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Shine Knighting + Charisma
Shine Knighting grants an ability that ostensibly provides Charisma to your party. However, with the update to talents, Charisma isn't a thing anymore. Is there a way to implement the benefit still, or change it for something else?

Tooltip for reference:

[Image: qzJx7sv.png]
This could be a subject for discussion in balance-fu (@what this could become).

A braindead suggestion could be "Shining Charisma reduces all damage taken by the party by 10-15% (stacks per knight on field, up to a maximum of 30%), as long as the Shine Knight is not suffering from Fear/Hesitation/Charm", or whatever. It's so hard to summon them anyway.

Also, that aside and in relation to another topic. Most of Shine Knight's auras/passives that affect an area might need a visual indicator, since they're bugging constantly and we can't pinpoint when we're being affected by them or not.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
We could just give them Fear immunity aura or regeneration passive and call it, but this is not the thread for that unless Dev decides to do just that.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Doesn't have to be anything new just give it the old charisma buff.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]

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