with this is that you can potentially stack damage reduction pretty high with this.

Let's take a Ghost Main Class for example:

If you attack one head on, you'll potentially have to deal with Glancing Blow (50%), Eviter (50%), Wraithguard (30%), One-on-One (10%), Phys/Mag Def and Equipment.

Just to reduce how heavy that can be, I'd like to propose that Glancing Blows and Parries don't stack. Basically, if you get a Parry, you don't get a Glancing Blow.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
I agree with Slydria's idea. We don't let certain things stack like that and we're good to go.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
A few responses;

I'm not married to the reduction amount of 50%. It could also be tiered to be partial-glancing with a lower reduction within a certain range, as was suggested.
As far as critical hits go, look at the last bullet point in the OP. Basically, if your attack hits but is a glancing blow, it will not critically hit.

It wouldn't work with parries for sure. Other reductions are a maybe. I could see it not stacking with most of them, for example Evasion wouldn't make sense.
But then what use would Evasion have, if this gets implemented? And Swaying from Boxer? This, assuming 'Glancing Blow' will reduce over 30% damage.

It just 'not stacking' seems a bit boring. Maybe those passive Evasive skills further increase (additionally) the chances of it activating by their respective reductions (+0.3x/0.15x/0x depending on Armor type)?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Glancing blows seems to imply it only works on Basic attacks Snake, which evasion does not already, it covers both bases.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
If glancing worked against skills Evasion would probably be reworked to interact with it.
Flippin' neat.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
In this proposed system, glancing blows only applies to basic attacks.
The three main stats used in these calculations is Defense, Resistance, and Celerity, along with the values on your torso equipment.
The equation for deciding if an attack is a glancing blow is in the original post, however the amount for determining the reduction of glancing blows differs. In addition, Glancing Blow's Reduction would be used instead of Defense, NOT STACKED WITH. The reasoning follows, as well as the equation. This is for physical damage on a glancing blow (most melee weapons, bows, etc):

DEF (max value of torso's armor value) + CEL (max value of torso's evade value) = Glancing Blow Reduction, BUT ONLY IF Glancing Blow Reduction > Physical Defense

and for Magical Damage:

RES (max value of torso's magical armor value) + CEL (max value of torso's evade value) = Glancing Blow Reduction, BUT ONLY IF Glancing Blow Reduction > Magical Defense

Here is an example of it in action:
Bob's torso has an Armor of 12.
He has a Scaled Defense of 22.
So, it only uses 12 Defense for the glancing blow reduction.
His torso's Evade of 35.
Bob's Scaled Celerity is 30.
So, it uses 30, since 30 is still equal to or lower than 35.
So, Bob's glancing blow reduction is 12 + 30 = 42.
42 is higher than Bob's Physical Defense, which is 22, so 42 is used for the Glancing Blow reduction. Remember, it is used instead of Physical Defense, because, well, it is higher.
However, if Bob's Scaled Defense was 50, then, since his Scaled Defense is higher than his possible Glancing Blow Reduction, it would always just use his Physical Defense instead of the Glancing Blow Reduction.

Basically, this method promotes dodge characters building small amounts of defense/resistance (up to the value of their armor/magical armor on their torso), as well as stops Dodgetanks from becoming too powerful (because oftentimes their Physical Defense would just be higher than their Glancing Blow Reduction).

Other things:
If the Glancing Blow reduction seems too low, then perhaps a base value of 10 could be counted towards the Armor and Evade of torsos, turning the equation into this:

DEF (max value of torso's armor value + 10) + CEL (max value of torso's evade value + 10) = Glancing Blow Reduction, BUT ONLY IF Glancing Blow Reduction > Physical Defense

In addition, if it did work for autohits, then we could have Evasion from Rogue add +4 per rank (max of 5 ranks) to the Glancing Blow Reduction (halved if not Mainclass Rogue).

And, one last thing: Glancing Blow reduction could cap off at 50, maybe. To prevent Evade 35 Ninja Armor Mainclass Rogues reducing each autohit by 65% damage.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
After having actually made a dodge character, I can still say I'm on board for this.

Namely because for the most part sometimes ™ I avoid getting my face absolutely melted by basic attacks.
(Though shit like magnetize, glowing, flatfoot, KD, etc exist. Which all reduce your evade by a literal shitton or give your opponent a ton of HIT.)

It's the auto-hit skills that absolutely melt me as Kensei/ST. I don't have much DEF/RES, as I can't feasibly fit it into my build due to the build stats (STR/SKI/CEL/VIT/LUC/GUI/SAN/APT). Voltiger doesn't give me the boost to damage if I'm not facing the person (DIRECT facing only, no diagonals more-or-less). Eviter applies to 3 weapon types (X amount of time, and uses durability). With an unarmored torso, I have 15% evasion, alongside margin manipulation.

So, at most on a dodge I have...
15% Evasion
10% Phys DR (Ogata)
10% Mag DR (Margin Manipulation)
15 DEF
10 RES
10 armor/m.armor or so.

If someone uses basic attacks on me, so long as I can dodge (which is iffy at best unless I spend 6m buffing every 3-4 turns), their attacks are utterly wasted upon me. If I don't dodge their basic attack I get...

10% Phys DR
15 def
10 armor.

That's it. In total, that's roughly 25% (not actual amount) damage reduction to myself. Not to mention the target can crit me for even more asinine amounts of damage that I just flat out cannot reduce.

A tank build (Let's just say BK, since we did a decent assessment with Rogue sub) can build...

40 def/res, rather easily. And get to use it as actual offensive stats... Sure, they suffer from a worse armor tier (see: heavy armor), but even if they don't use heavy armor, they can just take the benefits of BK.

10% phys DR (Heavy Armor boost)
40 def
40 res
15 armor / m. armor

No matter what this person does, they will always take less damage than myself. And, because they are BK, they might have decent enough crit evade to not be crit every single attack. They also have stalemate which works at every conceivable angle aside from directly behind you (which is a lot less openings than eviter provides).

So, versus physical autohits, they have roughly 50% DR, all the time, without dodge factored in. As well as 40% DR to magic.

They also did not have to take 2 traits to achieve such a feat.

So, in reality, I'd really like to see glancing blows added, and to see evasion changed up to add a lot more of a tangible benefit to the skill as a whole so you aren't just gimped if you want to make a basic attack build (which is all Rogue is really good for) due to just how amazing Duelist is to mainclass due to Fleur.

Edit: Mind you, it takes a lot more CEL/LUC to actually dodge reliably due to the amount of +HIT and -EVADE status effects in the game, as compared to DEF/RES and getting all-around defense. I'm sitting on 60 scaled CEL/45 LUC to be able to dodge people a reasonable amount of the time. They still hit me a good chunk of the time if I don't buff myself every 4 turns. The 40 def/RES won't go overcap (meaning no wasted points), and have to spend 0 turns buffing up half the time.

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