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Trait Rework
On the subject of balance, here's a few buffs/tweaks I could think of.

Keen Eyes: I think this could make do with a battle function as well, allowing you (and only you) to spot pitfalls and hidden traps within battle, I think this could really create some creative strategies on the fly with knowing where a pitfall is.

Sturdy Standard Body: Given the nature of standard mechs, this could probably trigger at half effect while you are wearing any torso item.

Stomper: The damage is fine given Rabbit Leap is a huge mobility move, however I can't help but feel jumping twice in one turn is just not efficient, rather than changing the trait itself, we can probably change Rabbit foot to last 3 rounds, and be expended on Kick/Nature Magic and Stomps, allowing every 2nd rabbit leap to be a chunk of damage similar to Isendo in damage.

Painful Grip: Honestly the damage is fine if you make it go vs defense, and have it ignore armor instead of defense, it'd be around the same level as hidden cut in that way, it'll definitely still be used if people intend to use grapple.

Otherwise the damage numbers have mostly been fine thus far.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Trait Batch 6 will be up after the next reboot.


Constrictor Snake
Req: Naga
Naga Wrap Trait (only 1 can be selected). The best way to beat your enemies is to give them a tight squeeze. Wrap's FP cost increases by 10, but if you use it on an enemy you are Restraining or Grappling, it inflicts Silence on them for 2 rounds.

Hidden Snake
Req: Naga
Naga Wrap Trait (only 1 can be selected). Hitting them where they can't see is what being a snake is all about. Wrap's FP cost increases by 5, but you will slip into the tile behind your target if it is a valid battle tile. Otherwise, you will spin them to face the same way as you, letting you strike them from behind. (Applies before the attack made by Wrap.)

Violent Snake
Req: Naga
Naga Wrap Trait (only 1 can be selected). Crushing your prey is how a snake should be. Wrap's FP cost increases by 10, but if you use it on an enemy you are Restraining or Grappling, it will inflict Blunt protection-ignoring physical damage equal to your Scaled STR and knocks the enemy down, but releases them.

Tear of the Moon
Req: Umbral
You can call upon the moon's light to bless yourself in battle. Grants access to a special skill in battle called Tear of the Moon. (For 3 rounds, negate the damage resistance and weakness modifications of The Mark, and gain +5 FP Regeneration. At night, the duration is doubled.)

Voices of the Past
Req: Oracle
Every so often, while near locations that people have spoken in, you may hear an echo of the conversation that took place. Sometimes, Iahsus gives us no choice but to eavesdrop. (Does not function in dungeons, camps, player houses, etc.)

Guardian Spirit
Req: 10 Aptitude
You have made an unofficial alliance with a guardian spirit, a Youkai ally that you can summon in battle (even if you aren't a Summoner). They will begin at level 10 and 100 Friendship, but if you lose this trait, they will also leave, so be careful. If you have a Starsign, the type of Youkai may change.
(Mars = Chun, Jupiter = Byakko, Venus = Jack o' Lantern, Mercury = Snow Crow, Saturn = Hippogriph, Neptune = Drowned Woman, Uranus = Apus, Pluto = Lilu, Other/None = Asrai)

Req: Religion, 100 God Loyalty
You are the embodiedment of devotion to your God. You can no longer change religion (unless they are in the same category, such as the Kaelensian Old Beasts). Once per in-game day, you can use the preach verb (similar to say, etc.) to preach to all characters in an earshot about how great your God is. Characters who are following the same religion will become closer to the God, increasing their God Loyalty by 1. For each, you gain RP EXP equal to 1% of your next level's required amount (to a maximum of 5%.)

Cloud Rend
Req: Shaitan
Black Rend trait (only 1 can be selected). You have a habit of rending upwards as if trying to tear apart the sky itself. Increases Black Rend's FP cost by 5, but now it will also toss the enemy you use it on into the air, making them Airborne.

Dark Mantis Strike
Req: Shaitan
Black Rend trait (only 1 can be selected). You prefer to strike downwards on your targets from the air, like a certain dangerous insect monster. Increases Black Rend's FP cost by 5, but also makes it Airborne Compatible, and reduces the Momentum cost by 1 while Airborne. However, it also gains a 1 round cooldown.

Insanity Eclipse
Req: Shaitan
Black Rend trait (only 1 can be selected). Your claws are deceptively flexible and prefer to strike behind you. Increases Black Rend's FP cost by 5 and changes it to target the tile directly behind you. If you use it on an enemy without changing the way you are facing, it gains bonus damage equal to (Scaled STR * Current Momentum) and ignores Evasion.
I've got some worries about Insanity Eclipse. It... does an absurd amount of damage if you set up a lot of strength.

As a boxer, it can do even more. It feels like this should be tweaked- though I'm not sure how. Strenght*anything is generally a way to make it a little overstrung.

I've an idea, why not make it Strength+(Momentum*10)?

Also, for an example of how dumb it gets, with Geisting you can get about 10 momentum, and shaitans are naturally good at strength. You can do upwards of 600-700 damage if you do this right.
I'll provide screenshots, the only modifier on these hits is absolute death apparently, the numbers can indeed get quite insane as some of the community has provided to me.

[Image: tfc0pvS.png]
[Image: 8j6xvmp.png]

I'll note out some things in points as to how to tune its numbers a bit better.

1) Currently its actually bugged, you can turn around using skills beforehand to get the insane bonus damage.
2) Its completely unresistable so its numbers should be toned down a hell of a lot, unresistable skills should assume the target has 40% Defense or more when determining its damage output, so 120-140 or less would be optimal for these one range skills.
3) Probably should be some form of cooldown on it so its not spammed.

Black rend already has really strong base damage thanks to how it scales directly from character LV + Half STR, So I think a reasonable way to handle this is to add Bonus damage equal to STR * 0.x * momentum (x=current momentum)

This'd make it hit the expected numbers that I listed before, also if necessary add a 1 round cooldown.

This would also make it so that investing STR Would make you deal high damage output as expected, but not make it entirely useless to a shaitan with only 50 STR For their build.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
i know you don't worry about the numbers too much since we'll assuredly complain about any problems but have you considered at least running some basic math on things before they go live? I don't mean to be rude, but people were already insisting the damage on grapple was too high for ignoring defenses, and that's only 85% to hit. If we assume someone uses both moves with a STR of, say, 50 (just a bit low if you're building this as shaitan tbh), that's 85 on a regular black rend, 115 on a grapple, and 435 damage on an eclipse.

Someone dedicated could probably run 60-70 with Dragon King equips, cranking that up to an obscene 585, not only making the tile behind them a death zone but making them capable of chunking most health off of even the beefiest tank in a single turn if they've got an ally to swap position with them... and that's just with the base 7M.

The restriction on your direction is an interesting idea, really, but I think we've proven time and again that multipliers are just obscene in scenarios like this.
It should probably be resistable, and have the bug fixed. Then we'll have to test that again.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Another problem is a change dev implemented ages ago was never actually working. I believe he made it so you cannot just turn with an ability without actually casting the ability successfully. No one ever reported this feature to not be working though. It would be a nice feature to have making it so you actually have to put some thought into your positioning and not just getting to turn for free.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
It works on skill that 'target' someone, but it doesn't on skills that use 1M and target yourself, such as Charge, Demon Hunter stances or Sharpen.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
it should turn you back to your facing direction if you cancel it
[Image: kTbQzUT.png]
You see, normally I know how resistible works since I do abuse Ether, but this is kinda disgusting beyond believe. I did two tests with this character's current build. (I added nothing to it, just test it as it is). The damage I did with them is flat out disgusting for a spammable move. (Yes, I know its damage resistance is bug, which is why this was the perfect test time for it) With Griest, I did.

[Image: e09996c2893343f55fa694b38a8db73c.png]

Without it, I did.

[Image: 1ab7d0969a47c274fc721a2f38638a7f.png]

(With Ki awoken and Griest)

[Image: 122e31580c58acbff368d60b3f97c7d3.png]

This is deadass MUCH better than Invitation that requires you to be at a very low health to use and you can only use it once since it also unmarks (Twice if your kiting game is godly) and invitation does 500 damage max, then is reduce by reduction so you can do around 200-350 damage average. (The only other one shots I know are Evoker spells and that takes at least 3-4 turns to prepare. Anyone can roll up and silence--burst you down before that.)

Now, let's get to the reduction part. Its normally base on def percentage, yeah? Someone with 50% damage reduction would only take half, yeah? Probably a little less thanks to other reductions like slash/blunt resistance and armor. So lets round that off to 60% damage reduction.

(I'mma use Google Cal for this just to ensure I get the numbers right)

I'll be taking 40% worth of damage from the full total.

[Image: 3300c6afc1a21e88e9d68ac74eb76714.png]
With just Griest, this person is taking around 290 damage..As someone with decent defenses and the attacker still has 7 more momentum to use and the fact that can use it again...Which ties into this.

[Image: 9face895f4d79670de4169c23168fb75.png]
Without it, they're taking around 210 worth of damage. (That's already +500 in one turn against someone with decent def)

[Image: 6efbbefab4bb48a8241f9f24a51cc7f9.png]
With Ki awoken and Griest

Picture if someone actually builds towards this? My build is only build towards spamming and abusing fire tiles/Blast meme, yet I have results like this. I like the idea of the trait but it's kinda TOO good for something that needs little set up with massive burst. Perhaps you should add a great CD? Or let it use half scaled strength instead? Because someone that has 40% def reduction, dodge build, will 80% be OTK if they don't invest in a lot of health. It's too good for something with little drawbacks or preparations.
[Image: BAWqB6P.png]
[Image: fa5d9fd2e3f77f27206bb134638b5f28.png]

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